Sunday, October 25, 2015

Remembrance of a Beloved Man

Dear friend,
Would you please consider making the obituary I wrote for Nick included at the bottom of this page available on your blog for his countless friends and followers to read who still may not yet know of his passing. Not a day goes by where I don't encounter at least one of his loyal readers who hasn't. Another, even just yesterday while posting on Raw Story.

Nick and I met at the Philadelphia Inquirer where we both worked during our early 20's while fresh out of college circa 1980. In addition to our other duties we composed literally thousands of obituaries although I never imagined I'd one day be writing his.

Anyone who personally knew Nick would surely agree he deserves and has duly earned all respects including final remembrance.

Gratefully, Mike Adams

VANOCUR, Nicholas (1957-2015) age 58 of Nashville TN passed away Sun August 23, 2015.

Beloved son of Sander Vanocur (born 1928, ret) and Edith C. Pick (1923-1975). The eldest of two children, Nick is survived by his dear father Sander Vanocur of Santa Barbara CA and loving brother Christopher Vanocur of Columbus OH (born 1959).

While an official CoD hasn't yet been determined nor released by Davidson County officials (Nashville TN) it's believed Nick passed peacefully while asleep sometime during Sunday August 23rd due to kidney failure or related complications.

Nick was a lifelong writer, editor, journalist and political humorist enjoying a loyal daily readership and following of national proportion. He attended Sidwell Friends School in Wash DC (class of 1975), UCSD and Temple University.

Nick was a professional staff member of The Philadelphia Inquirer (Phila), Temple News (Phila), The Tennessean (Nashville) and Planet Weekly (Tuscaloosa) newspapers.

He also worked for Sam-Eric Theaters and Universal Studios while a student in California. He was chosen for and served two prestigious internships during his earliest years. One as a US Senate page during 1969 and another with IBM during 1970.

Over his career Nick received two “Best of Gannett” Headline Awards and was mentioned in a book by Joe Calloway entitled “Becoming a Category of One" for his outstanding ability to quickly glean the most strategic facts involved with a story and produce a provocative headline of award-winning caliber.

Nick's professional abilities included Journalist, News Production Editor, News Copywriter, News Story Editor, Press Release Agent, News Blogger and Political Humorist.

Interment and memorial services will be announced by the Vanocur family at a later date as soon as they've been arranged and become known.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Abortion Follies

The authoritarians are foaming over the CHOPPED logo being used on a poster for a Planned Parenthood fundraiser. The cleaver gives them wood. I love to watch them foam. 

So while I was having fun slaying fetus freak trolls, I came across this question. 
I wonder what would happen if a huge crowd of pro lifers simply arrived outside the bar, stood silently, all the while holding up pictures of PP's work? Think it would dampen the "fun" mood?
Frankly, I think it would increase the fun mood. Ever seen any fetus freaks in action? Enjoy a quick peek from Jaguar Jones. 
George Carlin: Why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?

Friday, October 23, 2015

One Brief Comment with UPDATE

The Republicans are going to follow the spectacular success of the Benghazi Hearing (laughing) ...

...with a hearing on Planned Parenthood chaired by Marsha Blackburn the Tatty Wedding Cake. What could go wrong?

And please somebody tell me: what does the House Energy and Commerce Committee have to do with my pudenda? And who I choose to palpate it?

This is going to be as effective as the IRS and Benghazi scandals. It will be a hoot. Pearl clutching at 20 paces. No tampon throwing, Ladies.

Editorial Cartoonist is Clay Bennett. 

"House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) rolled out the leaders of his new select panel to investigate the abortion practices of Planned Parenthood, an eight-member group promoting the female members of the Republican Conference.
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), a veteran conservative who has been outspoken in criticism of Planned Parenthood, will chair the select subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee." Read more...


Thursday, October 22, 2015

I feel sick.

Legislatures must not practice medicine. The clip below begins with Paul Ryan discussing the candidacy of Todd 'legitimate rape' Akin:
Akin is an outspoken opponent of abortion in all cases, including health reasons or in cases of rape or incest and opposes embryonic stem cell research. In a 2008 speech on the House floor, Akin called abortion providers "terrorists" and alleged that it was "common practice" for abortion providers to perform "abortions" on women who were not actually pregnant. - wikipedia
This man Ryan may be two lives away from being President of the United States of America. And he will kill women and hurt children if he can.

In 31 states in the USA, a rapist gets visitation privileges once his sentence is served. That is how caring and serious our country is about sexual crimes. Women have had the vote in America for 95 years, the lifetime of one woman. One of the primary issues taken up by political women from the beginning is sexual crime. Dismissing women's concerns is the primary reason I would never vote for Joe Biden. I am a bipartisan scourge on this issue. The Dalai Lama has said "The world will be saved by Western Women." Let us continue our work.

The rape conviction rate in the USA is 2%. Women do not report rape. I did not report mine. Why? I knew that this was the kind of man who would be seeing to it I received "justice."

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Ode to Joy by Hong Kong Festival Orchestra - Attitude Adjustment

Beethoven's Ode to Joy always makes me cry. Beauty and greatness can do that to this person everytime. I just stand there like a fool sobbing with joy. I need adjustment like this often. 

Caricatures of Ludwig van Beethoven (1815).

These sketches show Beethoven walking the streets of Vienna in deep thought and with not a great deal of attention to his appearance. The signatures of Beethoven and of the artist - Johann Peter Theodor Lyser (1803-70) - are included on this artwork. See more portraits of Beethoven at Music Ease.

Over the years, Beethoven's Ode to Joy has remained a protest anthem and a celebration of music. From demonstrators in Chile singing during demonstration against the Pinochet dictatorship, Chinese student at Tienanmen Square broadcast, The Concert Conducted by Leonard Bernstein After the Fall of the Berlin Wall and Daiku concerts in Japan every December and one after the 2011 tsunami. - Wikipedia

See one of the other three flashmob performances of Ode to Joy at Sabodell, Spain here, Perhaps the Music People will come out of the Cellar Conservatory and tell us more about this music than I know. I do know the poem is meant to be the music for Friedrich Schiller's poem Ode to Joy.