Sunday, August 4, 2019

Anonymous Speaks Truth at Stereotypes

Poster by Favianna Rodriguez.

I do not know who wrote this. It appeared online without attribution. 

Things radical feminism did not do to me, a transsexual woman (Trans women, please read!)
***trigger warning: rape, assault***

Radical Feminism:

•did not cause my father to beat me with a belt because my body language was ‘girly’

•did not cause neighborhood boys and classmates to beat me up for being ‘faggy’

•did not give me an eating disorder in high school as a reaction to my frame getting bigger during puberty

•did not create the religion that made me think when I was little that I would go to Hell for the ways I thought and behaved

•did not cause my rape by a guy who told me afterward that he thought I was role-playing when I cried and struggled, and admitted it was ‘the hottest sex he’d ever had’

•is not responsible for me and many other trans women feeling terror and hopelessness at the prospect of life as a visibly gender-nonconforming person in a society where this is punished

•did not create the unattainable beauty standards that further complicate my already complex struggle with sex dysphoria

•is not the reason I’ve been consistently mansplained to at every job I’ve held since transitioning by men who do it because they think I was born with a vagina (and thus that they need to talk to me like I’m six years old)

•is not the cause of my street harassment by men who think I was born with a vagina and thus feel entitled to proposition, frighten, or threaten me for their sexual gratification

•did not cause the culture of homophobia that makes dating men dangerous and potentially fatal for trans women

Radical feminism attacks patriarchy, which is the root cause of everything listed above. As trans women, we work against our own freedom, health, and dignity when we misdirect our anger and anguish toward the very people who are fighting the system that hurts us. We strengthen the true source of our social struggles.

Feedback is welcome and hoped-for. Trans women, please feel free to add to this list, especially.

The boys who tried to beat me up, and left threatening messages on my voicemail in school, had not been inspired by Janice Raymond.
Nor did the terms “tr*nny” or “f*g” enter their lexicon via radical feminist theory.
It was a male psychiatrist — not radical feminists — who delayed my treatment because he thought my dysphoria stemmed from the death of my father and the absence of male role models.
Radical feminists are not the reason I was flashed and masturbated at by a man as I walked home at night.
Radical feminists are not responsible for the harassment and unwanted advances I experience virtually every time I go out dancing.
And they never sent me obnoxious sexual messages or dick pics, funnily enough!
First rule of misogyny is that women are responsible for what men do.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

We need Revolution a la Groucho. Let us march on Boss Tweet utilizing Vuvuzelas and Kazoos.

We need to do a Puerto Rico on our Federal Government. Everybody start marching to DC. It will be the real Straight People Pride March to Rid DC of Crook-eds. Yes that is a pun and I committed it.

We call it the NOTHING IN OR OUT MARCH. I need help. Let us pick a date. Start at your front door and march to DC from wherever you are. Bring friends and snacks. Occupy the terrain.

Bring your dog, your vuvuzela, funny hats, kazoos and feather boas. We go in peace. We are not violent. We are firm. Firm and that is All.

We surround the White House and we let nothing go in or out until Boss Tweet goes back to his tower and stays there. General Strike. Let us find out if our government will fire on us. Time we knew, I say. American Spring. Bribe him with a pardon.

I got thrown off twitter for 'advocating violence.' I kept quoting John Adams President and Founding Father. Of course, I quoted him out of context. But I mean, they keep Donald Trump and his posts are violent. Time to clip wings of organizations creating and profiting from techno- feudalism.
The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea. - John Adams
If you want to know all of what he said about defending our Constitution read it here. 

Friday, July 12, 2019

Trump Hoe or Ode to the Deal

Rentboy, rentboy, outta’ sight!
How much do you cost a night?
Snort some candy up your nose?
Put your tongue-tip on my rose!

Rentboy, rentboy, you’re so sweet!
Come and do me when I tweet
Do me when I come to town
In and out and upside-down!

Rentboy, rentboy, doing time.
You cannot have this vote of mine.

The attraction is mutual, but history shows who’s really using whom.
By David Remnick

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Fragments 1 - Christian Witch Cake Hunt or Thou Shalt Not Noodge.

Response to

Insisting God is a factual factotum and Others must agree with such will be the absolute death of religion as traditionalists know it. Traditionalists know this but they cannot stop themselves from making the same old arguments and trying to enforce archaic inhumane rules. It worked for centuries before Gutenberg made the Bible accessible. Then all Hell broke loose. Heh. The Net is as revolutionary as the printing press.

This Cake Patrol Christianity is being presented as religious conscientious objection. It is no such thing.

What is nonviolent civil or religious disobedience? Gandhi's definition is the clearest in my opinion:

"I have also called it love-force or soul-force. . . I discovered in the earliest stages that pursuit of truth did not admit of violence being inflicted on one’s opponent but that he must be weaned from error by patience and compassion. For what appears to be truth to the one may appear to be error to the other. And patience means self-suffering. So the doctrine came to mean vindication of truth, not by infliction of suffering on the opponent, but on oneself." - Mohandas Gandhi.

If you choose to disobey the law, you must incur the consequences. Not inflict the consequences of your disobedience on the Other. That is not conscientious objection. That is assault.

Jesus counseled following the civil law. Instead, some Xtians have chosen to noodgie people. And act surprised and all hurt and frightened when people noodgie back. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. Galatians 6:7.