Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Veni, vidi, vice. - Julius Caesar

Graphic by Buddy McCue.

I studied two semesters of Latin in High School. This is the only sentence in Latin I know beyond the Latin Mass. It translates I came, I saw, I conquered.

I have been absent and this is the first time I have been able to think anything at all much less write anything. I am grumpy. I did not much like John McCain when he was alive. I see no reason to like him now that he is dead. Rest in Peace.

I am thinking about War. We were lied into the Iraq War. Saddam with WMD was an outright utilitarian lie. Democrats under Obama should not have 'moved on' for the 'good of the country.' Torture is a war crime. Bush and Cheyney need to stand trial. Not doing anything about it was cowardly and accelerated our current contempt at all levels for 'facts' and the rule of law. Our biggest problem now is rampant corruption. I like the way the Bible puts it. 
Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
So let us talk about war heros like Julius Caesar. And The USA waging war somewhere on the globe for a moment.

We have not won any wars. We are currently at war all over the globe. It is all the same war. We have been in continuous war for more than 30 years now.

This approach to diplomacy is making us poor and the 1% rich and killing innocent people. We are a global bully and the chickens are coming home to roost.

Bush and Republican policy created the last fiscal disaster. A taxcut for the Corpos and 1% while in a war is the perfect recipe for fiscal disaster. And that is what they did to us and have just done again.

On a lighter note, the corn and cantaloupes seem especially yummy right now. One day, we will eat the Rich and the Corpos. They will leave us no other choice.

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