Showing posts with label ART. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ART. Show all posts

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Happy Juneteenth!

Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him. - Martin Luther King Jr. 


Tuesday, May 18, 2021


I despise the expression "the culture wars." The WAR this time is being waged on Gays and Women (oh so sexyfied Sexies who ought to just get with the program that sex is destiny).

The concept applied to women seems to mean the struggle for my pudenda. Beware! The Religious Right is powerful and rushing to stake out the wombs of American women for further operations or the prevention of same. Congress is now "pro life." Trumpolini is going to punish us. REDpublicans will save the Union by making women the slaves. Good luck.

The "WAR" rhetoric is meaningless and offensive. Here is why:

I do not do WAR. I am firm. Firm and that is all. There will be safe medical abortion and contraception for women. We will see to it.

NOW nurses were coming to house parties and teaching covens of women to do vacuum aspiration of  "late menses" and how to make the equipment to do menstrual extraction before Roe v. Wade.

We women were not waiting for any one's approval; the government was late. We would just do it again. Do you know how many of us are midwives, doctors and nurses now?

RU-486 which is quite safe will be smuggled from places where it is legal. Oooh, lookEEE!  Another "controlled dangerous substance." How much success has Big Gummint been having with the War on Drugs? And isn't there a common drug for ulcers that is a safe abortifacient?

Clergy organized to refer women to safe abortions when it was illegal. Women formed underground abortion cooperatives like JANE. We would do it again. It is easier to resist now. We learned a lot the last time we organized against rapists and for reproductive justice.

I include in the set (rapists) those "pro choice" folk who want to "make abortion rare" by manipulating women's economic and political circumstances. Women do not need actions performed upon them. The very idea of government taking that stance gives me cold chills.

Get your noses out of women's private lives, all of you. Sexuality is private. It is not subject to governmental,  religious,  or public review.  If you want to join women in the sacred task of  raising a new generation, do so.  Ask us what we want. Do not be doing stuff to us. We have enough problems.

There was abortion available when it was illegal. My Mom knew somebody. There was a doctor in PA that did abortions as a matter of conscience. Women abort. That is what one in every four of us do. The problem was that lots of women died of sepsis and hemorrhage when abortion was illegal. 

We now report health statistics in a way undreamed of in 1962. We will know how many women bleed to death. Or die from sepsis. Or forced to carry a dead fetus to 'term.' We will know how many kids take substances like quinine or other substances to self abort like my Sister did.

The assassination of Dr. Tiller was a wake up call to the FBI, I hope. I think everybody gets it that the "pro life" are perverts and terrorists now. It was bound to happen. Just like Gandhi said.

I say "Let's you and him fight." SCOTUS has incentivized stalkers. All bets are off.

Let the pundits and MS Media maunder on gravely about "the culture WAR" and create mischief in the pursuit of fame, scholarship and toilet paper sales. Let evil legislatures practice medicine and family planning. Me, I will get the gang together. Rent the apartment. Buy the pasta. Find a new Mike. Molon Labe just like the Lady from Texas below said. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

SLOGANS FOR T SHIRTS & Doggerel by John Dantzler

Cher Readers, I am being censored by google and youtube. Pressure is aimed to get me to put my Blog behind an Adults Only warning. Anyone cares to share their opinion about censorship on the Net is so very welcome to do so. I do put the spicy stuff behind a TAG - Filth and Dirt. 

T-shirt Epitaph:
and then he died. 

Enforce Old Ones.


Marjorie Taylor Greene

Her thoughts are quite insane. Kev has no guts; the Dems adjust. Marjorie Taylor Greene Obscene obscene obscene.
- John Dantzler
The Graphic PhotoShop Art below came from Freaking News. It was a contest site based in China and had worldwide contestants. It does not exist anymore. What is going on in China?

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Primer on Propaganda for RESISTERS. Go HIGH; Stay HIGH.

This comment appeared on social media. It speaks to my condition.

By bootster

That's what I am hearing as well. The GOP are trying to make it impossible to believe what you read anymore, but the truth is, it's only to be highly doubted by when they are the authors. They are still not convincing the Democrats to do the same thing.

I have noticed a lot of folks on here wanting the Democrats to get to the level of the GOP. That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, but it's only because those particular individuals have the capacity to want to "fight like that".

If I wanted to, I could get down and dirty and start to throw insults at the people who attack me on here, but that's what they want. They want to get me to start the personal attacks so they can point to them, smearing me.

The GOP are doing the same thing. They want the Democrats to go full down and dirty so they can use actual clips of them saying things that no politician should ever say, and then it's GAME OVER for the Democrats.

