Showing posts with label Attitude Adjustment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attitude Adjustment. Show all posts

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Quotations of Note - No Food for You

If I want to stop poisonous partisanship, I have to stop jumping on political opponents with glee and disdain. So hard to be civilized. And so important.

Trump wants to take food stamps from the working poor. Spectrum of thoughts below the video which supplies relevant facts. Yes, Virginia, there are facts. 

When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich. 
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
Ezekiel 16:49

If you're in trouble, or hurt or need - go to the poor people. They're the only ones that'll help - the only ones.
John Steinbeck

Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.
Henry Louis Mencken

There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.
 Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Merry Christmas Megan Pasty Pudding!

I have not watched even a clip from The View in a year. I cannot bear to look at Megan McCain or hear her petulant voice. I had to watch this one because I heart Nancy Pelosi.

Truth? I am a Roman Catholic. I want to bury my size 8 shoe, with ferocious joy, so far up Ms. Fatty Tit's dupa my shoelaces would tickle her uvula. There. I said it. doG forgive me. Tell your truth and shame the Devil.

I know - I am an evil body shamer. An rude intolerant slut. Sue me. I am also bipolar. On a bad day and presented with the opportunity, I might succumb to an evil impulse. I must avoid the "occasion of Sin." Ergo I do not watch the show. No point in arousing My Beast. Discretion is the better part of valor.

I wish my family and church had been the kind of Roman Catholics who taught "heart full of love." I think that oversight was a sort of "lace curtain Catholic" jawn. I remember terrifying Nuns and princely Priests. The Priests had these cords with big knots around their waists they beat themselves with at night, we were told meaningfully. All the better to beat you with, my wee Pumpkin. No one actually ever hit me. I was scared all the same. 

There were so many of us kids. Nuns had little clickers we were taught to obey. Click click = genuflect. Click click - stand. I went to Bethany Presbyterian to be a Girl Scout. I was taught Art and Basketmaking by Republican Miss Petty of the Junior League, social justice warrior. I remember sane Republicans. 

I have no shame. God loves me absolutely. I had to learn that from Nancy Horan, AA and the Quakes. God bless us everyone. Merry Christmas. I am working at Peace on Earth. It has to start with me.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Popping the popcorn. Pouring myself some Krupnik. Let the good times roll! American Songs of riot, celebration and pure unadulterated lust are what we need.


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tits Galore in Colorado with Music!

Fort Collins, Colorado government removed a public ordinance that banned women from going topless in public in a win for the ‘Free the Nipple’ movement. A Fort Collins spokesperson said, after spending more than $300,000 defending the ordinance in court, “The money was just better spent on other city priorities." Good decision. Jennifer Aniston was determined to fight this to the death, although she wears a bra. Nipples may go to the Supreme Court. 

I feel ambivalent about this decision. Pasties itch. And you have to use nail polish remover or alcohol to get the glue off. I mean, pasties with what you can now see on the net? Something so sweet and innocent about classic Burlesque in retrospect.

However, this may lessen the impact of civil disobedience of the militant kind. Life is strange. You win some, you lose some.
About a dozen topless protesters stopped traffic on Market Street this morning, as part of a National Day of Action for Black Women and Girls. Using the hashtag #SayHerName, protesters sought to draw attention to black women victims of police violence, such as Rekia Boyd and Kayla Moore.

“You don't know the women's names in the same way you know Michael Brown and Tamir Rice,” said Kharyshi Wiginton, 40, who took part in the protest. While the founders of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag and many of the leaders of the movement are women, much of the national conversation around police brutality has focused on black men, including Eric Garner and Freddie Grey.
I say every woman has that one song that releases her inner Stripper. This is my song. It has been covered over and again. Pick the one you want to hear it from. What is your song?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

I am Queer. I am out of the closet. Call me Nancy.

Poster by Favianna Rodriguez.

I like Queer because Friends (Quakers) have from the beginning been called 'a queer people.' I fit right in. 

I like Queer because, if I do some damn disgusting hilarious filthy dirty but not illegal act in public, folks go 'Oh she is queer. What do you expect'?

It was Minnie Jane Hamm who taught me being a Friend was a good thing. Big Hug.

Quakes have silent Meeting. We just sit there like bumps, no liturgy, no music, no Pastor, no excuse and we wait to hear what the Spirit wants us to say. Nobody says much. For about three years, I sat next to Minnie Jane and she never said a thing. Then one First Day, she stood up - you stand to speak - no hiding in the pew - and she said:

"Is it not wonderful that we are all so Queer" 

and Minnie Jane sat down, silent again for years. Her Sister Nancy H. was my Sponsor. She saved lives. Ergo call me Nancy. She would appreciate the pun. 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Anonymous Speaks Truth at Stereotypes

Poster by Favianna Rodriguez.

