Hello Everybody.
I had an MRI yesterday. And what is even better, I do not need or want a pill for pain for the first time since November 13. There is nothing like severe pain to adjust your priorities - clears your sinuses right out.
I ate. I bathed myself by myself. I have the cutest Brazilian physical therapist named Leo who is also a gardener. He and I will be walking around the Hood with my new walker. Leo says I cannot go anywhere by myself.
Leo hopes I 'will not give up gardening.' I will never give up gardening. What is even funnier was hearing a snatch of a fellow client's explanation of how how he happened to be in the orthopedist's office "...well, I was in the garden..."
My Shrink beat my GP up thoroughly for conspiring - with my garden - to get me.
You Gnomes from the Music Grotto even made mention in the 'Y
es, she is Sane' testament. I do not know why. I encourage her to read these pages. While the love and conflict around here is superior, some of us may make the SANE CATEGORY only with a some judicious trimming and shoving into place.
Thank you for all the cards and flowers and good wishes.
I am on SLOW. It took more than an hour to compose and correct this note to you all. That is pathetic. So I still need brain rest.
And just so you know it is really me, let me tell you I would rather fuck Leo. Hmmm, I am getting better.