Showing posts with label abortion debate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion debate. Show all posts

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Abortion and the American Family

I have remarkable Readers. This Gentleman is one of them. Pass this on everywhere, my political friends. Fly!

From Larry Motuz:

I cannot determine what the SCOTUS will do.

Let's be clear though. In a free and democratic society, any absolute removal of the freedom to choose if and when to become a parent or have more children, including couples' abilities to decide if and when to expand their families --including all associated decisions about temporal spacing between one's children-- renders that society neither free nor democratic, but authoritarian and theocratic.

Whether that Court agrees or not, this has always been the goal of the anti-choice movement. I have said elsewhere that their intention is to take away the inherent power, right and authority of human beings to decide what is good for themselves and their families. They would do so by replacing this authority with their view that the biological heritage of mankind given by whatever god they worship requires the involuntary biological servitude of everyone to their god's dicta to beget children. Their god's dicta is whatever they choose to believe their god wants.

Thus, it is this biological begetting due to their own dicta which comprises the 'involuntary servitude' they seek to impose upon others. Note that since a biological pregnancy may begin as early as five years of age or less, well before pubescence, consent, or the physical, biological maturity to become pregnant and later beget without health hazards to the child begetting a baby, then these anti-choice persons must be considered fanatically opposed to human freedoms and human welfare.

This is not just a women's issue. It is also a family issue, a family welfare issue, a child issue and a child welfare issue. Ignoring these dimensions is the only way of imposing a theocracy upon a democracy.

I would like to see arguments made that undue burdens have been placed upon women, couples, families, and children. Such arguments could empower legislation preserving much of Roe vs. Wade against the burdensome incursions upon all of the above resulting from the Mississippi legislation being challenged and other States' legislation!

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Sexual Obsession and Anti-choice Zealots - UPDATE Two Womb Sniffers for Price of One

UPDATE: Here is what another Operation Rescue abortion protestor and sex offender looks like.
I seem to be starting a collection. SexPig of the Month. These are the thugs that our SCOTUS has energized and set free to pursue their historic agenda - sexual assault and intimidation. 

Howard Scott Heldreth has been arrested numerous times protesting in front of abortion clinics throughout the nation. His history behind bars includes two cases of rape and kidnapping at the University of Ohio in 1992. Since then he has continued to show his support for women by joining the anti-abortion crusade with Operation Save America because he still believes he knows what's best for women.


It has been my opinion for some time that Anti Abortion Zealots, many of them religious, suffer from a paraphilia and exhibit behaviors associated with voyeurism, exhibitionism, and sexual sadism.

Curtis Anton Beseda is a hero of the Anti Choice Forced Birth movement. As of this writing, Beseda is wanted for and running from a charge of child molestation. You can find an account of the crimes that sent Beseda to prison in the past HERE

Snohomish County Washington authorities believe that the man who groped an 11-year-old girl at a local grocery store last month is the same man who fire-bombed abortion clinics in Everett and Bellingham in the 1980′s.

Curtis Anton Beseda was sentenced to 20 years in prison in the 1980s for arsons at abortion clinics which made him a martyr for the anti-chice movement. In fact, Beseda was honored at a national banquet in 1995. When Beseda sent a letter from prison, it was read at the banquet. The letter urged support for Shelly Shannon, an Oregon woman who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for shooting an abortion doctor in Kansas in 1993, as well as setting fire to six abortion clinics.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Yo Doctor, wachoo gonna do? Wachoo gonna do when they come for you?


In an opinion essay published in The Washington Post under the headline “Why I violated Texas’s extreme abortion ban,” the doctor, Alan Braid, who has been performing abortions for more than 40 years, said that he performed one on Sept. 6 for a woman who, although still in her first trimester, was beyond the state’s new limit.

“I acted because I had a duty of care to this patient, as I do for all patients, and because she has a fundamental right to receive this care,” Dr. Braid wrote. “I fully understood that there could be legal consequences — but I wanted to make sure that Texas didn’t get away with its bid to prevent this blatantly unconstitutional law from being tested.”I was 30 when women got reliable medical contraception and legal safe abortion. My 16 year old Sister poisoned herself with quinine to self abort. My Mother had more than one illegal abortion. She 'knew somebody.' I 'chose life' trying to be a good Catholic. I was 18. One of the most unfortunate decisions I ever made. The Prez of NJ NOW lost her Mother to illegal abortion when she was 9. Women are going to be maimed and they are going to die in Texas and other welfare queen redpublican States. 

The difference between now and then = MSMedia will report every death, every hemorrhage, every Teen self aborts with a pencil, every woman forced to carry a dead baby to 'term.' And then abortion will be legal again. Who is going to pay for all the dead and maimed Women? Nobody paid the last time when the medical establishment fucked us and destroyed midwifery. What is the medical establishment going to do now? Roll over and let us die? Again. 

It was an all male Conservative majority SCOTUS that enacted Roe v Wade. It is the centrist Conservative position on the issue. We will now per Texas inhabit the Alt-Left and Alt-Right positions on abortion simultaneously. All regulation is gone. It is Gosnell City in Texas. Philly knows what I mean. I Stand with Texas Women and the Lady in the picture below. Read the whole Tshirt.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Authoritarians and Abortion

The thing to do with these Folks, if you want to remove them from your own life and from the body politic, is call them on their strange habits.

Authoritarians think their opinion about my sexual life should be relevant and potent. I do not even talk to my Mother about my sexual life. My sexual life is private and not subject to public or religious review. 

Authoritarian Anti Abortion Zealots, many of them religious, suffer from a paraphilia that seems to combine symptoms of voyeurism, exhibitionism, and sexual sadism. Think about what they do. They carry snuff porn around shopping centers.  The snuff porn is offensive to women who are opposed to abortion. It is also offensive to others whose beloveds cannot avoid looking at the snuff porn while driving down the street or prevent their beloveds from being attacked by fetus fetishists. Malignant scrupulosity is so ugly. 

These ForcedBirth folks sing, dance, pray and pinch women outside the offices of women's health care providers. They shout things like "The blood from your crotch will rise up and kill you, you Whore!" Normal folks simply cannot take it anymore.

And yet, one does not find these Forced Birth Folks picketing fertility clinics, where implanted embryos are "selectively reduced." Those embryos are not attached to a woman they feel they can stalk, insult and intimidate. They might get arrested. If you are a pervert or nuts, that takes all the fun out of picketing evidently.

Watch these Folks in action. The video below is long and the narrator's contempt for the protestors is obvious. It is still worth watching to get a flavor of the real American Circus. To quote Vonnegut: And so it goes. 

The second video has the 'regular guy' protestors, for the sake of fairness. They do not think I should be using birth control. They picket women's medical clinics that do not even do abortions. They want to be sure to let me know they hate condoms. Really, it is too much information.

Womb Sniffers, my term for the really earnest category of Religious Authoritarians, assassinate and maim people they don't agree with. And they assert that God approves. Their site comes complete with martyrs for the cause. 

Tell me, do you want ANY of these people in charge of your family, your sex life and your body functions?  Or those of your Daughter, your Wife, your Sister or your Mother?  Do you want them assassinating your gynecologist at the women's clinic? Why is it that an American woman cannot walk unmolested down any street and enter into any building she chooses to without harassment and intimidation in the USA?

I do not get it. If a strange person came up to me on a bus and started talking to me about my sex life, tried to show me weird pictures and/or pinched me, s/he would get arrested. If the strange person did that in a public thoroughfare, a boardroom, a meeting, or a public building, the strange person would get arrested.

Could an exhibitionist (or assassin or a voyeur) of ordinary stripe avoid arrest by pleading "You can't touch me or stop me, Cop, because I am religious! Stalking that woman while I show her the (penis, gun, snuff porn) is what God wants me to do."

When I discuss this issue, I feel like the kid pointing to the Emperor's nakedness. Religious Authoritarians do not occupy the moral high ground. They have not clothes on. Point it out. Okay, rant over now.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Infant and Mother Mortality in America

The Artist is Favianna Rodriguez.

