Thursday, February 29, 2024

Peeps Jousting! Semper Fidelis!

It is Spring. Easter is March 31. The variety stores are full of Easter Candy. Now is the time for Peeps Jousting. To arms!

"Semper Fidelis", written in 1888 by John Philip Sousa (The March King), is regarded as the official march of the United States Marine Corps. This piece was one of two composed in response to a request from United States President Chester Arthur for a new piece to be associated with the United States President. The words Semper Fidelis are Latin for "Always Faithful."  - Wikipedia

The Voice of the Turtle is Heard in Our Land

Sit yourself down, Mitch McConnell. Shut your dirty mouth. Ugh. You run a better con than Don Con Cheeto. 

McConnell continues to tell pernicious lies while calling out TRUTH in noble tones. He 'others' the folks who invaded the Capitol and demeaned them by calling them criminals and 'the mob.'

In truth, they are real estate agents, firefighters, police, small business owners, professors, and some true whackadoo criminal insurrectionists. They believed The Big Lie promulgated by your party, which McConnell you did not deny until convenient.

We gave you two good chances to avoid the death march of your Party. Liz Cheyney could have been POTUS after 1/6. Instead, you shyte your pants.

Either you are powerful enough to have stopped The Big Lie, and you are complicit or too weak to stop the madness. Or Trumpus Putin has something on you. Either way, if you want to assign blame, THIS IS YOUR FAULT if it is anybody's fault.

This is not a plea for clemency. I want the insurrectionists prosecuted for any crime committed. I want the perpetrators with the most political power enforced first and foremost.

Shaming and blaming are the stupid person's response to bad trouble. The bad trouble of ordinary Americans doing crime and insurrection deserves a serious, considered productive response. Not more gaslighting. And victim blaming. YOU DID THIS.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Moscow Mitch in Song - GOODBYE!


I have been doing my dance on Plum Street for a decade now. I plan an Anniversary Edition. Time to thank the Artists and Writers who have shared their work here. This is only the beginning. Living Anniversary Edition. 

Google decided my blog was pornographic. So Big G said No adsense for you. Bad images, bad! This image is Victorian.

I decided to run ad-free and publish what I liked. See the LABELS in the left column: try FILTH AND DIRT or maybe SEX DRUGS AND ROCK AND ROLL.

Here we are, Cher Readers and Friends. Such fun.

I will add a TIP ME button when I find out how. I need help paying for this place.

I miss Bede and Nicky.

"Some say life is too complex,
When you boil it down, it's food and sex."
- Nick Vanocur