Showing posts with label Sharron Angle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sharron Angle. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sharron Angle is a Hoot - UPDATE

UPDATE:  Sharron Angle, the GOP’s disastrous 2010 nominee, is back for another Senate campaign in Nevada. READ more... 

October 19, 2010

Sharron Angle (I call her Spangle because she sparkles so) is one of the most entertaining candidates running for public office. Every day she presents us with some new atrocity.  I am laughing myself silly. And buying lots of popcorn.

Spangle calls press conferences and then runs from the press.

Spangle is campaigning to do away with Social Security as we know it, just as the biggest population wave the USA ever experienced, the Baby Boomers, are getting ready to apply for the retirement funds they spent their entire lives paying into. Bad timing at the least.

Spangle thinks my sex life is her business and rapists should be able to choose the Mother of their babies the old fashioned Biblical way: If you rape her, she must marry you and/or bear your child.  As Big Ed would put it, it is Psycho Talk. Spangle smiles while she compares incest pregnancy to ... "lemons?" Huh?

I note lots of Folks asking if Spangle is stupid or crazy for taking these stances and smiling away while people gasp. Spangle seems not to hear the gasps or notice the dropped jaws.

Spangle is neither stupid nor crazy necessarily. I am a recovered addict. I can spot an addict easily. Spangle is making my High Alarm clang bigtime. Spangle looks and acts like a lady in my Quaker Meeting who is misusing (with the help of her physician daughter) Xanax. Same ever present big fat meaningless smile, same vacant wide eyed countenance, same lack of appropriate affect. Smiling and smiling.

 If it is yellow like a duck, quacks like a duck ... well, you know. Prescription drug misuse is common in America. It happens to the nicest people even, witness the lady from my Meeting. Nicest lady you could meet and she runs the First Day School. Smiling.

I could be wrong; I often am. Bigtime wrong. But in this case, I don't think so. We need to randomly and regularly drug test public employees, especially Congress. What is sauce for the working American must be sauce for our employees.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tea Party in the Afternoon with Pearls

I am tired down to the ground of these Tea Party women. My kids are plotting emigration. They see no
future in America. I do not blame them. We now have nothing. We make nothing. We know nothing. And these women are the epitome of "know nothing."

As a nation, we have been date raped. And we did not even get dinner. And what is the Republican solution?
  1. A woman who appears to have bad tranquilizer habit. I  look at Sharron Angle and see the spaced out eyes and perpetual smile of the Xanax devotee, but maybe it is just me and I have been hanging out at AA too long.
  2. A professional virgin who does not understand separation of church and state and thinks mice with human brains exist.
  3. A half term governor with a voice like a screech owl and the brains of a door stop.
All  of them come disguised as French Maids. Oooh la la. Just look over here at their cute shoes.

Watch these idiots run-run-run from the media and whine about how misunderstood and mistreated they are by having to actually campaign and maybe explain their political positions. Watch them lie without turning a carefully groomed hair. Listen to them call for a "second amendment solution." And why are they whining about MY SEX LIFE? We should turn rape into "lemonade"* Are they crazy?

Oh, the poor misunderstood Good Women. Here is a pearl of wisdom for you Tea Party women. Listen closely, Sharron and Christine and Sarah, and you will hear my virtual violin play a minor key accompaniment to your whining.

I like safe and legal medical abortion, same sex marriage, and paying taxes so bridges don't fall down. I am not into shooting people who do not agree with me. I am not into legislating what people do with their Things. And you know what, Tea Party ladies of all stripes? I think most Americans agree with me. Minding your own business is an American value. You do not speak for me.