Anthropologically speaking. H. sapiens has three strategies and three strategies only for control of reproduction (births) = contraception, abortion and infanticide/child abandonment. All three strategies are practiced around the world in every culture, currently and historically.

Those who restrict abortion and contraception make infanticide and maternal death inevitable. We have many in vitro examples of this. The one that haunts me the most at the moment is the mass grave of infants at Tuam. Anti Choice Zealots do not occupy the moral high ground.

More American women are dying of pregnancy-related complications than any other developed country. Only in the U.S. has the rate of women who die been rising.

Our infant mortality rate is a national embarrassment

Texas’ maternal death rates top most industrialized countries. Infant mortality rates vary by race.

Reproduction is serious business for women. Abortion and contraception are human rights, both part of comprehensive health care for women.

Monday, April 11, 2022

TEXAS Raped This Woman. God Have Mercy. God say Be Calm. Galatians 6:7.

early 14c., "booty, prey;" mid-14c., "forceful seizure, act of snatching by force; plundering, robbery, extortion," from Anglo-French rap, rape, and directly from Latin rapere "seize" (see rape (v.)). Meaning "act of abducting a woman or sexually violating her or both" is from early 15c. Late 13c. in Anglo-Latin (rapum).

Somebody suggested the Anti abortion Zealots do not want this to go SCOTUS. Why? It makes the logical consequences of the Abortion Stalker Law mighty obvious. Every single thing I predicted has come to pass. An innocent Woman was effectively stalked, kidnapped, raped and unjustly imprisoned by StateGov.

It is Gosnell City now in Texas. Dr. Kermit Gosnell murdered pre and post partum infants and called that legal abortion. He kept the corpses in his refrigerator. All possibility of compliance with law is eradicated in Texas. All regulation as to time and safety of procedure is gone. And the wombsniffers screaming LIFE have now created destruction.

If democratic voting will not preserve our civil rights now, and law also will not protect our Family or Women, we are left with no political choice but assassination. Hang Alito and Barrett and Roberts should do it up good. Forget chivvying me FBI, I am too old, crazy and crippled to carry it out. But others are not. It is not just Margery Taylor Greene calling for assassination now. I am a hippy peacenik Quaker GrandMother calling for assassination. I have Daughters. You just might have a another big fat problem uprising on your hands.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Kermit Gosnell City Now in Texas

WOMAN is the nigger of the world. - ONO/Lennon

Kermit Gosnell murdered pre and post partum infants and called that abortion. He kept the corpses in his refrigerator. It is Gosnell City now in Texas. All possibility of compliance is eradicated. All regulation as to time and safety of procedure is gone. And the wombnazis screaming LIFE have now created death.

The soulless media will report on every Woman bleeds to death and leaves 5 kids and a husband behind with glee and every 13 year old self aborts with a pencil, every Woman forced to carry a stillbirth to term, every victim of a Catholic hospital's idea of miscarriage care.

Then after enough blood has been spilled and Women made to die in disgusting pitiable ways, abortion will be made legal again. Will anyone pay for the death and destruction? Did one single Doctor, who destroyed midwifery and safe abortion in USA last time abortion was criminalized, pay for even one Woman they murdered? Nope.

If democratic voting will not preserve our civil rights now and law also will not protect our Family or Women, we are left with no political choice but assassination. Shoot Alito and Barrett and Roberts should do it up good. Forget chivvying me FBI, I am too old and crippled to carry it out. But others are not. It is not just Margery Taylor Greene calling for assassination now. I am a hippy peacenik GrandMother calling for assassination. You just might have a little problem on your hands.

Never mind SCOTUS assuming all who need an abortion are promiscuous immoral young Women. Focus on SCOTUS reaching into the American FAMILY to force childbirth. Forget one or two or three and done now.

If FEDGOV OR STATEGOV is going to become in loco parentis or inter parentis then IT must pay to feed clothe and educate the child until college completion. And if the female head of family dies in childbirth, the various governments must indemnify the Family. Legislatures and wombnazis must not practice medicine or family planning.

