Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Sexuality Test

Young Ru Paul
Note: This is a scale created by a graduate student. It is not the be all and end all of judgements about your sexuality. I post it for fun. I will also post my results. If it is going to make you all anxious and/or indignant, do not take it. 

The Kinsey Scale is a concept developed by Alfred Kinsey in 1948. Instead of describing people as either homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual, Kinsey thought sexual orientation was really a scale from heterosexuality to homosexuality.

"While there was originally no test, it was just inferred from interviews, I have created a test that seems to have good predictive power."

Test and scoring of the test at the LINK. I am a 3.


Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words.
Arthur Brisbane
I troll the internet so you do not have to, Cher Reader. Enjoy.

I try to find attribution for every image I post. Often I cannot. Artists, sign your work.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Keep Moving Your Weary Buns

So I typed this on Breitbart. No one laughed. 
"Leftists are evil. Their touch corrupts. Leftists will eat us if we let them. We need arms. We need faggots for the Faggots!"

I understand why satire is almost dead. No one is awake on the Cooter spectrum reality wise. What is a Cooter?

I needed a new word to describe Trumpians et al. AUTHORITARIAN is too long and FASCISTS is too too loaded. Troll is not sufficient because this species of Troll is a political creature. So some brilliant person uses COOTERS. I like it.

A Cooter is not Conservative by any stretch of the imagination. Team Sports RahRah attitude toward politics is killing us. And that seems to be all the Cooters have to express. Cooters are basic entities; all they do is sleep, eat, fight and fuck. Conversation is not possible.

Trump was elected by MomMom and PopPop and Putin. See them enjoying a Trumpian Rite of Supremacy and Afternoon Orgy. Dress: Casual. Cooters. My proof? See below. 
I am getting tired now. Worn out by the Obtuse. Wearied by the Weird. "Resist!" I tell myself. "Get your weary buns in motion. Once more unto the breach...etc."

Music to marchons by below from Blues virtuoso John Hurt.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Note to Ben and Candy Carson

"A word to the wise is enough, and many words won't fill a bushel." Benjamin Franklin
Congress and the Executive Branch must be randomly and regularly drug tested. Sauce for the Workingman must be sauce for the Suits. As Wifty Ben's employer, we have a right and duty to insist on sobriety as a job requirement.

BEN: You high Dude. You high as fuck. Dude, you so fucking high I doubt you can fuck. So high you cannot keep your eyes open. High dee high de Ho.

CANDY: How can you allow your husband to go on TV high as a kite? We see him. He is so high he can hardly function. For God's sake and his GO TO AL ANON. Do you care for him or respect him at all? I think not. Takes dedicated drug use to get so sick. Ben has deteriorated. Begun to slur his words. BTDT. Got the Tshirt and wore it out.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

First Day of Spring 2018

“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”
Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ode to the West Wind
Today is the official First Day of Spring. The United Nations declared this is official International Happiness Day.

Humbug! We have a 24 hour Winter Storm Warning In Philadelphia today. Happy Spring all the same. I am planning my garden. It must be Spring.

Jeffrey Koterba is the cartoonist. His blog is HERE.