Friday, April 12, 2024

Song for the Oily Wrestler and My Heros


FUCK (with) synonyms: lay screw shag bang bonk score schtup #$% and some I surely missed. Pick your favorite.

When I turn on YouTube at the end of the day,
When the last winds of work blues have flown,
Conway and Swalwell will be 
There and waiting for me.
I won’t have to #$% Gym Jordan alone.

I won’t have to screw Jordan alone.
Kinzinger’s career died my sins to atone.
Through the darkness, I see.
He’ll still be working with me.
I won’t have to schtup Gym Jordan alone.

Though the billows of lies and trouble may sweep
Jared Moskowitz will care for our own
Until the end of the journey
The Democracy he will keep
I won’t have to bang Jordan alone.

Note: The Democracy is what FDR called All Americans

I used a beautiful old Christian Hymn for rhyme scheme and meter. I know this Singer will understand and forgive me. He was a touch badly behaved once in awhile like me. 

This is a living and transforming Dog. I need three more verses/chorus. I will accept assistance.

Monday, April 8, 2024


Muttsy Gaetz sought a job on the TV.

Wore his best suit when he applied.

Newsmax said, “No. Man, you too dirty.”

Muttsy went home, snort some and cried.

Greenberg and Muttsy are both Satyrs.

Chant: “We rich, we kool, we young!

Rich folk need to learn what enough is.

Greenberg squealed. Now, both of you, DUNG.

Refrain just for fun: (yippie-ye-yo)

Friday, April 5, 2024

Mike Pence is Running for President


I know a guy
Who lives in a shoe.
Every day he has
Nothing to do.
But cavil and sigh.

I know a guy
Who swallowed some poo.
No one knows why
He swallowed doo doo.
I know why he did that jig.
He swallowed doo to help a Pig.
Let's make him cry.

I know a guy with a bleeding eye.
I know why he's covered by fly.
It's all because he swallowed pig doo.
Smells foul now morning poo from the prig do.
Cavil and sigh. 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Abortion and the American Family

I have remarkable Readers. This Gentleman is one of them. Pass this on everywhere, my political friends. Fly!

From Larry Motuz:

I cannot determine what the SCOTUS will do.

Let's be clear though. In a free and democratic society, any absolute removal of the freedom to choose if and when to become a parent or have more children, including couples' abilities to decide if and when to expand their families --including all associated decisions about temporal spacing between one's children-- renders that society neither free nor democratic, but authoritarian and theocratic.

Whether that Court agrees or not, this has always been the goal of the anti-choice movement. I have said elsewhere that their intention is to take away the inherent power, right and authority of human beings to decide what is good for themselves and their families. They would do so by replacing this authority with their view that the biological heritage of mankind given by whatever god they worship requires the involuntary biological servitude of everyone to their god's dicta to beget children. Their god's dicta is whatever they choose to believe their god wants.

Thus, it is this biological begetting due to their own dicta which comprises the 'involuntary servitude' they seek to impose upon others. Note that since a biological pregnancy may begin as early as five years of age or less, well before pubescence, consent, or the physical, biological maturity to become pregnant and later beget without health hazards to the child begetting a baby, then these anti-choice persons must be considered fanatically opposed to human freedoms and human welfare.

This is not just a women's issue. It is also a family issue, a family welfare issue, a child issue and a child welfare issue. Ignoring these dimensions is the only way of imposing a theocracy upon a democracy.

I would like to see arguments made that undue burdens have been placed upon women, couples, families, and children. Such arguments could empower legislation preserving much of Roe vs. Wade against the burdensome incursions upon all of the above resulting from the Mississippi legislation being challenged and other States' legislation!