12/3/21 9:51 AM

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Mother Mary Comes to Me Singing

I was a grown Woman with a Child in 1973 when SCOTUS affirmed by Roe v. Wade that I am the owner of my own body. I anticipate FEDGOV becoming my Rapist today. They debating the instrument. I feel sad, scared and sick. 

I have been raped more than once. I am an expert on rape. I can kill you with experience. Republicans have the rape and breeder slavery of women in their party platform. Republicans have contempt for women. Get off me is a Republican aphrodisiac. 

To my fellow survivors and #MeToo travelers, men and women who have been raped and men and women who have not:

You get one good drunk or cry if wombnazis win this round, if you need or want it. One. Take a deep breath. When calm has been achieved, organize not agonize. Make policy. Then do.

Do not give clicks or notice or comments to the kind of Woman-hater filth raining down on social media. That will make its hatefulness very apparent. And you will not be supporting it with your attention. Never interrupt an opponent when it is making a mistake. Let it be.

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." - Sun Tzu

What is nonviolent resistance.? I am awed by this example below. Basically, you resist by not doing anything that will get you shot. And everything that will freak folks out. Want folks to change something? First you have to get their attention. Works for the French. Black Women have been saving our dupa for a long time now. How about we give them some help?

Posted By  on Thu, May 21, 2015 at 12:13 PM

I suggest staring intensely at the penis of every Republican wombnazi in Congress and on SCOTUS. Surround the buildings. Bring binoculars. Think cat focused on its prey. Pay special attention to the penis of Alito and the non penis of Barrett. Yell "I suffer not a no-penis person to speak." Weak, both of them, because they are NUTZ and easy to freak out. 

Or just point at their penis and say "Mr. Happy" or "Wee Willy Penis" and giggle behind Chinese fans you bring for the occasion. Whistle at the uptight bastids. Throw flowers. Or condoms. If you have got a parasol, bring it. Or a feather boa. Large flowery hats are good too. Think Josephine Hull in Arsenic and Old Lace.

No Republican or wombnazi can stand that for long. Ridicule is mightier than the pen and the sword. And wombnazis killed and maimed a lot of Women the last time they criminalized reproduction. They deserve ridicule. 

Published on
12/1/21 3:33 PM

Friday, October 8, 2021

Hallelujah! Judge Pitman's Opinion with Music and Fireworks

The Music appropriately begins with Taps.
Farewell to the Texas Abortion Law.
Text of Order
Art by Favianna Rodriguez

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A federal judge on Wednesday ordered Texas to suspend the most restrictive abortion law in the U.S., calling it an “offensive deprivation” of a constitutional right by banning most abortions in the nation’s second-most populous state since September.

The order by U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman is the first legal blow to the Texas law known as Senate Bill 8, which until now had withstood a wave of early challenges. In the weeks since the restrictions took effect, Texas abortion providers say the impact has been “exactly what we feared.”

In a 113-page opinion, Pitman took Texas to task over the law, saying Republican lawmakers had “contrived an unprecedented and transparent statutory scheme” by leaving enforcement solely in the hands of private citizens, who are entitled to collect $10,000 in damages if they bring successful lawsuits against abortion providers who violate the restrictions.

The law, signed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in May, prohibits abortions once cardiac activity is detected, which is usually around six weeks, before some women even know they are pregnant.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Big Whoop-de-Shit - Asshats on Parade - UPDATE

Some adventurous Reader read this, so I decided to go back and see who I called an Asshat. I wrote this in 2014. Can you tell how much Republicans still respect and protect Texas Women? Purity culture kills Women and Children. Texas has a higher maternal mortality rate than some countries. Plus ca change, plus c'est le meme chose.  

You can put lipstick and earrings on a hog and call it Monique, but it's still a pig. - Anne Richards, Governor of Texas
According to WHO, unsafe abortion is one of the three leading causes of maternal mortality, along with hemorrhage and sepsis from childbirth.1

The men of the Republican party believe that women and women alone are to be held responsible for the fact that humans have sex.

