Showing posts with label Attitude Adjustment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attitude Adjustment. Show all posts

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Signs of the Month with Music - August 2017

# hashtag of the month #EmptyThePews.

Fascism is not new. We must fight it whenever and where we encounter it. The song "Bella ciao" was sung by the anti-fascist resistance movement active in Italy between 1943 and 1945. The author of the lyrics is unknown; the music and spirit of the song is based on a folk song sung by rice-weeders on the River Po basin in the early part of the 20th century -- "Alla mattina appena alzata". A version of this song was recorded for music researchers by Italian folk singer Giovanna Daffini in 1962.

Thursday, August 3, 2017


These videos will go a way toward improving the CUSS-ABILITY of the average American. A good CUSS OUT is an Art.

There are 429 swear words in Pulp Fiction. You can figure out the plot from just the cussing.

And it seems the Guyanese and Irish are Cuss Artists of the first rank. Cussing, to be effective, must have a rhythm and range. 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Melancholia Agitata

Melancholia Agitata is what I am suffering through used to be called. I cannot sleep. I am voraciously restless and living in a well of darkness at once. I have been through this before. It ruins my relationships, my work, everything goes kablooey. I never know when it is going to happen. I lost jobs. I lost people. I lost homes.

I will get to talk to Lady Shrink today in the afternoon and that is good.

I do not want to scare anybody. This is not a complaint. It is just a description. I am out of the closet with my crazy. More than anything I want to be understood. It has taken me years to come to terms with my illness. I preferred for a long time to think of myself as bad. You can do something about bad. What can you do with nutz?

A good thing to read if you know somebody like me is Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament by the American psychologist Kay Redfield Jamison. She examines the relationship between bipolar disorder and artistic creativity. 

A study was done which looked at 12 successful Comedians. The parameters were 1. actively working and 2. had earnings of at least $500,000.00 per year. All 12 were Bipolar Bunnies like me. I would give you a link but I am too manic to find the reference right now. 

I am grateful I do not get drunk over this crap and fuck 50 people anymore. Mostly because now that I am older than dirt getting drunk like I used to would kill me for sure. Thank you AA. Lady Shrink told me that 80% of clients presenting with drug addiction are self medicating for a mental disorder.

Peace to everyone especially me. I love you all, my friends. That I write this means I am better than I was.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

There will be some changes made.

I think I am back. Physical pain is gone. Still mourning. I am doing a complete reorganization of my life and my goals. Thank you to all who have been with me on my journey in blogland. It has been years now. Cher Readers, you have made a difference in this introverted maniac's life. 

I apologize to friends who asked me to write them for not writing them. When I said I CANNOT TALK, I meant literally could not communicate in some ways. I have always had a lot to say. I just cannot/could not make intimate conversation. I have never experienced anything like this before. Tears are on my face as I write this. I hope my despair is gone now for good. Peace.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Cher Readers

I cannot talk. I can post like a madwoman on twitter but I just do not know what to say. I am low and going 120 miles an hour on a bad road.

I am dealing with an auto death, suicide of a young person who hung in the Blazement with my kids, recurrence of sciatic pain with consequent medical adventures and the election. My government is aiming to kill me. I am in the midst of agitated depression. Tell me what is happening in your world.

I will be back. I am resting.

Meanwhile, my Black Adopted Sister (her description) asked me to say this because she just cannot go near her computer:

To Donald John Trump: This is the United States of America. We do not jump at your demands and we will not bend over and kiss your behind. There are laws in place to keep you in check. We have had enough. In your famous words, YOU ARE FIRED.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

говорить лохи

Google translate says my title is Russian for Speak up, Fuckers. A lot of you Russians are reading me and saying ничего. Seems a little rude. 
с новым годом.

Friday, December 2, 2016

This just tickles me. I need a tickle or two.

“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” 
Mark Twain

My mean is rampant and starting to take over. I need some fun. Allen Sherman is funny. Also go to Trumpgrets if you like a laugh with your schadenfreude. Enjoy. Just a stage of grieving. No need to feel guilty. 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Redneck Speaks to My Condition

My folks had a chicken farm in rural Robbinsville, NJ in the middle 1940s.

I know what it is like to use a burlap sack as a sunshade or umbrella and pick potatoes out of the ground all morning. The Sun is brutal. After I started crying, my folks put me in the barn where I could harass the kittens. I was four maybe. And they went back to picking.

My parent's grew Tomatoes for Campbell's Soup in Camden and Eggs and Chickens for all comers.

So even though I am an immigrant's Pole/Wop child from New Jersey, I claim honorable redneck status. I know about ridicule because you talk funny. I know about living off the Earth and reading books. Jeffersonian. This man speaks to my condition.

Traditional Art / Paintings / Still Life©2016 ab39z

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Dead Comedians Sunday #3 - Red Skelton Comic Genius

Red Skelton thought of himself a clown rather than a comic:
"A comedian goes out and hits people right on. A clown uses pathos. He can be funny, then turn right around and reach people and touch them with what life is like. I just want to be known as a clown, because to me that's the height of my profession. It means you can do everything—sing, dance and above all, make people laugh."
Red Skelton was also a fine painter and he sold a considerable amount of his work. See the illustration on the right entitled Holly Clown.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Dead Comedians Sunday #2 - I will take France...ahem...Ukraine.

