Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


I saw a beautiful young Social Justice Warrior carrying a sign that said Don't Let Old White Men Decide About Abortion.

It was Old White Men who fought side by side with us and helped enact Roe v. Wade. I know because I was there, wearing my black wife-beater T-shirt that said SUPER BITCH.

History is your friend. Do some research. All of us Crones will be dead soon.

"The Clergy Consultation Service on Abortion (CCS) was a group of American clergy that counseled and referred people to licensed doctors for safe abortions before the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade made abortion legal nationwide.

Starting in 1967 with 21 Protestant ministers and Jewish rabbis in New York City, the group operated out of Judson Memorial Church. It grew to incorporate chapters in thirty-eight states with some 3,000 clergy as members. By the time of the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, it is estimated that the Clergy Consultation Service had nationally referred at least 450,000 people for safe abortions." - Wikipedia.

The SCOTUS enacted Roe v. Wade, an all-male Conservative Republican majority court. Old White Men. That decision is the white-bread Conservative biologically and socially relevant decision. Full text of Roe v. Wade:

This Old White Man was my mentor. Rest in Peace, Howard Moody.

The Rev. Howard R. Moody, the longtime minister of the historic Judson Memorial Church, who hurled himself and his Greenwich Village congregation into roiling social issues, at one point helping women from around the nation get illegal abortions, died on Wednesday in Manhattan. He was 91. Howard Moody, Minister of Judson Memorial Church, Dead at 91 — The New York Times (

A heartfelt message to the current Supreme Court of the United States:

Monday, April 22, 2024

The SCOTUS went SHAZAM! It is now like 1945.

Legislatures must not practice medicine. Practicing medicine without a license is a crime.

Rage. I have it. It's not a good thing for a bipolar person. Not good for me. Not good for others.

The Mother Compelled need not include you in her family or her home. She does not need to feed you or fuck you or befriend you.

Well, say you, "Feminazi, we will pass a law."

How much success did the government have the last time you criminalized abortion? Or drugs? We have checking accounts now. And we vote.

Abortion was advertised in newspapers in Colonial America before women could vote. No one thought childbirth was in anyone's charge but the pregnant person and the midwife. Now, we have put Justice Alito in charge of the American family. 

No more one and done, for ye may die. That cruelty is the Catholic way. Yes, I am a Roman Catholic. I give thanks to Uncle Joe Biden. This is the century in which the Roman Catholic Church will stop maiming and killing Women, Children, and other Odd Citizens. We sane Catholics are seeing to it.

Hemorrhage and sepsis in childbirth and illegal abortion are three major causes of maternal mortality worldwide. Abortion is safer than gestating to term. You could end up being the Mama, Lovebug.

This is not the 50s. Or even the 60s. Women will have sex with each other and help each other. You will be living in the modern equivalent of the Palace Flophouse and Grille. Your biggest Saturday night will be two quarts of beer and a $50.00 tumble at Dora's Bear Flag. *

Talk about suckers carrying "I am stupid" signs. They will put your kid, the one you do not know and you never lived with, to work at age twelve. Sarah Huckafuck has got the pilot program working.

Go ahead and insurrect, you "pussy ass bitches," ** on behalf of Don Con thug and a party who despise you. See what happens. Women will save The Democracy again. ***


* Cannery Row 1945 — "If you're in trouble or hurt or need–go to poor people. They're the only ones that'll help–the only ones." ― John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

** quote Chrissy Teigen — definition: middle/upper-class White snowflakes entranced in colorism

*** Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America's Independence Paperback — Illustrated, February 14, 2006, by Carol Berkin (Author)

Just throw money. No Quarters. 

Venmo me. @PlumStChili

I need a new computer for this extravaganza. 

Be safe and well.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Tradition: The Fool Can Say Anything Without Punishment

This is the work of Irene Adler. 

I am a problem wherever I go. I test the rules just existing. I do not plan it that way. I just cannot act right. I get (de?)-moralized out of human groups fairly often. I just do not know how to shut up. As Lady Shrink tactfully puts it, I am an activist by temperament.

It is the late 80s, and I am busy trying new jokes out in a motel bar Open Mic, where comedians hang out and do the same. Not much civilian audience, if any.

