Showing posts with label Signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Signs. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2016

Sign of the Month - June 2016 - The Reason Rally

You choose the best sign from a surfeit of riches. I want to go to this rally next year. Got to be a hoot. 

I remain a theist. However, I think atheists have a damn good argument.

I want to give atheists some free advice. It probably does not help to call religious people crazy. Momma said "You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar."

The first sign is from Reason Rally 2012. I like it so I put it in here anyway.

I am not sure what this sign has to do with reason or religion but it is kool. Kind of.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Signs of the Month - May 2016

I stopped finding signs when my garden bit me. So good to be back and at them. Them, of course varies.

The first image is sexy and funny. First Prize.

The second is a screen shot. It is the sign on the shirt that really creeps me out. Video below.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sign of the Month - March 2016

I am not apologizing to anybody for this folk sign. Even though I am a Democrat. It is funny. Funny is more important than earnest ranting and raving partisanship in politics. It is a lot more fun and stuff may get done. Congress is at its lowest approval rating ever and will not or cannot govern.

When the doctrine of allegiance to party can utterly up-end a man's moral constitution and make a temporary fool of him besides, what excuse are you going to offer for preaching it, teaching it, extending it, perpetuating it? Shall you say, the best good of the country demands allegiance to party? Shall you also say it demands that a man kick his truth and his conscience into the gutter, and become a mouthing lunatic, besides?     - Mark Twain
"Consistency", paper read at the Hartford Monday Evening Club on 5 December 1887. The Complete Essays of Mark Twain.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Signs of the Month - February 2016 - Standoff in Oregon

If I did not know this was a standoff between townspeople and militia, I would think I was at the Memorial Day Parade in Hopewell NJ in 1956 outside my Uncle Joe's tavern. This sign is funny. The horse and rider so beautifully rural and American. The flags.  

But if you scroll through the linked material, you can see the Locals are serious as a heart attack. Serious. They brought coffee and snacks.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Sign of the Month - October 2015

A Planned Parenthood #PinkOut. Notice the men in the crowd who came to help out. Real men, gay and straight, heart women.  

Women vote. Do the Republicans know that Women have the vote? 

Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House? The "rape is just a method of conception" guy? Oh hell no. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

SIGN OF THE MONTH - September 1, 2015

Works for me. Republicans have the rape and breeder slavery of women in their party platform. Republicans have contempt for women.
Trump: “Excuse me, you DROPPED to your knees?”
Brande: “Yes."
Trump: "It must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees."
"Rand Paul in Kentucky...wants the government to intervene if a woman gets pregnant because of rape or force a woman or a girl in that situation to give birth to the rapist's baby or to their relative's baby, no matter what she or the girl or woman's doctor wants."
Last week, Paul Ryan gave an interview in which, defending his position that there should be no excuses for abortion, he referred to rape as a "method of conception."

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Wisconsin Walker Gets Cheesed - Sign of the Month - August 2015

Scott Walker came to Philly. What can I say? We have our own unique style of political dissent - Urban Uncouth. You pick the sign you like the best. I am laughing too hard to choose.

Who is the big guy on the left with the big head and the big gun? Given the sentiment in the tweet below the picture, maybe he is Scott Walker's security? This is the best election ever.

Ethan Booker‏@Ethan_Booker
Scott Walker cut in line at Geno's to order a cheesesteak with American cheese and no onions. He's not getting out of Philly alive.
VISITORS - Do not go to Geno's or Pat's for cheesesteak. Only tourists go there. Go to Jim's Steaks on South Street. And if you want to try something new, go to Tony Luke's for the roast pork and escarole sandwich. So good.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Art from the WPA

The Library of Congress possesses a treasure trove of the finest examples of American graphic art ever silk screened and printed.

I selected a few of the posters created by WPA artists for your enjoyment. Then as now, the government is not shy about giving us good advice. You can see more of these incredible posters HERE:

You can purchase prints of many of these posters. There is more than one Zoo poster. You want to see them all. I had a hard time selecting which one to use here.

The Federal Art Project (FAP) was the visual arts arm of the Great Depression-era New Deal Works Progress Administration Federal One program in the United States. It operated from August 29, 1935, until June 30, 1943. Reputed to have created more than 200,000 separate works, FAP artists created posters, murals and paintings. Some works still stand among the most-significant pieces of public art in the country. - Wikipedia

Did you know that Philadelphia once had a municipal acquarium? 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Tailgating for Jesus - Sign of the Month - June 2015

This sign comes from Every Saturday Morning Blog.  This is their Mission Statement:
Louisville Clinic Escort volunteers offer to accompany people seeking abortions to the door of EMW Women’s Surgical Center while practicing de-escalation and promoting normalization of abortion access.

Helluva sign. Death, Religion and Politics on one stick. Bet that woman is a multi-tasker of the first water. The sign below was the runner up this month. What is it with trucks used as billboards? Way to maximize exposure for sure.

