Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ya think Hillz is enjoying Trump's Mess. Or doing Confused Mourning?

From Jonathan “Song a Day Man” Mann. He writes a song every day. Good Mann.

Hillz is the Dancing Queen. No dance more American than the Shimmy. See below:

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Popping the popcorn. Pouring myself some Krupnik. Let the good times roll! American Songs of riot, celebration and pure unadulterated lust are what we need.


At least I know there is something wrong with me.

Why do zealots have such difficulty with the concepts Armed Liberal, Pro Choice Mother, and Peaceful Nonviolent Demonstration? Anybody else notice that deficiency?

This is what passes for a right wing intellectual. Poor guy looks like Trotsky. Trotsky was assassinated. Seriously.

Dave Granlund is the Editorial Cartoonist.

Note to MoveOn anti-free speech thugs: Our side has guns, tens of millions of them. Behave yourselves.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tits Galore in Colorado with Music!

Fort Collins, Colorado government removed a public ordinance that banned women from going topless in public in a win for the ‘Free the Nipple’ movement. A Fort Collins spokesperson said, after spending more than $300,000 defending the ordinance in court, “The money was just better spent on other city priorities." Good decision. Jennifer Aniston was determined to fight this to the death, although she wears a bra. Nipples may go to the Supreme Court. 

I feel ambivalent about this decision. Pasties itch. And you have to use nail polish remover or alcohol to get the glue off. I mean, pasties with what you can now see on the net? Something so sweet and innocent about classic Burlesque in retrospect.

However, this may lessen the impact of civil disobedience of the militant kind. Life is strange. You win some, you lose some.
About a dozen topless protesters stopped traffic on Market Street this morning, as part of a National Day of Action for Black Women and Girls. Using the hashtag #SayHerName, protesters sought to draw attention to black women victims of police violence, such as Rekia Boyd and Kayla Moore.

“You don't know the women's names in the same way you know Michael Brown and Tamir Rice,” said Kharyshi Wiginton, 40, who took part in the protest. While the founders of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag and many of the leaders of the movement are women, much of the national conversation around police brutality has focused on black men, including Eric Garner and Freddie Grey.
I say every woman has that one song that releases her inner Stripper. This is my song. It has been covered over and again. Pick the one you want to hear it from. What is your song?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Whoopee We Are All Gonna Die!

I cannot look at Trump. Cannot listen to the maggots voice anymore. The news is making me sick.

It is fantasizing starting WWIII. And making public threats to do it. We have an insane amoral thug for POTUS. Now what do we do?
John Adams, Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States
1787Works 6:130--31, 206--8

The right of a nation to kill a tyrant, in cases of necessity, can no more be doubted, than that to hang a robber, or kill a flea. But killing one tyrant only makes way for a worse, unless the people have sense, spirit, and honesty enough to establish and support a constitution guarded at all points against tyranny; against the tyranny of the one, the few, and the many. Let it be the study, therefore, of lawgivers and philosophers, to enlighten the people's understandings and improve their morals, by good and general education; to enable them to comprehend the scheme of government, and to know upon what points their liberties depend; to dissipate those vulgar prejudices and popular superstitions that oppose themselves to good government; and to teach them that obedience to the laws is as indispensable in them as in lords and kings.
