Thursday, December 3, 2015

To All my Friends, Foes and Fellow Music Gnomes

Hello Everybody.

I had an MRI yesterday. And what is even better, I do not need or want a pill for pain for the first time since November 13. There is nothing like severe pain to adjust your priorities - clears your sinuses right out.

I ate. I bathed myself by myself. I have the cutest Brazilian physical therapist named Leo who is also a gardener. He and I will be walking around the Hood with my new walker. Leo says I cannot go anywhere by myself.

Leo hopes I 'will not give up gardening.' I will never give up gardening. What is even funnier was hearing a snatch of a fellow client's explanation of how how he happened to be in the orthopedist's office "...well, I was in the garden..."

My Shrink beat my GP up thoroughly for conspiring - with my garden - to get me.

You Gnomes from the Music Grotto even made mention in the 'Yes, she is Sane' testament. I do not know why. I encourage her to read these pages. While the love and conflict around here is superior, some of us may make the SANE CATEGORY only with a some judicious trimming and shoving into place.

Thank you for all the cards and flowers and good wishes.

I am on SLOW. It took more than an hour to compose and correct this note to you all. That is pathetic. So I still need brain rest.

And just so you know it is really me, let me tell you I would rather fuck Leo. Hmmm, I am getting better.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

This is Plum's kid, she has a concussion and needs rest. She's alive and doing ok. When she has the ok from her doc she'll be back. She misses you all and hopes to see you guys soon.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My Garden Bit Me

I fell down hard on my hip which was a good thing because there was a biggish branch that was put there to stick me in stomach. I wiggled on by.

X-rays tomorrow. I am fine. Black and blue is all. I will back. You all just be decent while I am gone or not. I am too woozy to type.

Monday, November 9, 2015

"I will bleed on your capitalism."

Oh how I love Third Wave Feminists. 


"Today i am forgoing tampons and pads outside the houses of parliament to show how ‘luxury’ tampons really are.

We are also raising money to buy tampons for homeless shelters, womens shelters and the refugee crisis.

We’re getting lots of dirty looks and someone just shouted at us to get a job. But everyone keeps saying “haha omg how quickly would we get free tampons if everyone stopped wearing them?!” So, I’m giving it a go.

Taxes are necessary, i get it. So are tampons/ pads. They’re not luxury items, anymore than jaffa cakes, edible cake decorations, exotic meats or any other number of things currently not taxed as luxury items.

Maternity pads are taxed, but incontinence pads arent. We’ve had enough. Maybe bleeding on their doorstep will get the tories to do something about this?"
- Charlie Edge

KlingonShit happens - again.

I wrote about this guys election HERE.

Gordon “Dr. Chaps” Klingenschmitt, the Religious Right activist and Colorado state representative, is adept at “discerning the spirits” within his adversaries and applied his talents to the leaders of Planned Parenthood on his “Pray In Jesus Name” program this weekend.
“I don’t believe these people for a moment, do you? In fact, we can discern upon them the spirit of lying, the spirit of death, the spirit of murder, the spirit of greed. I mean, whenever I look at a picture of those executives, if you look in the spirit, at the demons inside of them, you can see the blood dripping from their fangs. These people are just evil.” - Gordon KlingonShit

I am not going to apologize for the Klingon joke. I know how this guy got elected. You stoners and trekkies cannot fool me. I mean, who else would vote for him? There cannot be that many fundamentalist Christians in Colorado. They legalized marijuana did they not?