Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ya think Hillz is enjoying Trump's Mess. Or doing Confused Mourning?

From Jonathan “Song a Day Man” Mann. He writes a song every day. Good Mann.

Hillz is the Dancing Queen. No dance more American than the Shimmy. See below:

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Popping the popcorn. Pouring myself some Krupnik. Let the good times roll! American Songs of riot, celebration and pure unadulterated lust are what we need.


At least I know there is something wrong with me.

Why do zealots have such difficulty with the concepts Armed Liberal, Pro Choice Mother, and Peaceful Nonviolent Demonstration? Anybody else notice that deficiency?

This is what passes for a right wing intellectual. Poor guy looks like Trotsky. Trotsky was assassinated. Seriously.

Dave Granlund is the Editorial Cartoonist.

Note to MoveOn anti-free speech thugs: Our side has guns, tens of millions of them. Behave yourselves.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Celebration of Lord Ganesh and Fall

I am so happy to have found a fine blog Simple Indian Recipes. I was looking for Pumpkin recipes that could be entrees or candy perhaps. Fall is the time to eat Squash and Pumpkin.

I share my find with you, cher Reader. I found an entire page of Pumpkin recipes that truly go from Soup to Nuts. You want to go there if you cook for Vegans and Vegetarians at Holiday time. I plan to make a Curry.

I am so happy to share Lord Ganesh made in Pumpkins for your enjoyment. Lord Ganesh is a patron of all the Arts. Festivals are good for the Soul. See the celebration music and dancing below: