Sunday, August 14, 2016

Dead Comedians Sunday #4 - Buster Keaton

One who never smiled, carried a face as still and sad as a daguerreotype through some of the most preposterously ingenious and visually satisfying comedy ever invented. That was Buster Keaton.
James Agee in "Comedy's Greatest Era" in LIFE magazine (5 September 1949), p. 75
Buster Keaton is one of the great physical comedians. This short film used to be hard to find. All Keaton's work is now in the public domain. 

The seduction scene with Charlotte Greenwood is so funny, I almost choked from laughing so hard. Enjoy. The entire film was made by using Keaton's home as the set.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Signs of the Month - August 2016

Drawing by Avelict at Deviant Art. He draws hands often and this was my favorite. 

Twang my Magic Goggle Finger! 

ANTI TRUMP SIGNS. These signs were the ones I like the best.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Dead Comedians Sunday #3 - Red Skelton Comic Genius

Red Skelton thought of himself a clown rather than a comic:
"A comedian goes out and hits people right on. A clown uses pathos. He can be funny, then turn right around and reach people and touch them with what life is like. I just want to be known as a clown, because to me that's the height of my profession. It means you can do everything—sing, dance and above all, make people laugh."
Red Skelton was also a fine painter and he sold a considerable amount of his work. See the illustration on the right entitled Holly Clown.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

FANghazi ! - Update

Skeletor rides again. I know PROGRESSIVES will whine now and call me looksist. Up their giggy. Implying Governor Rick Scott of Florida is a monster is right on point. See the article below. I think this would make a fabulous Halloween costume.

Better yet. Read the article in its entirety at the provided link. Then ask yourself:
Self - is this the kind of medical mind we want to have in charge of public health in the time of Ebola and antibiotic resistant Tuberculosis? And now Zika?
Essentially, Scott created a incurable virulent public disease vector to save money? So, how good is he on Zika? No good. Scott is offering Zika kits, we are told. Funny thing is, nobody knows where the kits are or how to get one.

I have been thinking and reading for awhile about this subject. If you feel like it, Cher Reader, kindly leave a comment and tell me what your Self thinks. I get lonely in the kitchen.

Despite a warning from the Centers for Disease Control, it's the latest move by the Florida governor to gut public services.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Help. I am Manic. I had to take an ativan.

I absolutely hate feeling this way. I can remember dancing for hours and hours to dance it away. Dance until you drop.

I had a newspaper columnist lover who wrote at home. He had a wooden floor and original 78s of folks like Nat King Cole. He would lend me his spare room and I would dance for hours. I miss him.

I ran my second husband over with a Volkswagen feeling this way. Hubby saw the look on my face and his face turned white. I floored it. He knew there was no way to outrun me and he looked around frantically for a savior. He saw a small wide ditch and dived for it. My wheels ran right the fuck over him. By the time I got ready for the second pass, he had made it to the house.

God saved me. Always had a soft spot for God after that. My child did not need to have a Mother in jail. Hubby stayed with me another 10 years. I often wonder who exactly was the crazy one? The whole thing was so sad.

So, all I have to say is, talk me down, Friends. I am lonesome, horny, maudlin and dangerous. Okay, Ativan kicking in. I will be napping in blessed peace and not stabbing anyone. Good thing. Be back later.