If you are a man, you can stand up in front of the mic and just say fugga fugga fugga suck and every.body, particularly the drunk Penn students in the second row, laughs and claps. If you are the only woman comic in the room and you say the word clit, your fellows grimace and make horns at you and sigh loudly in disgust. 1987.

Women just are not funny right? Women comedians, particularly women comedians who did sexual humor, were struggling against active male resistance. Maybe they just did not like me? Maybe I am just an annoying snowflake? Well yeah but even the annoying have feelings. Sniff.

Jim Gaffigan followed me out of an Open Mic once, I was near tears. Jim apologized for the beating I was taking because I was doing sexual humor. What a funny good man.

I was working out of the Arts Cafe in Princeton New Jersey in a sketch comedy troupe I produced: Ultrasonic Theatre — Only Dogs Can Hear Us

When Art Kelly got arrested, every other male comedian had a pedophile joke. I was pregnant out to there and I had this pregnancy and abortion joke. Okay it was kind of sick.

Troupe, I have this joke.

What’s the joke.

The joke is: I am 43 years old, and I am pregnant, but I am not worried. If it turns out to be a cretin, I will train it to eat me and I can still have orgasms when I am 85.

Disgusting. You cannot say that.

Hey, it’s gallows humor. Black humor, you know. Gets people through war and pestilence. I am talking about death and deformity.

Sick and disgusting. You cannot say that.

A woman who is pregnant at 43 stands a 1 in 26 chance of birthing a handicapped child. The kid might have a hole in its spine and never walk or talk. The only test you could have at the time was given at 4.5 months. One could not get the results until 5 months pregnant. Meanwhile, you can feel the kid jumping around inside going “It’s great in here.”

If the kid is defective, you are bumping up against the 23-week mark upon which the fetus has a chance at survival. You going to kill it because it might be like me, ODD, even though you can feel it doing cartwheels going “It’s great in here.” 

t was a hardass time. Nobody wanted to let me talk about it. Wanted pregnancy. Turned out to be a girl named Jessica Lorraine. All her fingers and toes.

I was crestfallen. Shamed even. I am a grown abused child. I have a big problem with shame. I decided to tell my joke to Lady Shrink. I am bipolar. Most comedians are bipolar according to a study I read.

Once, I said to her, “Never leave me.” She said “Don’t worry. I am taking the phone into my coffin.” That is pretty funny for a PhD. I feel safe. She never pushes my shame or defiance button. Woman saved my life by treating me for free for a while. I am sending her a link to this opus.

I told her the joke. Shrink practically falls off her chair she is laughing so hard. I am getting worried. Finally, she wipes her eyes and says

“Mary, I will pay you any reasonable sum if you do that joke for the Parents of Handicapped Children Support Group to which I belong. We will laugh our asses off.”

Who is/was the sick person here? Censorship sucks the big badoodie. Hurts me. Hurts society. I will believe censorship is useful when we censor stochastic terrorism to the same degree we censor sex. It is a pet hate of mine, and I think I will write more about it.

I will close with a short eulogy for Lenny Bruce. For those who do not know who Lenny Bruce is, he is The Fool who made it safe for all the rest of us to say the word FUCK and defecate verbally on religion. The Governor of New York formally forgave him for the crime of obscenity 30 years after his death. 

My Hero who did too much heroin for the pain, played Carnegie Hall and went to jail for saying fuck.

Join me. Let us give Lenny Bruce the tribute he has earned. On the count of three, let us all yell FUCK as loudly as we can wherever we are.

 One, two, three: FUCK! Good night, Lenny, wherever you are.

Play the video. This is a multi-media experience.

“There is only what is and that’s it. What should be is a dirty lie.”

― Lenny Bruce, How to Talk Dirty and Influence People

”If you can’t say “Fuck” you can’t say, “Fuck the government.”

Lenny Bruce — Complete Live Standup (Rare, 1965) — YouTube

WOKE quote for today: “No woman could have been Nietzsche or Rimbaud without ending up in a whorehouse or lobotomized.
― Andrea Dworkin, Right-Wing Women

Monday, March 11, 2024



It is now like 1945. I thought practicing medicine without a license was a crime.

