Monday, October 12, 2020

Ram Sex. Seriously?

I think it important to note that Albert Mohler Jr. was running for President of Southern Baptist Convention.
Citing a desire to serve as a uniter amid turbulent times, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. said in October he had agreed to accept a nomination to serve as SBC president at the 2021 SBC Annual Meeting.
So, I made myself read an essay Is Your Baby Gay? What If You Could Know? What If You Could Do Something About It? by Albert Mohler Jr.. Nothing like a good dose of old time Religion early in the day. Bracing. Woke me right up.

Mohler makes a mad dash for Reality. You, Cher Reader, must tell me if he made it. This is one of his conclusions:
Christians must be very careful not to claim that science can never prove a biological basis for sexual orientation. We can and must insist that no scientific finding can change the basic sinfulness of all homosexual behavior. The general trend of the research points to at least some biological factors behind sexual attraction, gender identity, and sexual orientation. This does not alter God's moral verdict on homosexual sin (or heterosexual sin, for that matter), but it does hold some promise that a deeper knowledge of homosexuality and its cause will allow for more effective ministries to those who struggle with this particular pattern of temptation. If such knowledge should ever be discovered, we should embrace it and use it for the greater good of humanity and for the greater glory of God.
The essay gave me cold chills. My Pervert Alarm is clanging bigtime. There is a detailed discussion about the mechanics of turning gay Rams straight. Not the football kind of Rams.
The most interesting research along these lines relates to the study of sheep. Scientists at the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station are conducting research into the sexual orientation of sheep through "sexual partner preference testing." As William Saletan at explains:

A bare majority of rams turn out to be heterosexual. One in five swings both ways. About 15 percent are asexual, and 7 percent to 10 percent are gay. What makes the sheep "sexual partner preference testing" research so interesting is that the same scientists who are documenting the rather surprising sexual behaviors of male sheep think they can also change the sexual orientation of the animals.
The vision of a bunch of men sweating in a barn, tugging off some ram's penises and telling themselves they are doing Science cracks me up. Think their penises were flaccid during the event? I wonder if there were any women present.  LMAO. Fluffing rams for Jesus.

Asexual folks need to recuse themselves from discussions about Sex and Society. Illiterate consumers of the Bible the same. Most folk with sexual fetishes do the decent thing and make home videos. Albert Mohler, in the marketplace of ideas, all you are is what you write. Bestiality for Science and God? Cover your proclivities, Love, because your ramrod is out.

Note: I work with this definition of Religion. One can be an anti-theist or atheist and still be 'religious' if we see Religion as a function of the human psyche as Wm. James attests:

Religion...shall mean for us the feelings, acts, and experiences of individual men in their solitude, so far as they apprehend themselves to stand in relation to whatever they may consider the divine. Since the relation may be either moral, physical, or ritual, it is evident that out of religion in the sense in which we take it, theologies, philosophies, and ecclesiastical organizations may secondarily grow. - The Varieties of Religious Experience, Lecture II, "Circumscription of the Topic"

Friday, September 25, 2020

I think the Revolution might be all my Sister's fault.

Graphic by Buddy McCue. If you go to the subject panel on the left panel and click on his name, you can see more of his work. 

My Sister Margie is a righteous all hymning no sinning Bible believing Black Woman. Margie calls me her "Italian Sister." We canvased for Obama together. 

I wanted a house. Margie and I prayed about it. I got a house. I needed money for a new roof. We prayed about it. New roof. I do not invoke our little prayer circle lightly. Be sure you want whatever it is you trying to get from Universe. Hang with Margie and you might get it. 

About 6 years ago, Margie and I started praying for a Revolution. We were of the opinion that we needed one bigtime. Ta da! Shazam! One appeared.

I am a terrible Christian. Terrible. Lapsed Catholic. Angry Quaker. Margie is one of the best people I know. So, our current upheaval must all be Margie's fault. I know God loves me absolutely. I think God does not take me seriously. 

I know I am not the only one who takes Gil Scott Heron seriously.