This ultrasound wand -----> is what the State of Texas and Dan Patrick decided must be shoved up my Bird in order for me to have a safe and legal medical abortion. Dan Patrick is working to stop early medication abortions too.

Meanwhile, in the real world, a 13 year old just self-aborted with a pencil in Pennsylvania. The child has been sexually assaulted by a 30 year old SexPig. Is the State going to shove one of these -----> up the vagina of a child like her? How Christian is that? Precisely what did Jesus Christ say that requires this treatment of women?

I wonder how many social workers and child advocates it is going to take to deal with issues like this? Or are young women just going to be forced to birth babies because we cannot make exceptions in time or by law? In Africa, childbirth is the leading cause of death of young women 15-19. Is America going to go there "because Jesus?" And how are we going to pay to enforce all these laws? Bond issues? New taxes?

Mandatory ultrasound is The Law in my State as well. Thanks to Governor Corbett. One and done. Legislatures must not practice medicine. Remember the words of the illustrious and reknowned Drive-By who said "Those who vote Republican will have Republican done unto them."

Rapists, who cannot get their genitals to cooperate enough to rape you, use objects instead: sticks, broken bottles, ultrasound wands and laws. That ultrasound wand is bigger than my second husband's johnson. I am going to throw a party when these guys lose. I got a new slogan: Butt core Corbutt! Yes, I went there. I am so going to Hell.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Reducing Abortion Stigma Video Contest

Abortion Care Network created a contest for videos to help reduce abortion stigma. These are the winning videos below.

The second video by Ms. Emily Letts, an abortion counselor, has gone viral. What a brave young woman. Her video is not the only visual representation of abortion. See another HERE. 

Texas Empowers Vigilantes to Hunt Women. SCOTUS says KOOL.

Rather than imposing a criminal or regulatory punishment for those who conduct abortions after the point in the pregnancy, the state law created a so-called "private right of action" to enforce the restriction. Essentially, the legislature deputized private citizens to bring civil litigation -- with the threat of $10,000 or more in damages -- against providers or even anyone who helped a woman access an abortion after six weeks.

Purity culture kills Women. Purity culture colonizes Women. Texas has the highest maternal mortality rate among the States. The USA has the highest maternal mortality rate among the developed nations. Would it not be prolife to make childbirth safe before you compel childbirth

It has been my opinion for some time that Anti Abortion Zealots, many of them religious, suffer from a paraphilia and exhibit behaviors associated with voyeurism, exhibitionism, and sexual sadism.

SCOTUS has incentivized stalking. Women are going to be murdered and maimed. The abortion part is bad enough, but the bounty hunting provision of the law is unbelievably bad. I wrote a series about the perverts who inhabit the wombnazi movement. I had to stop because it was making me sick. Meet Curtis Anton Beseda.

And now Women in Texas will be hunted by vigilantes and grifters. Texas offers $10,000.00 to anyone who sues. Get the picture? For a brief while there, Women did not have to fuck Men to feed the kids anymore. Men resent that. Here we are.

Tell me how a woman on minimum wage can go to a new city, get a new job and pay for a place to live and perhaps an abortion by herself? 

I think Texans live in fantasies of poor 15 year old slutty girls who need religion get abortions. Reality bites, Texas.

Texas has the highest maternal mortality rate of all the US States. Texas has a higher maternal mortality rate than some countries. If a Woman dies in childbirth who wanted to abort, can her husband sue for loss of consortium or her children for loss of parent? Who would they sue? I say the State and the Vigilante who stalked them.

If the State of Texas and/or Individual X compel a birth, are they going to operate in loco parentis or inter parentis? I think they should contribute to support that child through college. How dare the State or Some Person reach into a family to compel the birth of children they may not be able to support or want to support or be capable of supporting.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Larry Motuz your thought has kits sort of...

Graphic by Favianna Rodriguez. I am a Fan.

Larry Motuz planting seeds.

This quote from me below was a response to an article by Fareed Zakaria entitled Democrats Need to Show They Can Be Trusted with Power. I decided my bit of subscription money is best spent now on Political Wire. Slut Inferno!