The GOP OWN the "media", and they would come out the winners if the Democrats ever started to get into the gutter with them. The trolls on here thought that they could ban me by now by luring me into a tit for tat personal assault fest, and that would be a sure way to get myself banned, and that's what they want.

The same tactic is being used by the GOP. They are trying to piss off the liberals to come out and start looking like the cretins that THEY are, but it's not working. We just won't go there. This pardoning of Libby was a direction to get the liberals upset enough that some may break and go to the gutter, and then it's over for them.

The deal here is the the GOP can say any nasty thing they want, and they get away with it, but the Democrats would commit suicide by doing that, so now they are attacking the Democrats for being "weak". The trolls who are constantly complaining that the Democrats are weak are just trying to get them to commit suicide by going to the mat and self destructing in the "media" shortly thereafter.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win".
- Mahatma Gandhi

Poster by Mitchell Loeb, 1934. The Jewish Labor Committee, the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, the Labor Chest to Combat Nazism and Fascism, and others made use of it in outreach campaigns.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Our Bill. He's a slut and I love him. UPDATE #1.

INTRODUCTION - Skip this if you have read it already.
UPDATE is marked. Soon soon there will be consolidation. I swear.

I remind you this is a Living Article Play Thing. I have a Beginning and and End typed. Soon there will be a Middle.
When Bill Clinton was in his impeachment process, I wrote a short play about the event. I entered it into the Ten Minute Play competition and it was performed at the City Theater in Wilmington Delaware. It got a standing ovation from the audience. :::does quiet happy dance:::

Telling a story with interesting characters in 10 minutes is a challenge.

I have not looked at it for a long time. I think for giggles and because my original and only script is in tatters and scribbled all over, I am going to retype and rediscover it here. Who knows, maybe I will rework some of it into a new impeachment opus.

I am a big fan of the Living Theatre. I traveled from East Gibip to attend one of their performances. The photograph is from The Brig 1964. Prophetic?  Their work has been an influence on mine. This is a Living Article because I will be editing and rewriting as I go. Such fun. Send money. Keep me off the Street.

UPDATE begins here:.........................................................

It has been so long since I looked at the script, I forgot the title. Original title was M & M's or Mania, Marketing and Millennium. Bit pretentious, I think now.


Occasionally, when I feel a need for companionship, I hang out at a bar in Philadelphia affectionately known to we regulars as The Toilet.

The Toilet Bar has a large picture window (uniquely decorated for every holiday) through which one may watch exotic flora and even fauna stroll Frankford Avenue.

So there is a woman standing on the corner at the bus stop. A white Cadillac stops, she gets in the car and it drives off. Gone 15 minutes. And she is back on the corner.

Black Lincoln pulls up. 20 minutes. Back and tucking the green under her wig.

Bella: A Jaguar pulls up. Back at her post.

A Lexus pulls up. At this point, the Woman has attracted widespread establishment attention.

The whole bar is cheering. And Tommy the Bartender asks "Given stamina, what has this Woman got?" She is generic female. Neither ugly nor lovely.

Upon investigation, it becomes clear that whenever a guy in a new car with a $50 haircut approaches, this Woman hikes up her skirt, shows her panties and hollers "Yo Baby, scratch and sniff."

.....................................getting coffee


A short play for two characters. It is a play that is also a dance a la Living Theatre a bit. One day perhaps, a dance professional will help me notate it. Here is a bit from the end:


I saw an ad for Right Guard. I have a Secret. I do not want to be protected from wetness. I am into sordid unprotected sex with long haired 20 year olds. These days a hard row to hoe.

If we apply the concepts we have been discussing, you are in real need of a new look.

Botox. Nip and tuck. Piercing various body parts?


Bella: Shave the head and grow the legs. Look like a stick in a skirt? That will take off a few years.

Too hard. Oh too hard. O tempore!

So I went out and got a tattoo. Two eyes. One on each of my inner thighs. That way, if any wandering person should come to visit down there, it will not feel lonely and might tarry awhile.

Honey, you still be the same old stuff.

Yeah but I have hot new copy.

MIDDLE: Some of it.

Note; This is the part where I talked about Bill's penis. I only have fragments of a script. I am going to have to search in my papers. So no continuity at the moment. Damn.

Modern Life. It is 8 a.m. I am making coffee. My baby girls turn on the TV. I can tell by the lack of noise, they are rapt. Cartoons? No.

 A woman wearing too much fuchsia lipstick is intoning gravely "The President has a penis...and he uses it." Gah. Quick newsbreak 11 a.m. - "The President has a penis, it bends to the left, and he uses it often. News at noon - "The President has a lovely, loyal and intelligent wife; he has a penis and it is evidently the focus of a right wing conspiracy."

Bill is no Spring chicken. So same old stuff. Hot new copy.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


It is too serious around here. Past time for some Filth and Dirt. Filth & Dirt is a whole category here.

Speaking of swine, I take this opportunity to say we need to regularly and randomly drug test Congress. Start with Steve Cantaloupe Calves King. But I digress.

“Squeal” is the name of the campaign ad Joni Ernst ran during the Iowa GOP primary. Ernst said learning how to castrate hogs made her qualified to cut pork (as in federal spending) in Washington.

Fukum says "Joni Ernst is Michele Bachmann with pig testicles." Wrong. Only if she has the testicles in her pocket. 

I have it on good authority that this photograph on the left is a Joni Ernst selfie. Gives new meaning to the verb to pork.

Of course, I am lying. But why should FUX Snooze and Ernst have all the fun?


Joni Ernst's teeth make me nervous and I am not even male. I am going to stock up on popcorn and beer. I think this woman is a hoot.

This is a Cagle Post cartoon by Taylor Jones. Cagle Post could use some support from lovers of editorial cartoons. They are under political cyberattack. Contribute a little as a buck a month and enjoy guilt free superior cartoon pleasure. See the cartoonist talking about his work in the video below.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

"Simply put, you can be a massive prick, despite what is in your pants." now with Music

Ha ha ha ha ha. Bwah ha ha ha ha. Gasp. Ha ha ha... 

And the Artist just keeps posting it to her Facebook page. 

And Facebook keeps banning and reinstating her thereby making the image viral.

This is the best election ever. The pastel portrait is, of course, for sale. And Trump, of course, is threatening suit thereby making the image viral. 

Illma Gore with her Portrait

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

First Day of Spring 2018

“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”
Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ode to the West Wind
Today is the official First Day of Spring. The United Nations declared this is official International Happiness Day.

Humbug! We have a 24 hour Winter Storm Warning In Philadelphia today. Happy Spring all the same. I am planning my garden. It must be Spring.

Jeffrey Koterba is the cartoonist. His blog is HERE.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Chicken Trump - Владимир Путин любит твой член в его заднице. - Magic Google Finger

The title above is the best response yet to Russopublican disINFObots on social media. Use your translator.

No Russian sanctions enforced yet? PLUNK MY MAGIC GOOGLE FINGER (CHICKEN TRUMP). Cluck!

Chicken Yellow

Designer Chicken

Mad Chicken

Plucked Chicken

General Tso's Chicken

Monday, February 19, 2018

HaPenis is a Warm Gun

I wrote this vile snarky article about guns. Because the article and guns are getting renewed attention, I thought I would double down. I like attention

I utilized my MAGIC GOOGLE FINGER again. I googled PENIS GUN. The results range from the literal through the cartoon to the sublime as usual. 

I hope you, Cher Reader, appreciate what I do for you. I suffer so because I am a dirt. Adsense will have nothing to do with me because my blog has...gasp...pornography. 

This photoshop made me wince when I saw it. And I have an inny.

Pistol Smoke Drawing Pencil On Paper by BenziDraw

Giant Mutant Robot Scorpion Penis with a Gun by YYS-Musey

I do not know what to say about this. Naughty, Google. Naughty.

Saturday, February 10, 2018


I am amazed and know not what to say. - Hermia, Wm. Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 3 Scene 2
I wrote about the Tampon Fairy and the Magical Tampon Toss and then I saw Melissa Harris Perry wearing tampon earrings.

I thought 'Tampon Arts and Crafts." So I did the magic google thing. I am still laughing.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Kristian Nygard Editorial Cartoonist

I have discovered another accomplished Cartoonist. His website is called OptiPess. 

I will investigate further. Right now just go to the link and ENJOY. His work is truly vicious. I like vicious in a Cartoonist. If you like Cartoon Art and vicious, send the Dude some BUCKS. Buy a Print. Buy a cup of coffee.  

Monday, January 22, 2018

Signs of the Month - January 2018

I spent this month terrified and laughing. I do not know how long I can go on this way. I think about emigrating to Mexico on the West Coast just south of the US border. Or Canada. My GrandFather came here fleeing the Fascists in Italy. Now I am thinking of fleeing the Fascists in the USA. Talk me down.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Happy New Year! 2017

The FEDGOV passed a bill that will kill me. White Christians put this administration in power. Merry Christmas rings hollow on White Christian lips. And I think of myself as a Christian.

Kind of put a damper on my holiday. Don Addis helps me laugh about it all. Mr. Addis died in 2009. Rest in peace and laughter.

I pray daily for Peace. Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year, cher Readers. Here comes the Sun...

Madhubani/Mithila Painting is practiced in the Mithila region of India and Nepal. Painting is done with fingers, twigs, brushes, nib-pens, and matchsticks, using natural dyes and pigments, and is characterised by eye-catching geometrical patterns.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

FUCK YEAH! at the Fruits and Nuts Cafe

WPA Poster
Okay. I cannot write much. I need medication. First, Lady Shrink said so. Then my Black Sister told me I cannot even have phone conversation without saying "I have to leave now." My mind is going 150 miles an hour.

There is no end to my desire to prove I am not really crazy. I am just bad. Calling the doctor today. Thought I was 'handling it.'

All I have got is a sentence published by Dave Weigel who is the only genuine Conservative I know. I miss real Conservatives. 
My brain keeps returning to the sentence “a transgender heavy metal singer defeated the author of Virginia’s anti-trans bathroom bill." - Dave W.

Danica Roems's triumph is kind of amazing. I think she won because of 'the content of her character.' And that is a good thing. And now for a rapid change of focus. Hard to concentrate on one thing when manic.

Right Wing Argument - or - How many times have you met one of these intellects on the Net?

Those who shove millions of people into a set (the left), and assert each and every person in the set holds the same ideas and opinions, can be broken into two groups:

1. Authoritarian followers.
2. Paid disINFObots, Russian or otherwise, whose job it is to create class/race/group chaos and hatred to disable democracies.

Both classes of posters are not capable or worthy of conversation/discussion. They are Shitweasels.

Shitweasel Method of Argument:
When the facts do not serve, argue motive and impugn character.

Shitweasel Method of Argument 2:
And this is a favorite. Misquote your opponent and then go on to impugn character and motives of opponent and/or sources. The 1-2 Method.

Once you notice the ubiquity of these methods of argument, you will be LOLing so hard you cannot get pissed at shitweasel trolls. Takes all troll jollies away.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Pornography - UPDATE

Hugh Hefner is dead. Some folks are casting shade on his memory by calling him a pornographer. Hugh is the wonderbread Modernist version of a pornographer. Now Big Al Goldsten, he was the pornographer's pornographer. I was there.

Portrait of Goldstein on the cover below.

Screw and Al Goldstein are long gone now but I still remember the fights and furor brought on by Screw's content. I came across an interesting blog that features the cover art of Goldstein's Screw Magazine. You want to go there.

Note: Nothing about this essay is safe for viewing at work. I guess my blog is not safe for work too. So sue me.

SCREW #358, art by Bob Dunker
Pornography is ancient and the controversy over its value or lack of value in human lives continues. I reproduce this cover. It illustrates the editorial tone of the magazine better than any words I could write.

I am ambivalent about pornography. I like to look at dirty pictures. Some of what appeared in Screw made me sick. I appreciated the social satire and Goldstein's crusades for free speech.

I love Cartoon Art. I am a fan of vintage pornography. You can see a gallery of SCREW covers by Milton Knight.

Feminists have been in a long dialogue about the depiction of human sexuality.

"Pornography is about dominance and often pain. Erotica is about mutuality and always pleasure."
Gloria Steinem "Erotica vs Pornography", in Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions (1983)

"Pornography is the essential sexuality of male power: of hate, of ownership, of hierarchy; of sadism, of dominance."
Andrea Dworkin, Pornography, Men Possessing Women

“Prostitution, perversion, and pornography are intertwined with independence and radical politics in the history of outstanding women. Radclyffe Hall, Colette, Anaïs Nin, Kate Millett, Erica Jong--all of these women used the money they made from writing about sexuality to make it possible for them to live as rebels, dykes, feminists, artists, or whatever deviant and defiant identities they assumed.” Pat Califia, Some Women

I miss Al Goldstein. Rest in peace. It is true Goldstein was a Dirt. It is true that much of what he published was disgusting. A great deal of it was funny. Very funny. Nothing Goldstein published was as obscene and pornographic as this video below.

Thursday, August 3, 2017


These videos will go a way toward improving the CUSS-ABILITY of the average American. A good CUSS OUT is an Art.

There are 429 swear words in Pulp Fiction. You can figure out the plot from just the cussing.

And it seems the Guyanese and Irish are Cuss Artists of the first rank. Cussing, to be effective, must have a rhythm and range.