These are not the first truck signs I have published. I like them. Begs the question: do liberals drive trucks? Yes, they do. Look at truck sign #3 below.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sign of the Month - April 2015 - STFU David Brooks

David Brooks wants Gay Rights Advocates to "Go Gently"with their opposition

Remember Matthew Shepherd?
When was the last time LGBTQ activists tied a fundy Xtian to fence, beat the Xtian bloody and left him to die?

Remember the Upstairs Lounge arson?
When was the last time a LGBTQ activist set fire to a Xtian Purity Ball and murdered 30 people.

Remember Eric Rudolph?
When was the last time a gay activist was responsible for a series of anti-Xtian motivated bombings which killed two people and injured 111 others.

Who is David Brooks and why should we care? You think he is married? 

David Brooks needs to STFU. He is a bigot and a paid professional liar and obfuscator. No LGBTQ activist is killing and maiming and torturing Xtians for shitz and giggles. No LGBTQ activist is calling for the execution of Christians. The same cannot be said of fundamentalist Christians.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sign of the Month - March 2015

I just had to use this sign again. It was just too perfect for this month.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Cabu was assassinated at Charlie Hebdo - Sign of the Month - January 2015

Cabu was born in 1938 and had been doing political cartooning for more than 40 years. Some of his work is below. The cartoons do not require translation. We can see his lifelong dedication to peace on Earth and his hatred of violence. Rest in peace and honor. 

True. This! —
Beneath the rule of men entirely great
The pen is mightier than the sword.
The arch-enchanters wand! — itself is nothing! —
But taking sorcery from the master-hand
To paralyse the Cæsars, and to strike
The loud earth breathless! —
Take away the sword —
States can be saved without it!
- Edward Bulwer Lytton

Monday, December 1, 2014

Sign of the Month - December 2014 - Brotherhood of Man

“I wish I could say that racism and prejudice were only distant memories. We must dissent from the indifference. We must dissent from the apathy. We must dissent from the fear, the hatred and the mistrust…We must dissent because America can do better, because America has no choice but to do better.” - Thurgood Marshall 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

TALK BACK by VOTE! - November 2014 Sign of the Month

I learned how to do a write-in vote this morning. It was easy. The election judge never did a write-in vote before. So we both did something new.

And now I am teaching my kids all about the write-in vote. I do not have to settle for a substandard candidate. Democracy - it is a wonderful thing. Writing in the guy you really want is the way to go. I voted for myself. Nobody better.

I voted YES! for Tom Wolfe and Jason Dawkins. 

NO on Brendan Boyle. I will not vote for an anti choice Democrat. And time for a change from the Tartagliones. Past time. 

That said, the little sign is the party machine sign.  

The big sign is the TALK BACK SIGN. Hat tip to scribeboy

Thursday, October 9, 2014

St. Louis Blues - Sign of the Month - October 2014

Another young black man in St. Louis shot by an off duty white police officer because he was "running like he had a gun." Say what? His name is Vonderrit Myers Jr. 

Seems like a 'pedestrian check' is the St. Louis version of "Papers please." I would run from the cops in St. Louis and I am pink. 
This is the statement from St. Louis PD sent to Buzzfeed reporter Jim Dalrymple:
An officer working department-approved secondary for a security company, wearing a St. Louis Police Officer's uniform was in the 4100 block of Shaw when he attempted a pedestrian check. The male suspect fled on foot. The officer pursued the suspect. The suspect turned and fired a gun at the officer. Fearing for his safety, the officer returned fire striking the suspect, fatally wounding him. The officer was not injured. A gun was recovered from the scene. The officer is a 32-year old white male. He has been on the force for 6 years. The suspect is a black male believed to be 18-20 years old. As is department policy, the officer has been placed on administrative leave. The investigation is ongoing.
This post has musical accompaniment - St. Louis in better days - and we have to go back to 1929 to find those 'better days.' Now that is sad. It is more than sad. It is intolerable. This video is beautiful.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sign of the Month - August 2014

Gainesville welcomes a new Hobby Lobby store. I had a hard time picking the sign out of the wealth of candidates.

Get the story of the protest and quotes from the protesters from the Gainesville Sun.

And get more photos of the protest HERE. 

Everybody was there. And the signs were clever and creative. Ultimately, the prochoice man with the simple information sign about how to resist the Hobby Lobby decision was my choice. The sexiest man in the world is a pro choice man. See the runners-up below. And see the Satanic Temple for another way to resist. 

Some 90 people join protest against Hobby Lobby
Hobby Lobby's new Gainesville store opened quietly Friday ahead of its official grand opening Monday morning, but it was noisy on the sidewalk outside. Passing cars honked in support of sign-waving protesters who oppose the company's stance on women's contraceptive health care.