Rage. I have it. Not a good thing for a bipolar person. Not good for me. Not good for others.

Steve Scalise got shot by one of my brethren in a rage reaction. Rage is starting to leak through into my online communication. Embarrassing. And I do not want the Secret Service to have any need at all to meet me.

The Mother Compelled need not include you in her family or her home. She does not need to feed you or fuck you or befriend you.

Well, say you, “Feminazi, we will pass a law.”

How much success did you all have the last time you criminalized abortion? Or drugs? We have checking accounts now. And we vote.

Abortion was advertised in newspapers in Colonial America before women could vote. No one thought childbirth was in anyone’s charge but the pregnant person and the midwife. 

Now we have put Justice Alito in charge of the American family. No more one and done for ye may die. That cruelty is the Catholic way. Yes, I am a Roman Catholic. And Joe Biden is also. Here is his response. Go Uncle Joe!

Hemorrhage and sepsis in childbirth and illegal abortion are three major causes of maternal mortality worldwide. Abortion is 14 times safer than gestating to term. You could end up being the Mama, Lovebug.

This is not the 50s. Or even the 60s. Women will have sex with each other and help each other. You will be living in the modern equivalent of the Palace Flophouse and Grille. Your biggest Saturday night will be two quarts of beer and a $50.00 tumble at Dora’s Bear Flag. *

Talk about suckers carrying “I am stupid” signs…then they will put your kid, the one you do not know, and you never lived with, to work at age twelve. Sarah Huckafuck has got the pilot program working.

Go ahead and insurrect, you “pussy ass bitches,” ** on behalf of Don Con thug and a party that despises you. See what happens.

My children will barbecue your liver and lights. Like Pirate Jenny, I say DO IT NOW. Women will save The Democracy again. ***


* Cannery Row 1945 — “If you’re in trouble or hurt or need–go to poor people. They’re the only ones that’ll help–the only ones.” ― John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

** quote Chrissy Teigen — definition: middle/upper-class White snowflakes entranced in colorism

*** Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America’s Independence Paperback — Illustrated, February 14, 2006, by Carol Berkin (Author)

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Speaking to Fellow Catholics. We are redeemed by Joe Biden.

Catholics like me and non Catholics have good reason to despise the RCC. But some Catholics are 'innocent and surprised and indignant' that we are despised. What blindness Catholics exhibit.

We have hidden pedophiles from law enforcement for decades. We are being sued for not providing medical standard of care to miscarrying Women. Jesus expressed understanding for sexual minorities. We abuse them. Abortion is a medical procedure not a secret shame.

A decent sane people would clean up their act before going sin hunting Others. This is the century in which the Roman Catholic Church will stop maiming and killing Women, Children and assorted odd Folks. Sane Catholics are seeing to it.

I am proud of what sane Catholic Joe Biden has done. Praise him with great praise. 

The Department of Veterans Affairs, in a historic shift, will provide abortion counseling and abortions in cases of rape, incest or if the pregnancy threatens the health of the pregnant veteran, at its federal health facilities throughout the country, including in states that ban or severely restrict the practice, the department announced Friday.

Oh yes. This is IN YOUR FACE by Biden administration. It is not all that has been done to save Women's lives. They have reinforced EMTALA. Not all Catholics are cruel and sexually sick.

Emergency medical conditions involving pregnant patients may include, but are not limited to, ectopic pregnancy, complications of pregnancy loss, or emergent hypertensive disorders, such as preeclampsia with severe features. 

• Hospitals should ensure all staff who may come into contact with a patient seeking examination or treatment of a medical condition are aware of the hospital’s obligation under EMTALA. 

• A physician’s professional and legal duty to provide stabilizing medical treatment to a patient who presents under EMTALA to the emergency department and is found to have an emergency medical condition preempts any directly conflicting state law or mandate that might otherwise prohibit or prevent such treatment. 

• If a physician believes that a pregnant patient presenting at an emergency department is experiencing an emergency medical condition as defined by EMTALA, and that abortion is the stabilizing treatment necessary to resolve that condition, the physician must provide that treatment. When a state law prohibits abortion and does not include an exception for the life of the pregnant person — or draws the exception more narrowly than EMTALA’s emergency medical condition definition — that state law is preempted.
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