Friday, October 1, 2021

Fascism Bingo

Note: I wrote this four years ago. Things are not good. The Press is an "enemy of the People." We are 45th in Press Freedom worldwide per Reporters without Borders. Our Press is being assaulted and some murdered by BrownShirts. And Trump is still lying about our Media with help from some of The Press. Who do you believe?

The graphic above comes from Buddy McCue, Renaissance Man. The posters are otherwise from Library of Congress.

The political blogs are full of actions we must take. Article at link proves there is a transcendental connection among us.

I start with my own pet pony(s), Controlled Media and Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts.

I think laughing at the Cheetoh faced shitgibbon is the way to go. Keep in mind always that Authoritarians have no sense of humor or proportion. Or any kind of self control.

Trump is still whining and drooling over Pence being booed at Hamilton. He is demanding an apology from the artists. Trumpolini cannot stand ridicule. He and Pence must be mercilessly ridiculed wherever they go.

All this Trump whining distracts from the news that our POTUS elect is a fraudster. And when the authoritarians are not whining they are publishing fake news. Not to worry. Zuckerburger will save us. 

Artists apologize or get executed under Fascism. They get jobs in a Democracy. The link goes to a collection of Works Progress Administration Posters. Why? They literally shed light as a condition of their existence.
 A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light. - Leonardo da Vinci

The Committee to Protect Journalists letter in full of which this quote is a a part:
Through his words and actions, Trump has consistently demonstrated a contempt for the role of the press beyond offering publicity to him and advancing his interests.
For this reason CPJ is taking the unprecedented step of speaking out now. This is not about picking sides in an election. This is recognizing that a Trump presidency represents a threat to press freedom unknown in modern history.
We call on Trump to ensure that journalists are able to cover his campaign and his rallies without interference or impediment; to condemn threats against journalists made by his supporters; and to ensure that his statements and actions in the balance of this campaign are consistent with America's First Amendment tradition.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Physician, heal thyself. - Luke 4:23

Ben Carson wrote an essay for Wapo. I read it. Then as I zoomed around the net, I saw another Carson essay and then another...! Ben Carson is running for POTUS in his own Ben Carson way.

There is something wrong with this Carson dude. Just wrong. And it creeps me out. Dude whispers and his eyes are all slanty shut. I do not know what the wrong is. I know this - I do not want an idiot savant to be anywhere near the proverbial button.
Blunted affect is a clinical term to define a lack of emotional reactivity (affect display) in an individual. It manifests as a failure to express feelings either verbally or non-verbally, especially when talking about issues that would normally be expected to engage the emotions. Expressive gestures are rare and there is little animation in facial expression or vocal inflection.[1] Blunted affect can be symptomatic of schizophrenia, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, depersonalization disorder,[2][3][4] or brain damage.[5] It may also be a side effect of certain medications (e.g., antipsychotics).[6] Individuals with blunted or flat affect show different regional brain activity when compared with healthy individuals.
Blunted affect is a lack of affect more severe than restricted or constricted affect, but less severe than flat or flattened affect. "The difference between flat and blunted affect is in degree. A person with flat affect has no or nearly no emotional expression. He or she may not react at all to circumstances that usually evoke strong emotions in others. A person with blunted affect, on the other hand, has a significantly reduced intensity in emotional expression".[7] = wikipedia
And the dude lies like a fuckingRepublican. He wants to defund Planned Parenthood because of fetal tissue collection. Does the dumbass fuckingRepublican not get it that he wrote a paper on an experiment he did with fetal tissue and some of us read? You can find his tortured explanation on tape if you look. No affect. I mean, blink Dude. Scratch your ear. Something. 

I am old enough to have known a man with the numbers tattooed on his arm, as well as you can know a ghost. Mr. Wollstein was not there. Never spoke. He was my playmate's Father. I have no words. 
“I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed,” Carson elaborated in the interview. “There’s a reason these dictatorial people take the guns first.”

