Showing posts with label OMG DNC WTF?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OMG DNC WTF?. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2019

2020 Election or OMG DNC WTF? with Update #2 or I fucked up.

This article was a mess. I apologize to anyone who saw the first version. I have a booboo and pain pills make you wonky. I made no sense. Some will say I make no sense below. Do not hate on me. 

Graphic by Buddy McCue.
Where I stand:

No Bernie. No Biden. No 20th century 'moldy old men.' They do not get it. Hat tip to Moms Mabley. You can see her doing the Moldy Old Man routine in a video below. Bad video of a great Comedian. Rest in peace and laughter.

I want Warren/Abrams

If the Rs run DJT and Ds run Biden, I will vote for Biden because I am not suicidal. Uncle Joe is a good guy. Donald Trump is a senile thug.

If the Ds run Biden and the Rs nominate Weld, I will vote for Weld and not Biden. I watched the Thomas hearings real time. I am a radical feminist. Not the quiet earnest kind. When I saw that happening on my TV, I wanted to tear up the pea patch. Sorry Joe, you gots to go.

Weld is a good man. Uncle Joe is a good man. Weld is a Conservative of the honorable kind. Uncle Joe is a Liberal 0f the honorable kind who set the women's movement back 30 years.

I voted for Bernie. I got Hillary. I voted for Hillary. I got Trump. I am an old Hippy. Something is wrong in this picture. Burn Baby Burn.

Voting Republican for the first time in my adult life is the only civilized way I can burn it all down. I am not compromising or accommodating with the DNC. I want a pony. They better not give me a dog. I want Elizabeth Warren.

Update: goddamnitalltohell. I just listened to one of Biden's speeches and I love him. Life is hard and then you die. I am not changing my mind. No Bernie. No Biden.