I do not know who wrote this. It appeared online without attribution. 

Things radical feminism did not do to me, a transsexual woman (Trans women, please read!)
***trigger warning: rape, assault***

Radical Feminism:

•did not cause my father to beat me with a belt because my body language was ‘girly’

•did not cause neighborhood boys and classmates to beat me up for being ‘faggy’

•did not give me an eating disorder in high school as a reaction to my frame getting bigger during puberty

•did not create the religion that made me think when I was little that I would go to Hell for the ways I thought and behaved

•did not cause my rape by a guy who told me afterward that he thought I was role-playing when I cried and struggled, and admitted it was ‘the hottest sex he’d ever had’

•is not responsible for me and many other trans women feeling terror and hopelessness at the prospect of life as a visibly gender-nonconforming person in a society where this is punished

•did not create the unattainable beauty standards that further complicate my already complex struggle with sex dysphoria

•is not the reason I’ve been consistently mansplained to at every job I’ve held since transitioning by men who do it because they think I was born with a vagina (and thus that they need to talk to me like I’m six years old)

•is not the cause of my street harassment by men who think I was born with a vagina and thus feel entitled to proposition, frighten, or threaten me for their sexual gratification

•did not cause the culture of homophobia that makes dating men dangerous and potentially fatal for trans women

Radical feminism attacks patriarchy, which is the root cause of everything listed above. As trans women, we work against our own freedom, health, and dignity when we misdirect our anger and anguish toward the very people who are fighting the system that hurts us. We strengthen the true source of our social struggles.

Feedback is welcome and hoped-for. Trans women, please feel free to add to this list, especially.

The boys who tried to beat me up, and left threatening messages on my voicemail in school, had not been inspired by Janice Raymond.
Nor did the terms “tr*nny” or “f*g” enter their lexicon via radical feminist theory.
It was a male psychiatrist — not radical feminists — who delayed my treatment because he thought my dysphoria stemmed from the death of my father and the absence of male role models.
Radical feminists are not the reason I was flashed and masturbated at by a man as I walked home at night.
Radical feminists are not responsible for the harassment and unwanted advances I experience virtually every time I go out dancing.
And they never sent me obnoxious sexual messages or dick pics, funnily enough!
First rule of misogyny is that women are responsible for what men do.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

We need Revolution a la Groucho. Let us march on Boss Tweet utilizing Vuvuzelas and Kazoos.

We need to do a Puerto Rico on our Federal Government. Everybody start marching to DC. It will be the real Straight People Pride March to Rid DC of Crook-eds. Yes that is a pun and I committed it.

We call it the NOTHING IN OR OUT MARCH. I need help. Let us pick a date. Start at your front door and march to DC from wherever you are. Bring friends and snacks. Occupy the terrain.

Bring your dog, your vuvuzela, funny hats, kazoos and feather boas. We go in peace. We are not violent. We are firm. Firm and that is All.

We surround the White House and we let nothing go in or out until Boss Tweet goes back to his tower and stays there. General Strike. Let us find out if our government will fire on us. Time we knew, I say. American Spring. Bribe him with a pardon.

I got thrown off twitter for 'advocating violence.' I kept quoting John Adams President and Founding Father. Of course, I quoted him out of context. But I mean, they keep Donald Trump and his posts are violent. Time to clip wings of organizations creating and profiting from techno- feudalism.
The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea. - John Adams
If you want to know all of what he said about defending our Constitution read it here. 

Monday, April 29, 2019

2020 Election or OMG DNC WTF? with Update #2 or I fucked up.

This article was a mess. I apologize to anyone who saw the first version. I have a booboo and pain pills make you wonky. I made no sense. Some will say I make no sense below. Do not hate on me. 

Graphic by Buddy McCue.
Where I stand:

No Bernie. No Biden. No 20th century 'moldy old men.' They do not get it. Hat tip to Moms Mabley. You can see her doing the Moldy Old Man routine in a video below. Bad video of a great Comedian. Rest in peace and laughter.

I want Warren/Abrams

If the Rs run DJT and Ds run Biden, I will vote for Biden because I am not suicidal. Uncle Joe is a good guy. Donald Trump is a senile thug.

If the Ds run Biden and the Rs nominate Weld, I will vote for Weld and not Biden. I watched the Thomas hearings real time. I am a radical feminist. Not the quiet earnest kind. When I saw that happening on my TV, I wanted to tear up the pea patch. Sorry Joe, you gots to go.