Friday, September 18, 2020

I am a Twitter Reject

Twits say I advocated violence. I say I write Doggerel. Doggerel is vicious and funny and it has to rhyme. Meter is usually simple. Twitter told me "Here's your hat, do not come back."

Here is my crime in a poem below. I also said Kevin McCarthy is a dumbass. That made me persona non grata. Oh, and I suggested facebook and twitter be made public utilities. I just do not know how to shut up.
Spineless Susan is a dick.
Smack her with a goodly stick.
Eat her liver with a nice Chianti
Or beat her peacefully with Avenatti.
How about a filthy one just for fun. Hey, after a dry  time, at least I am writing.
Song #2 for My Hero
Avenatti does not come from Madras
But his balls must be made out of brass.
In Stormy weather,
They clanged clang together
And sparks burned Michael Cohen in the ass.   
  copyright MDeAngelis

Monday, August 31, 2020

My Dad's Long Drive in the Country Car Songs

My Mom and Dad loved to take long car trips. We all sang on long car drives. Sometimes we had a radio and sometimes we did not. We sang these songs anyway. Con brio.

We always stopped at an ice cream stand that looked like an ice cream cone. Roadside attractions in the 50s tended to look like what they were selling.

We would drive down the Delaware River sometimes and at one bridge you could get charcoal broiled hot dogs and real root beer from the window of an old frame house. 

Everytime I hear one of these songs, I am transported to happy. Love you, Dad. Miss you every day.

ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE ~ Johnny Mercer & The Pied Pipers (1945) (live recording). Words by: Johnny Mercer - Music by: Harold Arlen - copyright: 1944

Minnie the Moocher is a jazz song first recorded in 1931 by Cab Calloway and His Orchestra, selling over a million copies. He sings it in this Betty Boop cartoon disguised as a dancing walrus.

Louis Prima (December 7, 1910 – August 24, 1978) was an Italian-American singer, actor, songwriter, and trumpeter. Prima rode the musical trends of his time, starting with his seven-piece New Orleans style jazz band in the late 1920s, then leading a swing combo in the 1930s, a big band in the 1940s, a Vegas lounge act in the 1950s, and a pop-rock band in the 1960s.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Primer on Propaganda for RESISTERS. Go HIGH; Stay HIGH.

This comment appeared on social media. It speaks to my condition.

By bootster

That's what I am hearing as well. The GOP are trying to make it impossible to believe what you read anymore, but the truth is, it's only to be highly doubted by when they are the authors. They are still not convincing the Democrats to do the same thing.

I have noticed a lot of folks on here wanting the Democrats to get to the level of the GOP. That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, but it's only because those particular individuals have the capacity to want to "fight like that".

If I wanted to, I could get down and dirty and start to throw insults at the people who attack me on here, but that's what they want. They want to get me to start the personal attacks so they can point to them, smearing me.

The GOP are doing the same thing. They want the Democrats to go full down and dirty so they can use actual clips of them saying things that no politician should ever say, and then it's GAME OVER for the Democrats.

The GOP OWN the "media", and they would come out the winners if the Democrats ever started to get into the gutter with them. The trolls on here thought that they could ban me by now by luring me into a tit for tat personal assault fest, and that would be a sure way to get myself banned, and that's what they want.

The same tactic is being used by the GOP. They are trying to piss off the liberals to come out and start looking like the cretins that THEY are, but it's not working. We just won't go there. This pardoning of Libby was a direction to get the liberals upset enough that some may break and go to the gutter, and then it's over for them.

The deal here is the the GOP can say any nasty thing they want, and they get away with it, but the Democrats would commit suicide by doing that, so now they are attacking the Democrats for being "weak". The trolls who are constantly complaining that the Democrats are weak are just trying to get them to commit suicide by going to the mat and self destructing in the "media" shortly thereafter.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win".
- Mahatma Gandhi

Poster by Mitchell Loeb, 1934. The Jewish Labor Committee, the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, the Labor Chest to Combat Nazism and Fascism, and others made use of it in outreach campaigns.