Sunday, June 21, 2015

Brock Davis Plays with His Food.

My favorite part of catering was creating beautiful tablescapes with flowers, drapery and artistic whimsey. I loved making the food look beautiful on the plate. That work has given me an appreciation of Food Art wherever I find it, on the canvas or on the plate.

You want to go to Brock Davis website, if only to see the Banana Peel Trucker Hat.  

Thursday, June 18, 2015

OMG GOP WTF? - And what rough beast, its hour come round at last...

George P. Bush looks like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush had a baby, because they knew neither one of them would win the election, but their offspring might. Badda Bing. 

Hat tip to Yeats. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Art from the WPA

The Library of Congress possesses a treasure trove of the finest examples of American graphic art ever silk screened and printed.

I selected a few of the posters created by WPA artists for your enjoyment. Then as now, the government is not shy about giving us good advice. You can see more of these incredible posters HERE:

You can purchase prints of many of these posters. There is more than one Zoo poster. You want to see them all. I had a hard time selecting which one to use here.

The Federal Art Project (FAP) was the visual arts arm of the Great Depression-era New Deal Works Progress Administration Federal One program in the United States. It operated from August 29, 1935, until June 30, 1943. Reputed to have created more than 200,000 separate works, FAP artists created posters, murals and paintings. Some works still stand among the most-significant pieces of public art in the country. - Wikipedia

Did you know that Philadelphia once had a municipal acquarium? 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Tailgating for Jesus - Sign of the Month - June 2015

This sign comes from Every Saturday Morning Blog.  This is their Mission Statement:
Louisville Clinic Escort volunteers offer to accompany people seeking abortions to the door of EMW Women’s Surgical Center while practicing de-escalation and promoting normalization of abortion access.

Helluva sign. Death, Religion and Politics on one stick. Bet that woman is a multi-tasker of the first water. The sign below was the runner up this month. What is it with trucks used as billboards? Way to maximize exposure for sure.

These are not the first truck signs I have published. I like them. Begs the question: do liberals drive trucks? Yes, they do. Look at truck sign #3 below.