I am building this post. If you love Screamin' Jay and you got something to say, say it loud. We need to know who is backing Hawkins up here.
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Sunday with Screamin' Jay Hawkins
I am building this post. If you love Screamin' Jay and you got something to say, say it loud. We need to know who is backing Hawkins up here.
Saturday, April 10, 2021
CHURCH MILITANT - They want members. They charge money.
So there are two Traditional Catholic message boards I found while looking for a community of Catholics to be Catholic among. I love the Roman Catholic Church. I keep trying to find my way back to Mass. I have been banned from both Traditional Catholic message boards.
I left the church forever when I saw a very young girl come out of the Confessional with bitter tears streaming down her face. What happened to her? What sin could a child commit so awful that would result in discipline so painful. I felt deeply that Roman Catholics were cruel and I was never coming back. I was 13.
I stayed away a long time. I was evangelized by a Catholic woman. She invited me back and insisted a spiritual community was what I needed. I was alone with 2 young daughters and in the middle of a divorce. I needed. So I went to Mass and the Priest's sermon was that 'Gay Folks deserve to die of AIDS because God said so.' Best boss I ever had, Thomas MacBeth, was a gay man. Thomas was a Musician and the Organist for the Presbyterian Church in Princeton NJ. He has a square in the first AIDS Quilt. Did not go back to Mass for another couple of decades.
I am on a rediscover the Catholic Church again quest. I took a Vow. Even though the Magisterium aided and abetted kiddyrapers, I am still trying to find a way. I am a cradle Catholic. My Polish family is one of the founding families of beautiful St. Hedwig's in Trenton New Jersey. I want to make Peace with my childhood religion. I remember my Babcha teaching me to pray in front of a blue eyed Polish Jesus. I was four years old.
This is what I found Catholics are concerned with today on CHURCH MILITANT. These comments come from an article about a Roman Catholic Nun who ministers to transgender and intersex people. You can read it at the link.
I have been banned because I keep typing the motto below. What follows the Flying Trump Christmas Ornament are Comments from some of the Catholics who frequent Church Militant. They run 1 out of 4 are decent people.:
This is the Century in which the Roman Catholic Church will stop maiming and killing Women, Children and assorted Odd People.
Wolemai • 19 days ago These evil modern religious, these phony nuns, are a desecration of the true meaning of the Religious life. My daughter is an enclosed Carmelite Sister and she, and her whole Carmel live in holy obedience to God and His Church. They witness to all who meet them the truth of God. This Derouen creature is an evil agent of Satan who is deliberately guiding people directly into Hell. She will find a special deep, dark burning place has been reserved for her because of the countless souls she has damned.
Blobee • 20 days ago • edited Did anyone else notice her last name, Derouen, is pronounced, "De Ruin?" De Ruin! Oh man, the irony!
And what a way to "help" somebody...to encourage them in their sin.I'm not surprised there are such people, I'm just surprised they are allowed to live and thrive in Catholic religious orders, which only shows the whole order is infected with poison.
John Doe-Believer • 20 days ago The very first sentence shows total ignorance or brazen liar.
“ Sr. Luisa Derouen: "I am absolutely meant by God to be a companion to transgender people."”
==> God defines homosexuality as an abomination
==> God wrote in stone that false witness is a sin
==> God declared that cross-dressing is a sin
Put all together, like in basic simple maths 1+1+1=3
That means a biological male claiming to be female and dressing as such is already a double no-no.
That means her god isn’t the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and her belief not based on the Holy Bible.Char1871 • 20 days ago The Vatican is short on money and they wonder why. It's not hard to understand: no one wants to support fake catholics who abuse their power and God.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Political Sign of the Month - UPDATE - ALAN GRAYSON RETURNS!
This is an old post (2013) that now contains good news. Alan is back and running for Marco Rubio's Senate seat.
OF H.R. 1960
Page 432, after line 21, insert the following:
5 (a) PROHIBITION.—None of the funds authorized to
6 be appropriated or otherwise made available to the De-
7 partment of Defense for fiscal year 2014 or any suc-
8 ceeding fiscal year may be used to collect any information
9 generated by a citizen of the United States while located
10 in the United States, including telephone records, internet
11 records, and physical location information, without prob-
12 able cause of a terrorism offense or an offense within the
13 jurisdiction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice re-
14 lated to action or conduct by that citizen.
15 (b) UNITED STATES.—In this section, the term
16 ‘‘United States’’ means the several States of the United
17 States, the District of Columbia, and the commonwealths,
18 territories, and possessions of the United States.
Monday, March 15, 2021
Pssst. Fools tread where Angels fear to go. I am a Fool.
I read this bitty essay by Jonathan Capehart. I am verklempt.
“Woke supremacy” ranks up there with that tired crutch of the right known as “cancel culture.” The purpose of both phrases is to shield folks from criticism when they are called out for their actions or their deeply ignorant musings that peddle in racism, xenophobia or misogyny. It is also used to deny dignity to those of us who rise up and demand it in defiance of a dominant culture that depends on our silence. Or, in the case of Scott, complicity in maintaining that silence.So let us now pile on and stomp Tim Scott because he is bad bad bad. Proof? We doan need no steenking proof.
The Evil do evil. Jonathan and Joy, you are asking me to make individual specific Republicans totally responsible for all Republican evil thuggery. It is a stupid position. You be stupid. I will save France. Politics done as team sport is NOT good citizenship.