There is Tempest in the Progressive Teapot. Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a "dumb twat."
This time the orange pekoe tsunami comes from the front page of dkos. A pox on the National Organization of Women for their holier-than-thou stance.
I "must" do what?
Defend Sarah Palin from the Big Bad Bill Maher?
Alaskans are erecting Poop Flags in Sarah Palin's honor. You think maybe Alaskans know something we don't know? Sarah Palin
is a "dumb twat." Truth is an absolute defense to a charge of slander. And like my Father always said "I do not have to do anything but die."

There used to be a great photograph of a Sarah Palin poop flag on the blog
Mudflats. It has been removed. No problem. Here is an example of a poop flag hung for another fabulous politician, just in case you have never seen a poop flag:
Comedians traditionally get a pass from PTA brand politeness. The Jester can say anything to anybody. That is the rule. If you do not like that, do not watch comedy. But "call off your tired old ethics" as Margot St. James says so succinctly. I am okay with the word Twat. The Prime Minister of Great Britain is okay with the word Twat. Twat is a unisex description.
Do not watch comedy if you cannot take a joke.
Comedians have a special license to use language in any way they see fit. Lenny Bruce suffered to make that privilege a reality. And the Whiners and Pearl Clutchers are not going to make light of his sacrifice and his travail.
Do not like evil dirty jokes? Do not listen to comedy. I am pro choice about more than my pudenda. I am a comedian. Comedy is an Art. I get to choose the brush strokes, the color, and the subject. Words are my paint. I will use any fucking word I want to use.
I am very dirty in a very polite way in my act. I can make any crowd laugh within 3 sentences. It took me awhile to learn to do that. It took Bill Maher awhile too. Doing standup is a trial by fire. I think Maher's politics are right on. I do not find Maher particularly funny. We both do comedy. I will defend to the death his right to be bad at it, in all senses of the word "bad."
You go on with your bad self, Bill Maher. Good night, Lenny, wherever you are.