Showing posts with label Toilet Laws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toilet Laws. Show all posts

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Toilet Laws #6 - Bomb Bomb Bomb - Bomb Bomb the Can

EVANSTON – "A small bomb exploded in the women's bathroom at a Target store in Evanston on Wednesday. 

Officials are investigating whether it’s connected to the company’s policy allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice.

Commander Joe Dugan says no one was inside the bathroom when the small explosion happened a little after 4 o'clock. It caused minor damage and no one was injured.

Early indications are that a plastic bottle was used but no projectiles like nails or tacks were inside it. Investigators are gathering evidence including examining store security camera video."          

Exploding a parking lot dumpster is the kind of prank Teens pull to celebrate auspicious occasions. Halloween? Finding a small bag of shrooms? Graduation?

I ask myself, Self:

  • You think these are delinquent Teens at work? 
  • You think these are Christian fundamentalist Teens doing God's work? 
  • You think these are grown men who are "protecting their women and girls?"
  • You think this is a political operative sent by Bryan Fischer?

I mention Bryan Fisher because he seems to find trans women and trans men alluring and dangerous.

I offer an illustration from his BLOG

I am female. I find this guy hot. If this guy exhibited brains as well as daring and fashion sense, I would be on him like pink on a rose. My sexual orientation HERE. 

And just to focus on the irony of it all - I give you the original joke. Ha ha ha, not. And the Music that inspired it all below. Covers of same may be in the comments. 

Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Toilet Laws #5 - Rebuking Target

I am at a loss for words. So I will let you see what is going on at Target and say nothing. Tell what you think, if you please. Or not. Shaking my damn head.

Okay, I lied. These folks seem to be trained carefully. They say "You cannot touch me." They leave before the cops come.

What other group can take a bullhorn and do this? Maybe we should think about doing this kind of stuff at their churches?

Seems like a dance. It is The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fundamentalists.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Toilet Laws #4 - Some Sanity Enters the Scenario

Some sanity here from a Hispanic Republican. Good to see. We need more of this. More Hispanics in government and more sanity in Republicans.

I remember sane and dignified Republicans like Howard Baker and Margaret Chase Smith. Before LePage they were sane in Maine. Nice to be reminded that Republicans can be sane and intelligent. And bilingual. This woman is amazing. I can only repeat her sentiments in my second language. La famiglia è tutto

I am not far from the immigrant experience. My Grands emigrated from Italy. My Nonna never spoke English well. Many Americans are like me. We do not respond well to folks who trash immigrants. The KKK burned crosses in Italian neighborhoods when my Father was a toddler.

Art by Favianna Rodriguez.