I will try again to say this in a way WAPO will not erase. 

I am a single parent who raised 3 children on my own. I am a Woman. I am a financial schmuck but through unbelievable determination I own my house outright. It is good not paying rent to anyone. I am 77 years old this year. I live in Philadelphia, Pennslyvania, USA, Earth, Universe and mind of God. Hat tip Thornton Wilder. 

I do what George Washington told me to do. I am non partisan. I vote in my own interests. 

Republicans want to insert an electronic stick in my vagina and show me pictures of my womb contents, without medical necess ity, if I need/want an abortion. I have three daughters.They want to reach into the family and tell how many children must be produced. Somehow I end up voting for Democrats no matter how fuzzy around the edges. Please note: I am a Roman Catholic. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


I despise the expression "the culture wars." The WAR this time is being waged on Gays and Women (oh so sexyfied Sexies who ought to just get with the program that sex is destiny).

The concept applied to women seems to mean the struggle for my pudenda. Beware! The Religious Right is powerful and rushing to stake out the wombs of American women for further operations or the prevention of same. Congress is now "pro life." Trumpolini is going to punish us. REDpublicans will save the Union by making women the slaves. Good luck.

The "WAR" rhetoric is meaningless and offensive. Here is why:

I do not do WAR. I am firm. Firm and that is all. There will be safe medical abortion and contraception for women. We will see to it.

NOW nurses were coming to house parties and teaching covens of women to do vacuum aspiration of  "late menses" and how to make the equipment to do menstrual extraction before Roe v. Wade.

We women were not waiting for any one's approval; the government was late. We would just do it again. Do you know how many of us are midwives, doctors and nurses now?

RU-486 which is quite safe will be smuggled from places where it is legal. Oooh, lookEEE!  Another "controlled dangerous substance." How much success has Big Gummint been having with the War on Drugs? And isn't there a common drug for ulcers that is a safe abortifacient?

Clergy organized to refer women to safe abortions when it was illegal. Women formed underground abortion cooperatives like JANE. We would do it again. It is easier to resist now. We learned a lot the last time we organized against rapists and for reproductive justice.

Get your noses out of women's private lives, all of you. Sexuality is private. It is not subject to governmental,  religious,  or public review.  If you want to join women in the sacred task of  raising a new generation, do so.  Ask us what we want. Do not be doing stuff to us. We have enough problems.

There was abortion available when it was illegal. My Mom knew somebody. There was a doctor in PA that did abortions as a matter of conscience. Women abort. That is what one in every four of us do. The problem was that lots of women died of sepsis and hemorrhage when abortion was illegal. 

We now report health statistics in a way undreamed of in 1962. We will know how many women bleed to death. Or die from sepsis. Or forced to carry a dead fetus to 'term.' We will know how many kids take substances like quinine or other substances to self abort like my Sister did.

The assassination of Dr. Tiller was a wake up call to the FBI, I hope. I think everybody gets it that the "pro life" are perverts and terrorists now. It was bound to happen. Just like Gandhi said.

I say "Let's you and him fight." SCOTUS has incentivized stalkers. All bets are off.

Let the pundits and MS Media maunder on gravely about "the culture WAR" and create mischief in the pursuit of fame, scholarship and toilet paper sales. Let evil legislatures practice medicine and family planning. Me, I will get the gang together. Rent the apartment. Buy the pasta. Find a new Mike. Molon Labe just like the Lady from Texas below said. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Ho's Need Abortions

Oh how I love Third Wave Feminists like the woman in the video below. 

