Saturday, January 25, 2014

Asshats on Parade - Shhh. Do not interrupt this man.

The men of the Republican party believe that women and women alone are to be held responsible for the fact that humans have sex. Why else would they be coming for our birth control?

Republicans lost women by 10 points last election nationally. Next election it will be by 20 points. Women have not forgotten: The Republican Rape Advisory Chart.

The irony is that Huckabee was for no copay contraception before he was against it.

Uncle Sugar, Huckabee? Nothing like having a preacher suggesting women are whores. Better than Mourdock's "God wills rape pregnancy" for getting those votes. Glory Hallellujah.

Oh proceed, please proceed in this vein, SuckABee. I wanting you to do it. I am waiting for you to do it. I am so willing for you to do it.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Yo, Putin

Can we start calling Putin "Sochi Minh?" - Nick Vanocur

AssHats on Parade - Punch in the Mouth Edition - Rep. Joe Fisher of Kentucky

State Rep. Joe Fischer (R) attached an amendment banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy to a bill expanding domestic violence protections for dating couples, Louisville radio station WFPL reported Tuesday.

"The most brutal form of domestic violence is the violence against unborn children," Fischer told WFPL. "And, this particular bill would prohibit abortions after the fetus feels pain, which is 20 weeks and older." - by Catherine Thompson, Talking Points Memo 
Joe Fisher of Kentucky
Take a look at this guy, Joseph Fisher. Here he is on the right. A staunch Roman Catholic. Look closely. Would you buy a used car from this man? 
Fisher is an abuser himself. What do abusive men do? Control. Control is what abusive men are all about.
Controlling behaviour is often disguised or excused as concern. Concern for your safety, your emotional or mental health, the need to use your time well, or to make sensible decisions.
Homicide is the second most common cause of death for pregnant women and women who have recently given birth. Homicide is the ultimate control.

Abusive men poke holes in your diapharagm or the condom so you will get pregnant and they can control you.

If an abusive man does not want you to be pregnant, they slip abortifacients in your coffee or kick you in the stomach. Or beat you to death. Control.

What does baggerpuke Joe Fischer want to do to women in his state? Control them. He is an AssHat Abuser. I rest my case.

I just have one question: So it is okay to kill babies if they are going to kill their Mother? Do we have to wait to abort a dying baayyyy beeee until it does kill its Mother? Innocent until proven guilty, right? Bad baby deserves it, right? Moron. 

Some remarks by the Artist and links to her work taken from her website:
"Patriarchy is destructive to society, it's a form of violence against women, and there is no place for it in contemporary culture. We have to call it out when it happens.

I decided it was time for some slut positivity and some major ass kicking of these conservative, woman-hating men.

Please share and disseminate. High res versions available here:

Friday, January 17, 2014

Smoke House Sausage and Sauerkraut

I was fond of Smokies sausages when I was a child. It was the lunch treat my Polish Mother, the Polka Queen, brought home every Saturday from the supermarket. They disappeared for a bit but Oscar Mayer recently started making them again.

If you are fond of traditional smokehouse flavor and are food additive conscious, I recommend Czerw's Kielbasy and Polish Provisions. Their home made products contain no by-products, artificial color, fillers, or added water.

Shop early in the week, especially on Easter. You will find that lines of people go around the block on Easter. Poles take Easter seriously. 

I buy barrel Sauerkraut, smoked Cajun Kielbasa which my children love, and Kabanosy, a sort of hot Polish Slim Jim. We have lots of assimilation in Foody Nation Philadelphia. You can get directions, history of the shop, and a list of their products at their website.

 Jan Czerw, Grandfather of the current owners, immigrated from Mislsi, Poland. In 1938, Jan Czerw converted a horse stable into a shop. He built the brick ovens meat is smoked in himself. Czerw's Kielbasa still stands in that original spot, using the same brick ovens built almost 70 years ago. For the Czerws, traditon and quality are standard.

Wesolych Swiat i dobre jedzenie!
Note: There are about 600,000 Folks in Philadelphia who think of themselves as Polish. All those good Folks like to eat good Polish Food. I am going to tell you where I find it. There many excellent Polish shops and food purveyors in Philadelphia. I do not pretend this is a thorough list of every single Polish shop in Philadelphia or nearby. It is where I shop. Maybe you know a good place? Leave a comment and I will go there and give it a try. And write about it. - Plum