Monday, May 2, 2022

Senor PuttingItIn Sighs "Bozhe moy!"

Spring is here and bipolar bunnies like me can think and hop again. I told you I was Struck Dumb. So I put this together. And then I found the perfect illustration on Raw Story comment. Count on Cagle Cartoonists. They are the bomb! 

I have not paid them for this cartoon. I feel guilty. google has denied me the use of adsense. I am thinking about putting up a paypal contribution link so I can afford to stop pirating great cartoons.

We are Chimpanzees with a bit of extra brain power. Cannot refute such an obvious fact. I like Martin Buber: 'One must work to be good, but one happens to be evil.' Hope and faith in humanity against all the evidence.
Donnie Bonespurs
Wanted to be Prez.
Quick he hired an audience
To claque for what He sez.

"See my swagger? G.O.P.
I will grab your pu^^y.
You will elect me.
Just you wait and see."

Donnie Bonespurs
Got elected Prez.
Everybody gasps and laughs
At all he done and sez.

Now Senor PuttingItIn
Sighs "Bozhe moy!
I have so enjoyed
My fat American toy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

I get tired of it all. - or - My Adventure among the Twats. UPDATE !!


So I got thrown off twatter again. I have a lot to say about my brief twatter adventure. I was Irene Adler. What did I do? As you can see Larry Motuz, I have improved. I did not write FUCK. So there. I wrote this:

You come anywhere near my daughters IN REAL LIFE to enforce your agenda on their bodies and minds, I will rip your gonads off, nail your penis to my front door and urinate on your bleeding spasming body. We clear?

BACK - Some quick observations.

I will add bits and pieces as I process getting thrown off for the third time. I was having fun. So was my audience. I knew writing what I wrote would get me thrown out. I just got so I wanted to puke over twatter culture. Was a stupid thing to do. I will show you - I will hurt me. I thought I gave that baby shyte rage up.

twatter is a stratified society, You have Blue Check people and everybody else.. So I tried to get blue checked. I want to be known. I am the Second Funniest Comedian in Philly. Hat tip to Rose Wild. I do not make the cut evidently. No dice. 

My reader rate went up. I linked articles when it was appropriate. That was nice. In my messages appeared an NEW offer to write short editorials along with all the things they were going to do for me. No payment schedule. 

It is not considered abuse if wombnazis call you 'murderer and low class and uneducated'. If you fight back at the level of insult you are receiving, the abuser rats you out with friends. I never rat anybody out.

Anybody else comment on aol boards? It was the Cadillac of commenting systems. Rather bad service we are receiving today. AOL had real people moderating, not algorithms and censorbots.

I did a gospel type call and response as a social experiment. This was the CALL:

I really am going to write a second verse. Any of the "woke left" can help with another verse. Why I have to do all the work?
Lauren Boebert is so perfect. 
Oh what can we do? 
She's an insurrectionist 
And homicidal too.

This was the RESPONSE: Many were written. Hope I can find them again. I will publish them. They were GREAT.

Top mention earned 25 engagements

CharChar@charcharjones  Jan 30 Boebert is a basic bit*h. Whose husband showed his little inch. She is vile and full of lies. I’m looking forward to her demise.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Democratic Attitude Adjustment

Democrats, take note. The time for collegiality is over. Fight unrelentingly against all Trump/Republican nominees and initiatives. Total war and no quarter.

Tell us the truth. Speak truth to power. Jesus wept, be rude once in a while. Trumpus won in part on every one's disgust for the politically correct.

Time all you mofos in Executive Branch and Congress get regularly and randomly drug tested. Sauce for the poor workingman must be sauce for you Suits. Why? You seem incapable of seeing reality - or unwilling. Undignified you say? Stop disrespecting the American people. Why cannot Americans have what Congress critters have?

Do you Bubbletonians not get it that the whole country is sick unto death of the Repubocrat Dempublican Party.

I have been a Democrat my whole voting life. Fight like berserkers or I am Independent. Some of you fuckers voted for Pompeo who is willing, like Bush-Cheney, to make all of us war criminals again. No torture. And respect First Nation land.

If Trump et al and you are going to kill me, I will burn down the whole fucking thing first. Fuck you NSA. It is hyperbole, FBI. Fascism terrifies the fuck out of me. I knew somebody with the numbers on his arm. Mr. Wolstein RIP. 

And now the National Anthem. God, if you send fucking Trumpus a fucking heart attack and fucking kill the bastid, I promise I will never say FUCK again. Maybe.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

"Asparagus inspires gentle thoughts." - Charles Lamb

Homegrown Asparagus becomes available in Pennsylvania from April through June. It is perfection in May. I love asparagus so much I am already salivating with anticipation. A list of pick-your-own farms in Eastern Pennsylvania can be found HERE. 

The photograph comes from Petr Kratochvil. 

Everyone has favorite ways to eat Asparagus. My Mother, the Polka Queen, made Creamed Asparagus on Toast. This recipe for Chinese Asparagus Salad is one of my favorites. 

Chinese Asparagus Salad

2 pounds fresh Asparagus
1/4 cup Soy Sauce
1/2 teaspoon Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Vinegar (Cider or White Wine are good)
1/2 teaspoon Salt
2 teaspoons Sesame Oil

Some folks peel Asparagus and you can if you want to. I never do. I just snap it. Use a potato peeler if you are going to peel it. Wash the Asparagus well. Cut the spears diagonally across in 1 1/2 inch lengths. Cook the pieces of Asparagus for one minute in boiling water. Then drain and rinse under cold water to stop the cooking. Mix all the other ingredients (soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, salt and oil) together in a large bowl. Add Asparagus and toss. Enjoy.

Monday, April 11, 2022

TEXAS Raped This Woman. God Have Mercy. God say Be Calm. Galatians 6:7.

early 14c., "booty, prey;" mid-14c., "forceful seizure, act of snatching by force; plundering, robbery, extortion," from Anglo-French rap, rape, and directly from Latin rapere "seize" (see rape (v.)). Meaning "act of abducting a woman or sexually violating her or both" is from early 15c. Late 13c. in Anglo-Latin (rapum).

Somebody suggested the Anti abortion Zealots do not want this to go SCOTUS. Why? It makes the logical consequences of the Abortion Stalker Law mighty obvious. Every single thing I predicted has come to pass. An innocent Woman was effectively stalked, kidnapped, raped and unjustly imprisoned by StateGov.

It is Gosnell City now in Texas. Dr. Kermit Gosnell murdered pre and post partum infants and called that legal abortion. He kept the corpses in his refrigerator. All possibility of compliance with law is eradicated in Texas. All regulation as to time and safety of procedure is gone. And the wombsniffers screaming LIFE have now created destruction.

If democratic voting will not preserve our civil rights now, and law also will not protect our Family or Women, we are left with no political choice but assassination. Hang Alito and Barrett and Roberts should do it up good. Forget chivvying me FBI, I am too old, crazy and crippled to carry it out. But others are not. It is not just Margery Taylor Greene calling for assassination now. I am a hippy peacenik Quaker GrandMother calling for assassination. I have Daughters. You just might have a another big fat problem uprising on your hands.