Weld is a good man. Uncle Joe is a good man. Weld is a Conservative of the honorable kind. Uncle Joe is a Liberal 0f the honorable kind who set the women's movement back 30 years.

I voted for Bernie. I got Hillary. I voted for Hillary. I got Trump. I am an old Hippy. Something is wrong in this picture. Burn Baby Burn.

Voting Republican for the first time in my adult life is the only civilized way I can burn it all down. I am not compromising or accommodating with the DNC. I want a pony. They better not give me a dog. I want Elizabeth Warren.

Update: goddamnitalltohell. I just listened to one of Biden's speeches and I love him. Life is hard and then you die. I am not changing my mind. No Bernie. No Biden.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Smack him again for me, Miss Maxine Waters.

Auntie Maxine enjoyed this encounter thoroughly. Minuchin turned red. Miss Waters did not work hard or turn a well coiffed hair. Go get him, Madame Chair. I cannot wait to watch another encounter. 

Republicans have been humiliating, stalking, shaming, blaming, denigrating and attacking women for more than a decade now. If you need references because you doubt it is all that bad, try http://goprapeadvisorychart... for starters. Remember 'rape is just another form of conception?'

A "progressive" person made this comment:
"I have nothing but contempt for Mnuchin, but Waters' handling of the situation was petty and childish. Rather than flexing her chairperson muscles and trying to force him to commit to future appearances, and basically daring him to leave without permission, she should have just politely pressed on with the questions. Bickering like that is unbecoming."
Sick of people who call themselves progressive denigrating Maxine Waters for making Mnuchin squirm. Politics is more than 'the rules.' Politics is emotional and psychological in large part as well. Yes, Virginia, there really are Alt-Left Authoritarians.

Note that as Chair Ms. Waters has subpoena power. There is no 'force him to come back.' Congress has oversight of the Executive Branch. It is Mnuchin's job to show up.

Maxine Waters was magnificent in that hearing. She made clear to Mnuchin that Congress is in charge and he is an ant in this struggle. She won a significant battle. Waters made me proud. She handled baby Steve perfectly.

Why do I write this. Republicans are at again.

Mississippi’s governor has signed into law one of the strictest abortion bans in the country, making it even more difficult for women to get abortions in a state where only one clinic still operates.
The bill, set to take effect in July, bans abortions after a doctor can detect a fetal heartbeat during an ultrasound, unless the mother’s health is at extreme risk. Heartbeats can be found just six weeks into pregnancy — before some women even know they are pregnant. - Reis Thebault. 
I am tired of Repubs and fellow travelers. Auntie Maxine did it right. God bless you, Maxine Waters. Especially now that it looks like gay men and men of color will have their 'equal rights' before any woman in this country. Think we will ever get the Equal Rights Amendment passed?

If women ever get equal civil rights in the United States, efforts to control women's bodies by legislative fiat like the new effort to push heartbeat bills would be made inoperative and moot in my opinion. Your opinion is...?

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Hot damn!

The Honorable Stephanie Flowers is a force to be reckoned with.  Watch as she ends a Stand Your Ground Bill in an Arkansas Judiciary Committee hearing all by herself. Spit-spot. 

Watch the man on the left try and stop her. Flowers' argument is sound and informed. I hope the dude is not a Democrat. If he is, he needs fired. Pay attention to this smart woman, Democrats. This is a/the winning argument.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

NERD and MENTAT NINJA 2020 ! with Music

Elizabeth Warren
Stacey Abrams
2020 !

We need financial and voting integrity and reform bigtime. These women have been in the trenches fighting for a long damn time. They got the guts. Give them the glory. They have the experience. Anybody want to try an amateur businessman again?

Graphic below our heroes by Buddy McCue.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Halloween Message from GrandMom and PopPop

Do not vote for the Orange Howler. I am repeating this because you did not listen to your Elders last time, it seems. I know - it was the Russians. More reason to vote.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

CUNT is a unisex character description. With Music.

Spare me the pearl clutching. Our government is kidnapping children. Here is how intelligent funny folks handle the CUNT word. The same folks who gave us SHITGIBBON.

