Tuesday, August 28, 2018

"Simply put, you can be a massive prick, despite what is in your pants." now with Music

Ha ha ha ha ha. Bwah ha ha ha ha. Gasp. Ha ha ha... 

And the Artist just keeps posting it to her Facebook page. 

And Facebook keeps banning and reinstating her thereby making the image viral.

This is the best election ever. The pastel portrait is, of course, for sale. And Trump, of course, is threatening suit thereby making the image viral. 

Illma Gore with her Portrait

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

MAGIC GOOGLE FINGER - Just shaking my head.

So I googled RADIOACTIVE RACIST SPIDER. I saw it on twitter. I forget who posted the phrase. Maybe Stephen King? I got this cartoon. The only attribution I could find was Mercury News. I cannot read the signature of the Artist. I will investigate further.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Just like Bette Davis said: Hold on to your hat. It is going to be a bumpy night...ahh...Election.

Repeating this because of Cavanaugh and his stance on Roe v. Wade and Redpublicans pushing repeal and Cavanaugh for SCOTUS. My sentiment is the same.

Well, so far the Forced Birthers tried bombing us, burning us, killing doctors, maiming nurses, shooting security guards, stalking us, crawling all over us and shaming us. Because they are "prolife." Has not worked. They sent in The Suits. BFD.

Women will remember in November.

Under pressure from Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell (R) and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R), the state Board of Health reversed their prior ruling and applied a new trap law designed to shut down every single abortion clinic in the entire state.

In the words of the Most Reverend and Esteemed DriveBy, may the Lord preserve him:
Read your Bible, people. It clearly warns, "Those that Shall vote Republican, Shall have Republican done unto them"
- Beckchivious 9:12.

New Internet Cartoons and Cartoonists Magazine

Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words.
Arthur Brisbane

I have been celebrating Cartoons and especially Editorial Cartoonists here on my blog for some time now. I am delighted to learn that September 18 is International Cartoon Day. 

This link will take you to the Cartoons and Cartoonists I have posted here on my blog.

I learned about this celebration from TOONS MAG. Their Mission Statement: We believe everyone deserves freedom of speech. Promoting Freedom of Speech through Editorial Cartoon, Comic & Caricature. You want to go there especially if you are interested in the history of cartoon animation.

This is from TOONS MAG Caricature Archive. Albert Einstein Caricature by Ivailo Tsvetkov, from Sofia, Bulgaria

As newspapers disappear, the places Editorial Cartoonists can publish their work is diminishing. I consider this a political and social tragedy. The Internet a new source for this important and entertaining work to be published. Cartoon Favorite Du Jour by Dan Wasserman.

Dan Wasserman has been cartooning for the BostonGlobe editorial page since 1985. He has published two collections of drawings, We've Been Framed and Paper Cuts. His cartoons are widely reprinted and are syndicated internationally by Tribune Media Services. He draws more quickly than he types.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Signs of the Month - July 2018

I am still not feeling all that well. I am working on it. I have been neglecting my writing too.

I have also not done a Signs of the Month in a long time. So here we go. I have some fun ones for your enjoyment.