Reminds me of Margot St. James. Speak Truth to Power. Nobody did it better than Margo. Rest in Peace.
"I’ve always felt that if we couldn’t get the prohibition on sex work repealed we would never hang onto abortion rights. It’s the same piece of property. Our property. 
When prostitution is a crime, the message conveyed is that women who are sexual are “bad,” and therefore legitimate victims of sexual assault. Sex becomes a weapon to be used by men." - MARGO ST. JAMES, San Francisco Examiner, Apr. 29, 1979
Margaret Jean "Margo" St. James (September 12, 1937 – January 11, 2021) was an American prostitute and sex-positive feminist. In San Francisco, she founded COYOTE (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics), an organization advocating decriminalization of prostitution, and co-founded the St. James Infirmary Clinic, a medical and social service organization serving sex workers in the Tenderloin. - wikipedia

Left to Right Ti-Grace Atkinson, Flo Kennedy, Margot St. James

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

SALMAGUNDI - March 2020 - Women in the News with Doggerel

Doggerel first. Then the FemiNazi News.

T-Shirt Epitaph
Free Dumb!
Molon Labe

Margarine Taylor BAM!
She's the insurrectionist what AM!
With a gun right beside her,
Made herself a DC insider.
Hot damn. Sad I am. 

If you make the above LGBTQ Poster using an image of the Great Goddess Mara, Queen of the Universe, you get arrested. The Roman Catholic Church is in charge in Poland. That is how life goes in a Theocracy. The original image of the Black Virgin is venerated by Polish Catholics. 

The Roman Catholic Church is a death cult. Their latest 'pro life' move in USA? Prohibiting Roman Catholics from taking a form of the vaccine because it was developed using fetal cells from an abortion in the 1970s. Therefore Roman Catholics are encouraged to act as disease vectors and sacrifice themselves and infect others like you and me pro life. Note: I am a Roman Catholic for Choice. The Vatican's position at this LINK. 

NOTE: I have the best Readers. They improve my blog on a regular basis. Larry Motuz has provided a link that gives accurate information about the cell lines in vaccines and this controversy.

I am a Woman with News. On Tuesday I am getting the vaccine. My Black Sister Margie, you know the one God likes better, says I should be concerned about which vaccine it is Penn Medicine is giving me. I want out of my self imposed exile. I cannot be that careful. I want to ride the bus and haunt the thrift shop again. Damn the torpedos! Full speed ahead. 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The State of Missouri is a Sexpig Rapist Peeker Pervert.

Graphic by Favianna Rodriguez.

What is happening in Missouri? 
“It is the moment that we have long been warning about,” Bonyen Lee-Gilmore, director of state media campaigns at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, told Vox: “the day that abortion access is eliminated without ever overturning Roe.”
I did a series about the pervert sexpig males who populate the wombnazi movement. I had to quit because I was giving myself bad dreams. I am a rape survivor. Nevertheless, I have to write about this sexpig being paid by a US State to humiliate and degrade women. So without further comment meet Dr. Randall Williams, director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

I am at a loss for words. Sickening? Perverse? No word or words seem adequate to describe State sponsored rape-stalking. Run the tape. How you like the bow tie?

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Nick the Feminist Speaks Ex Cathedra

There was a band of GOP whiners
Could not keep their hands off vaginas.
First they tried to de-school them,
Then regulate and rule 'em,
Leaving women with less rights than most minors. 

- Nick Vanocur
sitting at his favorite table in the back

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Just like Bette Davis said: Hold on to your hat. It is going to be a bumpy night...ahh...Election.

Repeating this because of Cavanaugh and his stance on Roe v. Wade and Redpublicans pushing repeal and Cavanaugh for SCOTUS. My sentiment is the same.

Well, so far the Forced Birthers tried bombing us, burning us, killing doctors, maiming nurses, shooting security guards, stalking us, crawling all over us and shaming us. Because they are "prolife." Has not worked. They sent in The Suits. BFD.

Women will remember in November.

Under pressure from Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell (R) and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R), the state Board of Health reversed their prior ruling and applied a new trap law designed to shut down every single abortion clinic in the entire state.

In the words of the Most Reverend and Esteemed DriveBy, may the Lord preserve him:
Read your Bible, people. It clearly warns, "Those that Shall vote Republican, Shall have Republican done unto them"
- Beckchivious 9:12.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


The Republican party is full of pastorticians. Bleating about how much you love Jesus and how much Jesus you'll shove up everyone's asses is a requirement for anyone who wants to be elected to office as a Republican. - Margaret Whitestone