The Anti-Defamation League, which monitors and responds to anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry, has long opposed the use of Nazi comparisons in the U.S. gun control debate. “The idea that supporters of gun control are doing something akin to what Hitler’s Germany did to strip citizens of guns in the run-up to the Second World War is historically inaccurate and offensive, especially to Holocaust survivors and their families,” Abraham Foxman, the ADL’s national director at the time, said in 2013.
Ben Carson says these things about the Shoah and Gay Folks with no affect. I take that back, with inappropriate affect. He is affable. He is higher than the Eagles. Lights are on but nobody is home. OMG GOP WTF?

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Comic Relief in the Time of Trump. Hat Tip to Gabriel García Márquez.- UPDATE

UPDATE: Thank you, President Biden for ending forever War. I can take a deep breath now. We can have nice things now. We must clean house now. Remember this: -------------> ----------->

Published 12-26-17
I am ready for and need some comic relief. Maybe you do too? So I posted the funny stuff first.

If you have reached peak rage too, just skip the editorial shyte below and stick with the laughs. I am getting so scared and angry that I am too distressed to read more than a few pages at a time.

The first video is just evil. I do not find the pelvic thrust convincing. But videos are like assholes; everybody has one.

US military leaders have sent an ominous warning to American troops to be prepared, saying the enemy is ‘watching you.’ General Robert Neller pointed to the near future possibility of Russia and the Pacific theatre being the next major areas of conflict and said a “big ass fight” was on the way, reports
Read more by Patrick Knox... 

When have we not been at war since Vietnam? War is why we cannot have CHIPS, speed controls on our trains, decent airports, bridges that are not going to fall any minute.

From Eugene Victor Debs, American Socialist Party candidate for POTUS:
As we have said, the bankers are for bullets—for the fool patriots that enlist at paupers' wages to stop the bullets, while the bankers clip coupons, boost food prices, increase dividends, and pile up millions and billions for themselves. Say, Mr. Workingman, suppose you have sense enough to be as patriotic as the banker, but not a bit more so. When you see the bankers on the firing line with guns in their hands ready to stop bullets as well as start them, then it is time enough for you to be seized with the patriotic itch and have yourself shot into a crazy-quilt for their profit and glory. Don't you take a fit and rush to the front until you see them there. They own the country and if they don't set the example of fighting for it, why should you?
As quoted in "American State Trials: A Collection of the Important and Interesting Criminal Trials which Have Taken Place in the United States, from the Beginning of Our Government to the Present Day", Vol. 13, 1921

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Roasted Pumpkin Guts - Repeated as Public Service

My favorite holiday is coming. Gorgeous pumpkins of all sizes in the market. So I am doing this again. Note: you can roast the seeds of any hard winter squash.

When I was a child, you could buy a box of roasted salty Indian Brand Pumpkin Seeds at the corner candy store. The box the seeds were packed in had a beautiful illustration of an American Indian in full Chief's headdress. The brand is still around but the illustration is gone from the packaging.

When you get done carving that pumpkin for Halloween or just to make a pie, you can roast your own pumpkin seeds. Roasted pumpkin seeds are so good.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

1 and 1/2 cups raw whole Pumpkin Seeds
2 teaspoons Butter, melted
Pinch Salt

Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).

Toss seeds in a bowl with the melted butter and salt. Spread the seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes or until golden brown; stir occasionally.

This recipe comes from - for my money the best recipe site on the net. Cooks share their variations on the recipe and their opinions of the recipe's quality. Think Chili Roasted Pumpkin Seeds. Or Cinnamon Roasted Pumpkin Seeds.

Cooks also share practical tips for recipe execution like this tip below. There are a lot of creative cooks in the world. This tip is from Valerie's Kitchen.

"If you've never roasted pumpkin seeds before here are my tips. When you carve your pumpkins scoop the seeds into a colander and the guts onto newspaper. Inevitably some of the guts will be mixed in with the seeds but when you run water over them it's separated out pretty easily. After you drain the rinsed seeds, pour them onto a large, dry cookie sheet and let them sit for 24 hours or so to dry out. Now you can pick out the remaining pieces of pumpkin stuff that didn't get pulled out earlier and they will roast better if they are not wet when they go in the oven. My family prefers them seasoned with garlic salt in place of regular salt but you can use whatever suits your taste. So good!"