Time for some attitude adjustment. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
"I drank myself a thousand bottles of vodka. I celebrated night after night. They beat the crap out of me. I am now the Putin."
Rest in laughter, Jon and Milton.

Mort Sahl is still with us and going strong. See Milty give him a comedy lesson below.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Dead Comedians Sunday #1

Television: A medium. So called because it's neither rare nor well done. - Ernie Kovacs
Ernest Edward "Ernie" Kovacs (January 23, 1919 – January 13, 1962) was an American comedian, actor, and writer. Kovacs' visually experimental and often spontaneous comedic style influenced numerous television comedy programs for years after his death by automobile accident. - wikipedia
Ernie Kovacs does Tchaikovsky. Ernie told a lie. Ernie did television well and often. Rest in Laughter. I cannot leave out Solfeggio at the end.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Keep Dancing, Orlando!

“Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free.” ― Rumi

Cops keep this up, I will experience a change in attitude. Go Firefighters too! Never stop dancing. Never.

Via ABC News:

Weeks after three horrific tragedies hit the Orlando area, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department has found a way to keep the city’s spirits up.

"We’re here for an important announcement today. I wanna keep Orlando smiling. Keep dancing, Orlando!”

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

BOLERO - Musical Interlude for Attitude Adjustment

Published on Jan 10, 2014 
Le Boléro de Ravel interprété par des musiciens de l'Orchestre national d'Île-de-France et des étudiants du conservatoire à rayonnement départemental d'Aulnay-sous-Bois lors d'un Flashmob à la gare Saint-Lazare en novembre 2013. Direction Christophe Mangou.

Why do we hurt each other when we could do this instead?

Monday, March 14, 2016


In the morning they are giving me injections into the nerves in my lower spine. The injections do not bother me. The anesthesia that takes away my consciousness scares me. I might not wake up.

I am worrying about the general state of my consciousness for other reasons as well. I am having fantasies in print of stabbing Trump protesters. I am 73 and having a hard go walking at the moment. So while I am serious, the whole plan is silly. At least for now.

So my Shrink has a word for what I am doing at the moment. I cannot remember what the word is. Damn. I have a mood disorder. I once ran someone over with a car. I have to work at living a little differently than others. I have to notice myself.

I am getting caught up in the air of violence coming out of my TV set. Even though they say the steroids into the spine will not make me manic, they are full of shit. Less manic than other forms. Thank God for Ativan.

I started reading about the Shoah and Hitler when I was about 17. I read William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich in 1960. I read all the books about Evil and Zen that followed. I am a well read maniac. The Republican Party is scaring the beejesus out me. The Trump rallies are like cruelty parties. I am a Polish Roman Catholic. I know about cruelty parties. I have been in the middle of a mob of good old boys. Scary.

So, wish me luck. In spite of my whining, I will be fine. And my dropped foot and pain will have further improved. And Shrink is calling me tomorrow. I still want to stab people. Thank God for Ativan.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Sitting at Home in the Polar Vortex

When unhappy or bored, I look at pictures of animals. HippySloth spoke to my condition.

I will be back to complain and disclaim as soon as I get some coffee. We are out of coffee. Bad planning.

Bill Maher fires up on the air. Why does he always grin like a 2 year old found whizzing in the geraniums. I did good, Mom, right? Yes dear.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Musical Interlude for Attitude Adjustment - Philadelphia Opera Company

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. - Albert Schweitzer
I shop at Reading Terminal Market weekly for fresh ground coffee and real bread. Iovine's for fresh produce. The Amish butcher for breakfast sausage and honey. Then I eat lunch at Pearl's Oyster Bar. Music and good food is Paradise.

I love the City of Brotherly Love. You never know when a random act of culture by the Philadelphia Opera Company may appear. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Ode to Joy by Hong Kong Festival Orchestra - Attitude Adjustment

Beethoven's Ode to Joy always makes me cry. Beauty and greatness can do that to this person everytime. I just stand there like a fool sobbing with joy. I need adjustment like this often. 

Caricatures of Ludwig van Beethoven (1815).

These sketches show Beethoven walking the streets of Vienna in deep thought and with not a great deal of attention to his appearance. The signatures of Beethoven and of the artist - Johann Peter Theodor Lyser (1803-70) - are included on this artwork. See more portraits of Beethoven at Music Ease.

Over the years, Beethoven's Ode to Joy has remained a protest anthem and a celebration of music. From demonstrators in Chile singing during demonstration against the Pinochet dictatorship, Chinese student at Tienanmen Square broadcast, The Concert Conducted by Leonard Bernstein After the Fall of the Berlin Wall and Daiku concerts in Japan every December and one after the 2011 tsunami. - Wikipedia

See one of the other three flashmob performances of Ode to Joy at Sabodell, Spain here, Perhaps the Music People will come out of the Cellar Conservatory and tell us more about this music than I know. I do know the poem is meant to be the music for Friedrich Schiller's poem Ode to Joy.  

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Marijuana - The Devil's Flower

I thank The Execrable Bede and Mr. Sunshine for this moment of Moral Edification and Attitude Adjustment.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dear of those...and one of those... - Attitude Adjustment

This video makes me want to go out and howl at the moon.
 I want three of these for Christmas. Chocolate, vanilla and ginger.
Desire never dies. 

I think I will give Cheesecake equal time: Vintage PinUp Girls: