Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Bill Allyn's Justice Reform List

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Published again for obvious reasons.

I found this excellent essay about law enforcement on Crooks and Liars. It was just hanging out in the comments. The author, Bill Allyn, has posted it on a number of online sites. I hope I can help his comments go viral by publishing them here. I think he covers all the bases. Bill Allyn approves this message. 

Justice System Reform List

America has a serious, institutionalized, systemic law enforcement problem. Over the last 4 decades, our law enforcement has become increasingly militarized, putting every citizen at risk of being shot and killed for nothing more than reaching for their wallet, as instructed, or less. This may increase safety for police officers (debatable, in the long run), but at the expense of making American citizens far less safe, which is the exact opposite of the goals of law enforcement. We need to create systems that bring back accountability within every level of the justice system.

Nationally, we need to:

1. Create citizen oversight committees with powers of subpoena and prosecutorial discretion for every law enforcement agency in the country. A special independent prosecutor must be assigned immediately for officer-involved shootings. Committee members should be randomly selected and replaced often, like grand jurors, to avoid corruption.

2. Require law enforcement officers to be personally insured to protect taxpayers from lawsuits. Too risky for insurance? No insurance, no badge. Insurance could be partially publicly subsidized.

3. Require every law enforcement officer to wear a camera. No camera, no gun. Also, implement GPS tracking on all police cars and cameras.

4. Require yearly psyche tests to screen out potentially abusive officers.

5. Require random drug and steroid tests.

6. All police agencies must keep a database of every officer-caused civilian injury, shooting or killing, and that data must be periodically transmitted to a third-party, non-biased national database.

7. Any officer involved in a shooting must be alcohol and drug tested immediately.

8. Officers should be made aware of studies on abuse of power, such as the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures. Ensure there are clear policies on use of force.

9. More training to deal with mentally ill, or a mental illness crisis unit. More training and encouragement to use peacemaking, conflict resolution, and de-escalation skills. Increase educational requirements, focusing on psychology, sociology, and social work.

10. Create a special number (third party, independent of police) to report police brutality. Victims of police brutality and the families of police shootings should immediately be appointed an attorney to represent their position/case.

11. Create national database of abusive officers, so they don’t just get hired elsewhere.

12. Reverse militarization of police forces. Take away military weapons, APC's, uniforms, and especially the attitude. Police officers are civilians, not a branch of the military. Require at least 5 years between active duty military and civilian police employment. Keep SWAT/military weapons and equipment under lock and key only to be used in genuine emergencies. Quit viewing the community you police as a “war zone”.

13. Prohibit television shows that glorify bad, illegal, or unconstitutional policing, such as “Cops”. Glorifying these behaviors creates a dangerous situation for American citizens and should not be tolerated.

14. Increase community outreach. Hire officers from the community. Officers need to be more in touch with the people they are sworn to protect.

15. End no-knock raids. It is perfectly legal for a home owner to respond to a break in with gun in hand, which gets them killed when the police are the intruders. This makes it unreasonably dangerous on citizens, especially when cops often go to the wrong address.

16. Reform forfeiture laws to protect citizens’ property rights and due process. No forfeiture proceedings until after conviction. All forfeiture proceeds go directly to the victims of police brutality and the families of police shootings.

17. End drug prohibition/war on drugs. Use harm reduction strategies.

18. End private prison industry.

19. Create a national organization dedicated to these ideals.

    Saturday, August 28, 2021

    PU^^Y CATS or GRANDMA WAS A DIRT - Dirty Blues Sunday #6

    Some songs here are not Blues. Nothing wrong with a little Swinging Country dirt. According to Green's Dictionary of Slang, Parisian booksellers covered their seditious or obscene material with blue paper in 18th century. The first citation for blue meaning obscene comes from 1818. So I think I can sneak through a couple not so Blues but right on theme songs. 

    Striptease for Freedom and Good Sense

     Sometimes I really appreciate Young Turks. Like now.

    Monday, August 23, 2021

    Sexual Shame and American Politics (or) This diary has absolutely no redeeming social value. - UPDATED

    Mark Sanford is BACK! He has written a new book about his adventures. He is running for POTUS. So I just had to bring this filthy tasteless joke back. Scroll to the bottom if all you want to read is the filthy tasteless joke.

    Weiner's weiner. 
    Somewhere there is a picture of me in blue lace undies, wearing all my wrinkles and a black leather dildo. What can I say? It was Halloween and there was Jameson. Google (and now the NSA) knows that once in awhile I like to look at pictures of corpses and Ladyboys with large mammaries.  

    However, I must run for office as a public service, because I am shameless.  And therein resides a source of potential power. In my very first speech, I would confess about the dildo and the filthy pictures. And challenge my opponent to do the same. Just to keep everybody honest. Think about it. If you remove sexual peccadilloes as a disqualifying condition for office, what is there to lie about given general honesty otherwise?

    My confession would guarantee undying interest in myself by the MS Media forever.  Think Anthony Weiner's penis pictures. A sigh of relief would be heard in Congress. Normal folks who like to look at weird pictures would see me as friendly. Do you have any idea how many folks would actually vote for me? I could carry a political party to victory on this stance alone. Yea or nay, sex and crime sells. 

    I am going to be President if I keep this up. One, make folks laugh and they are yours. Life is looking kind of grim lately. Two, everybody is sick to death of hearing about what other people do with their Things. Maybe we could talk about important things? Like nuclear disarmament? Ending world hunger? Peace? Clean water? 

    I got really tired of hearing about "Christian marriage." Dude has no problem reaching into the marriages of others to compel childbirth. Don’t even bother telling me this is not a nice thing to say. Or it is not funny or too snarky. I warned you not to read it, did I not?
    *Sanford menage a trois: Jenny, Mark and God. I do wonder who got sloppy seconds.

    Friday, August 20, 2021

    Ballad of the Sunday Gunny

    Gun fired during Mass
    By William Kibler, The Altoona Mirror
    A legally carried handgun discharged in the pocket of an attendee at Easter vigil Mass at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on Saturday evening. A critical piece of the handgun apparently caught on the man's pants as he stood up, according to Altoona police officer Christy Heck. The safety apparently was not engaged, she said.

    Print by Jared Aubel.  Find out more HERE. There are other versions of this fine Print. 

    Ballad of the Sunday Gunny by Lance Thruster

    Well, I don't care if it rains or freezes,
    long as I can do trigger squeezes,
    sittin' in church, packin' in my pants.
    Comes in colors, blued or silver.
    My good book don't try to pilfer.
    I'll mow you down if you so much as glance.

    Get yourself a Great Equalizer.
    Your congregation won't be any wiser,
    A manly grip of abalone shell.
    10 round mag, now ain't that scary, 
    right in front of the Virgin Mary,
    I will send your sorry ass to Hell.

    Gun goes off, now ain't that somethin'.
    Folks'll think that I'm a bumpkin.
    I almost shot my nuts clean through.
    Make sure you're safe on Easter Sunday, 
    and not some boob laughed at on Monday
    just because you put a bullet in the pew.