Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Westerfield and Bevin plan to rape every woman in Kentucky who wants an abortion.

Molon Labe
How come nobody is planning to sue or arrest these two sexpig motherfuckers? Go ahead, Sen. Westerfield and Matt Bevin, you dumbasses, and pass SB152.
Derek Selznick, the Reproductive Freedom Project director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky, has been a vocal critic of the wave of anti-choice bills in the state’s legislature. He told the Courier-Journal that this bill “is not informed consent.” 
“This is about politicians trying to bully, shame and humiliate women who have already made their personal and often heart-wrenching decision to end their pregnancy,” Selznick said.
My friend Sydney suggests:

Then women will make copies of the ultrasounds, send them off to Westerfield and all authors of such bills, attached with the following FBI's definition of rape:
“The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”
Republicans have made me a one issue voter - women's reproductive autonomy. I will vote for anyone with DEM after their name. Republicans have the rape and breeder slavery of women in their party platform. 

Do not fuck with women, you might lose your tiny balls. Mrs. Bevin and Mrs. Westerfield, if you actually exist, you might want to review Lysistrata.
There are a lot of things about us women
That sadden me, considering how men
See us as rascals.
As indeed we are. 
The links in the names Westerfield and Bevin will take you where you can comment on the motherfucking (literally) rapists about how much they love and care for women.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Asshats on Parade - Does Prayer Work? Answer: Yes It Does.

Kali Durge Namo Namah
UPDATE: Scalia is dead. I only had to pray 3 years and some months from the original publication date..............

I am old. I have been in favor of Gay civil rights since I was 16. I had a serious conversation with the first Gay person I ever met. Some folks have children they love dearly who are Gay. I have family and friends who are Gay. 

I pray daily for Fat Tony Scalia's heart attack. I pray in Jesus name like the Nuns taught me. I pray fervently. But the Mofo does not die. 

I can't figure out why prayer is not working. Maybe I am praying to the wrong deity? Maybe Kali is the answer? I will try most anything legal.  Up your giggy, Fat Tony. Sideways.  And no KY for you. 

I warned you in the masthead that I was a trashmouth. The picture of Kali at the right comes from this interesting website. 

New Yorker Magazine:  A few months from now, when the Supreme Court hears arguments in the two same-sex marriage cases it accepted for review last Friday, many observers will likely be in Hosie’s position—listening with some amazement to Scalia as he berates lawyers, fascinated by his animosity, wondering about the point where a cruel note removes any enjoyment one might find in intellectual theatrics. There haven’t exactly been signs that Scalia is mellowing. His dissent, this year, in an Arizona immigration-law case, was as politicized and angry as ever—and gay-rights cases do not exactly bring out his soft side. For the health-care case, we had broccoli arguments; for same-sex marriage, we will likely be coming back to bestiality.
Click Me!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Sitting at Home in the Polar Vortex

When unhappy or bored, I look at pictures of animals. HippySloth spoke to my condition.

I will be back to complain and disclaim as soon as I get some coffee. We are out of coffee. Bad planning.

Bill Maher fires up on the air. Why does he always grin like a 2 year old found whizzing in the geraniums. I did good, Mom, right? Yes dear.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Signs of the Month - February 2016 - Standoff in Oregon

If I did not know this was a standoff between townspeople and militia, I would think I was at the Memorial Day Parade in Hopewell NJ in 1956 outside my Uncle Joe's tavern. This sign is funny. The horse and rider so beautifully rural and American. The flags.  

But if you scroll through the linked material, you can see the Locals are serious as a heart attack. Serious. They brought coffee and snacks.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Republican Men Are Sexpigs

Print by Favianna Rodriguez
What is wrong with Republican men?

During the last presidential election cycle, Republicans spent a lot of time telling me they plan to force birth of the 35,000 rape pregnancies that occur each year. Essentially, their position is that if I get pregnant, it was not really rape. I consented in some way.

I am a rape and sexual abuse survivor. I had PTSD almost the entire year. 

I cannot tell you how embarrassed I am before the world. I spent a whole year listening to Republicans tell me that rape is not a good enough excuse to have an abortion. I did not think there would be a new low.

  • Radio Host Frequented By Gun Activists Calls For Shooting of Bush Family & Obama, Sexual Violence Against Hillary Clinton 
- See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/radio-host-frequented-gun-activists-calls-shooting-bush-family-obama-sexual-violence-against#sthash.0KwsAsjO.dpuf
  • Grand Rapids, Michigan (CNN)
Donald Trump attacked Hillary Clinton in vulgar terms Monday night, saying that her bathroom break during the last Democratic debate was just too "disgusting" to talk about and then stating she "got schlonged" by Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential race.
  • Trump attacks Megyn Kelly:
“You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever,” he said.

Trump’s fury was sparked by Kelly’s opening question, asking if calling women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals” is behavior befitting a president.
  • Donald Trump’s rally in New Hampshire was interrupted today by a squealing sound. 

  • Trump asked, “Was that a dog?” A supporter in the audience shouted, “It’s Hillary!” Trump threw his head back in laughter, “Uh oh! It’s Hillary? Ha, ha, only in New Hampshire! First it was screechy dog and then it was a very serious dog, right?” Watch below at the 30-minute mark.