Showing posts with label Nick's Place. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nick's Place. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Singing Show Tunes at Nick's Place - UPDATE

Hello Sarah,......well, hello, Sarah.
It's so nice to have you back to get things wrong.
You're lookin' swell, Sarah.......We can tell, Sarah.
You're still throwin''re still blowin''re still goin' strong.
I feel my head swayin'......while the tape's playin'
One of your old favorite rants from way back when.
So..... here's her rap fellas.......find her an empty fact, fellas.
Sarah'll never go away again.

- Nick Vanocur

I miss Nick Vanocur. I wish I could read his jokes and doggerel about the current situation. I had to repeat this given Sarah Hucksterbee Slanders' latest lies. Rest in Ink and Rhymes.

In a column for the Arkansas Times, longtime editor Max Brantley trashed a speech given by Sarah Huckabee Sanders in Florida on Saturday before fans of Donald Trump who spoke later in the day.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


I have been doing my dance on Plum Street for a decade now. I plan an Anniversary Edition. Time to thank the Artists and Writers who have shared their work here. This is only the beginning. Living Anniversary Edition. 

Google decided my blog was pornographic. So Big G said No adsense for you. Bad images, bad! This image is Victorian.

I decided to run ad-free and publish what I liked. See the LABELS in the left column: try FILTH AND DIRT or maybe SEX DRUGS AND ROCK AND ROLL.

Here we are, Cher Readers and Friends. Such fun.

I will add a TIP ME button when I find out how. I need help paying for this place.

I miss Bede and Nicky.

"Some say life is too complex,
When you boil it down, it's food and sex."
- Nick Vanocur 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Nick Sings Dixie

Way down South
In the Land of Cotton
Racism there is kind of rotten.
Oy vey!
Oy vey!
Oy vey!
It's Dixie Land. 

I am so sorry to report that Nick Vanocur has died. He is sorely missed by friends and fans. 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Nick the Feminist Speaks Ex Cathedra

There was a band of GOP whiners
Could not keep their hands off vaginas.
First they tried to de-school them,
Then regulate and rule 'em,
Leaving women with less rights than most minors. 

- Nick Vanocur
sitting at his favorite table in the back

Saturday, November 12, 2016

TRUMP gets served at Nick's Place. For you, Nick. Wish you were here.

There once was a blowhard named Trump
Who went on the political stump.
But the man's evil vision
Led to hair cut derision
And the view his head's up his rump.

Click for more Meathead Portraits

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Nick and the Meaning of Life

"Some say life is too complex,
When you boil it down, it's food and sex."
- Nick Vanocur 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Donald Trump Redux at Nick's Place

There once was a blowhard named Trump
Who had a skull as thick as his rump.
But that thing on his head
That we weren't sure was dead
May've been the brains of the bunch.

by Nick Vanocur

Caricature of The Donald from You want to go there for superb photoshop Art. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Texas Toast at Nick's Place

There once was a man named Perry
Of whom we better be wary.
What he did to our rights
Sure heightened our frights.
A presidency sure would be scary.

- Nick Vanocur

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Nick's Place - Poetry by Nick Vanocur

With the GOP turning to mush
There arose the candidate Bush.
With the white folks in dread
They said "You're our boy, Jeb
And we'll give you millions in slush."