So far Twitter and Raw Story have punished me for this opinion. I am so going to Hell. I am not in pain for the first time in a month. Hallelujah!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Elegy for Barbara Bush

Never speak ill of the dead,
there's stupidity in that ditty,
for we speak ill of
James Earl Ray and Lee Harvey Oswald
and Jeffrey Dahmer
and Hitler and Mussolini
and Stalin and murderers galore we vilify
and gloat that they are dead
but we are told we must be respectful of the dead
at least that it's not proper
to denigrate one until his/her body is cold
and the body is given time to molder
especially if the body is that of Barbara Bush
because she raised, in her lifetime,
a hundred million dollars for literacy and books
and she loved her brood of children
and she had a love affair with her man
for years uncounted
we must venerate her with our silence
for her life snuffed
but here's what I think about dear BB,
whose words often sounded like they were shot
out of a BB--

Too late,
the damage has been done,
blood courses in the Euphrates and the Tigris
civil wars most uncivil have been earned
and never will be won
as Bush the Younger BB's child
paints his domesticated dogs
the feral dogs of war he unleashed
run amok over the carnage
in the Middle East.
And remember Barbara Bush
it is who famously said after Katrina
that the Houston Astrodome
was an improvement over their homes
for the underprivileged displaced of Louisiana
and now we celebrate this rich and useless Pollyanna
because she's dead,
spare me the praises heaped, the "rest in peace"
and the tears shed.

Usha Nellore

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Keep Moving Your Weary Buns

So I typed this on Breitbart. No one laughed. 
"Leftists are evil. Their touch corrupts. Leftists will eat us if we let them. We need arms. We need faggots for the Faggots!"

I understand why satire is almost dead. No one is awake on the Cooter spectrum reality wise. What is a Cooter?

I needed a new word to describe Trumpians et al. AUTHORITARIAN is too long and FASCISTS is too too loaded. Troll is not sufficient because this species of Troll is a political creature. So some brilliant person uses COOTERS. I like it.

A Cooter is not Conservative by any stretch of the imagination. Team Sports RahRah attitude toward politics is killing us. And that seems to be all the Cooters have to express. Cooters are basic entities; all they do is sleep, eat, fight and fuck. Conversation is not possible.

Trump was elected by MomMom and PopPop and Putin. See them enjoying a Trumpian Rite of Supremacy and Afternoon Orgy. Dress: Casual. Cooters. My proof? See below. 
I am getting tired now. Worn out by the Obtuse. Wearied by the Weird. "Resist!" I tell myself. "Get your weary buns in motion. Once more unto the breach...etc."

Music to marchons by below from Blues virtuoso John Hurt.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Ethics. I think I am writing about Ethics. Maybe.

I have been saying that I reject the 'team spirit' form of politics. What the fuck am I talking about? I do not know for sure. I am on to something or other. 

I suspect that Folks protesting Trump et al are Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Greens etc. all together. Americans indivisible. 

I see myself being angry and mean to Trumpanzees (see there I go) and I do not like my act. And let me tell you, I am real good at angry, mean and arrogant. And I enjoy it. Every day I send some mean twitter thing to PEEOTUS.

So this Michael Boyle guy I quote below speaks to my condition. I mean, is this meanness helpful now that a mighty crunch is upon us? I am full of doubt. Who are the fucking good guys? Kucinich is saying the Intelligence Community are running a coup and leading us into war. 
"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." - William Butler Yeats

Quote. Read more at the link.

Human beings have a natural tendency (and, if you want to call it an "original sin," I'm not going to stop you) to become the very thing that they seek to resist. Everyone who seeks to be active in the Age of Trump will be forced into situations where they will have to decide between speaking out against bigotry and exclusion among their own "team" and staying silent for the good of that team. Being a person of integrity and cultivating those instincts and habits will serve all of us well when that day comes. And it will come.

I am not a powerful person. I am not rich, nor influential in any significant manner. I cannot unilaterally change the way the world around me runs, and I certainly cannot change what people think and say and believe. All I can do is live with integrity, and use that integrity as a platform for living the rest of my life. This living with integrity may not change anything, it may not sway anyone to my way of thinking (or any way of thinking). But it is all I have, and it is what I am committed to do.

Saturday, February 10, 2018


I am amazed and know not what to say. - Hermia, Wm. Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 3 Scene 2
I wrote about the Tampon Fairy and the Magical Tampon Toss and then I saw Melissa Harris Perry wearing tampon earrings.

I thought 'Tampon Arts and Crafts." So I did the magic google thing. I am still laughing.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Attitude Adjustment - Matthew 25:36 - I was sick, and ye visited me.


“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Monday, January 1, 2018

My New Year's Resolution

I am on my third glass of champagne. Happy New Year Cher Readers!

Join me in my New Year's Revolution. 



Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Flop Seen Around the World

I enjoyed this as much as the Spenser punch in the face. Punch a Nazi for Jesus. I am helping the video go viral. 

I really enjoyed this video. So satisfying. Turn it up loud to hear what they say because sound is low. I watched it 5 times.