Sunday, August 18, 2019

I am Queer. I am out of the closet. Call me Nancy.

Poster by Favianna Rodriguez.

I like Queer because Friends (Quakers) have from the beginning been called 'a queer people.' I fit right in. 

I like Queer because, if I do some damn disgusting hilarious filthy dirty but not illegal act in public, folks go 'Oh she is queer. What do you expect'?

It was Minnie Jane Hamm who taught me being a Friend was a good thing. Big Hug.

Quakes have silent Meeting. We just sit there like bumps, no liturgy, no music, no Pastor, no excuse and we wait to hear what the Spirit wants us to say. Nobody says much. For about three years, I sat next to Minnie Jane and she never said a thing. Then one First Day, she stood up - you stand to speak - no hiding in the pew - and she said:

"Is it not wonderful that we are all so Queer" 

and Minnie Jane sat down, silent again for years. Her Sister Nancy H. was my Sponsor. She saved lives. Ergo call me Nancy. She would appreciate the pun. 

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