Monday, August 5, 2013

Political Sign of the Month - August - You choose from a surfeit of riches.

These signs come from the USA and around the world.

From Egberto Willies

"In Mozambique, women face a similar challenge. The current penal code, a remnant of colonial rule, prohibits the provision of abortion services regardless of circumstances. In the 1980s the Mozambican Ministry of Health passed a decree stating abortions could be performed in central-level hospitals to save the mother’s life, but did not revise the old penal code to reflect this. These conflicting regulations, similar to those in Ireland, mean women and their providers are often unclear about when abortion services are permitted, and where they can be received. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Political Sign of the Month - May - Tea Party

May seems like a most political month of the year given all the Cinco de Mayo celebrations. I had a hard time deciding which sign to choose for this month because so many seemed appropriate.  

Then I saw  this article about the modern Tea Party resurgence and my  decision seemed inevitable and unavoidable. Have fun with THIS LINK. I sure did.
IRS Targeting Scandal Fuels Tea Party Resurgence
Is the tea party getting its groove back? Shouts of vindication from around the country suggest the movement's leaders certainly think so.
Note:  Definition of teabagging from The Urban Dictonary:


1) Repeated insertion of ones testicles in another's mouth.
2) Continiously crouching on a dead body in a video game.\

1: Dude, I don't think teabagging is a good prank, man.
2: dude stop teabagging, it's bad sportsmanship
by Verdigris June 25, 2016

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dirty Deeds

Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.
Benito Mussolini

Corporations privatize profit and socialize waste and damage. The public is left with the cleanup and the cancer. My Nonno left Italy to get away from the Fascists in 1900s. And yet here the MoFos are again.

Do you think I am being too harsh? Go to the links and read about this shit for yourself. Let me know what you think in the comments. Do you think maybe there is a secret oil pipeline under your house the EPA in your state and your legislatures did not tell you about?

Arkansas Residents Sick From Exxon Oil Spill Are on Their Own

Friday marks one week since an ExxonMobil pipeline burst in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, spilling thousands of barrels of toxic tar sands. Town residents say they are being kept in the dark over compensation and the cleanup by Exxon.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Rule of Law - Updated

Texas -  it is the new Bangladesh. Unless you vote and vote intelligently, this atrocity will be coming to a town near you. Owners of the building in Bangladesh are being held criminally liable -- how about the owners of the Texas fertilizer plant? Rick Perry said this cartoon is "disgusting." I think it is right on time. Hit the link in the photo caption to go to the Bee.

Okay, the event I expected has come. A corporation has committed depraved indifference homicide. Corporations are people says SCOTUS. Who is going to jail for years? The CEO, the Board, the owners/shareholders? Who is going to pay for this crime? The taxpayers? Only the victims?

Somebody better go to jail. Or We the People might just as well rob our local bank, because being law abiding will not be and cannot be a sane strategy in the USA anymore. Form yourself into a corporation or business entity and you can commit any crime with impunity evidently. Go to the link for stunning coverage of this event. Texas is asking for aid from the Feds, even though they voted against Sandy aid, of course. Somebody needs to piss on their cowboy boots. 

A raging fire, followed by a massive explosion at a fertilizer plant in North Texas has devastated a small community. The plant is located in West, Texas, a small town of about 2,800 people, 18 miles north of Waco. As many as 60 homes and local businesses, including a nearby nursing home, were "severely damaged," with some residents killed or tapped inside. The explosion is also believed to have claimed the lives of several firefighters, EMTs, and other first responders who were on the scene to battle the initial blaze. The current estimate of casualties is pegged at 170 wounded and 5-15 people killed, although those numbers could rise dramatically. The federal Chemical Safety Board will look into the cause of the explosion, despite recent revelations that  it's still tied up looking at the BP oil spill.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Asshats on Parade - Evil Women Edition - Charles Van Zant, Grand Marshal

Women Legislators walked out of a debate on a new anti abortion bill in Florida.
"A debate in Florida's House of Representatives over a Republican-sponsored ban on race- and sex-selective abortions became extremely heated Thursday, causing several black women lawmakers to walk out in protest. 
House Bill 845, sponsored by Rep. Charles Van Zant (R-Keystone Heights), would make it a third-degree felony in Florida to perform an abortion based on the race or gender of the fetus. Van Zant accused Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers of intentionally targeting black people. "The fact is, 80 percent of abortion clinics nationwide are located in minority neighborhoods where 43 percent of all black babies are aborted," Van Zant said, according to the Tampa Bay Times." - Laura Bassett, Huffpo
Van Zant

I gave Van Zant the AssHat Award for this sentence alone. Van Zant stated "In America alone, without the Naxi holocaust, without the Ku Klux Klan, Planned Parenthood and other abortionists have reduced our black population by more than 25 percent since 1973. This is called discriminatory targeting."

The premises Van Zant is arguing here are:
Evil women have abortions for evil reasons at the request of evil organizations. Everybody knows that. A black woman is a potential Shoah just standing there in her shoes and must be specially provided for by House Bill 845.

One citizen of Dumbfuckistan cannot imagine why the 
Black women Legislators walked out and chimed in "How is it racism if they don't want black babies to be singled out for abortions?"

I got questions for the DumbFuck and AssHat Van Zant.

Is all this sheet* going to come down on black women who abort black babies only? What if a black woman is having a white baby? Does she get to have her abortion then? And what if a white woman is having a black baby? Or a red or yellow baby? Womb as Color TV. You got special probes for that? 

How will this law be enforced? What are you willing to do to women, Van Zant, to enforce this law? I sent this to Van Zant. Think I will get an answer? AssHat. 

* Yes, this is a pun and I intentionally committed it.