Showing posts with label Posters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Posters. Show all posts

Sunday, June 29, 2014

I'm a Barbie Girl - Sign of the Month - June 2014

The sign in question is indisputably the most remarkable political sign that I saw in June. It is the work of street artist Sabo. You can see it in one of its settings below.

I almost let the month slip by without a winner. I have been gardening obsessively. Sometimes that is all I do in June.

Go Wendy. Do not let the bastids grind you down. Keep on going no matter what is said or what they do.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
- Mahatma Gandhi

So I googled "feminazi barbie" and a really interesting batch of images came up.

I thought this image ---->  was funny in a perverse sardonic way. Google images said its best artistic source is Nazi propaganda. The rest is the product of a witty photoshop artist. Anybody know who?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Signs of the Month - Albuquerque in April 2014 - UPDATE

UPDATE 2: The man murdered in the video, James Boyd, was shot in the back and that is the shot that murdered him. The citizens of Albuquerque are battling their own police force.

ALBUQUERQUE — The 13 protesters who stormed the mayor’s office here and were arrested and jailed Monday said they were spurred by renewed outrage over the latest development in a string of fatal police shootings: An autopsy released last week showed the bullet that killed a homeless man, James Boyd, had been fired into his lower back.
UPDATE: See the raw video of the citizens of Albuquerque kicking butt and taking names. Way to go Albuquerque! We need more of this populist political participation. God bless voters. It is a long video and it is a thing of beauty. God bless voters. God bless America.

I had no trouble picking the political signs this month. These signs are from the Albuquerque Police Protest.

Police Assault Protest Against Police Violence

What began as a peaceful protest against the Albuquerque Police Department’s systemic abuse of force and frequent shooting of unarmed civilians spiraled into chaos Sunday evening after police officers—many mounted on horses and in riot gear—assaulted the demonstrators with tear gas.

Photo: Sergio Ximenez via Daily Lobo

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sign of the Month - May 2014 - Truck as Sign

I am amazed and know not what to say. - Midsummer Night's Dream

See more Trucks as Signs HERE

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sign of the Month - March 2014

Silence is golden and duct tape is silver. - Burma Shave and Polite Kool Marxist
This sign comes from graphic artist John A. Kwitkoski via Juanita Jean's - The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Parlor, a funny source for Texas politics from a Democratic point of view. I had to steal it because it is too fricking good

I was going to give you one of Pastor Doctor James David Manning's signs but this Obama Zombie turned up in the search. I love it. I had to share it. You can see it in detail by clicking the magazine's link below.

Nathaniel Page. “They Vote To Suck Your Blood.” LA City Beat 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Signs of the Month - February 2014

When you're knocked on your back - an' your life's a flop and when you're down on the bottom there's nothing else but to shout to the top - shout! - The Style Council 
The signs from Moral Mondays tell us what Americans are concerned about and what Americans support. Moral Mondays has expanded from North Carolina to Georgia. I hope to see Moral Mondays come to Pennsylvania. One and done, Corbett.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Political Signs - December 2013

Tis the season to be political. Happy Holidays!
Christmas should be about politics and not presents, according to a new study into the meaning of Christmas.
The author of a new report, The Politics of Christmas, Dr Stephen Holmes said “Our modern view of Christmas is largely a Victorian invention, thanks to the imagery within Charles Dickens’ tale A Christmas Carol, and bears little resemblance to the story as told in the gospels. The Christmas story is intensely political, with St Matthew and St Luke focusing their sights on firm questions of economic exploitation, imperial oppression, social stigma, and petty tyranny..”

Click Me!

If you think this is rude, just google "naked Santa images" or "naked Sarah Palin" and you will see I have been relatively polite and restrained. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Eyes of Texas - Political Signs - November 2013

The eyes of Texas are upon you
All the live long days
The eyes of Texas are upon you
And you cannot get away.
- Roy Orbison
I almost let November slip by without selecting the Signs of the Month. This month it is all about Wendy Davis. Seems her run for Governor in Texas has captured the public imagination.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Cooking with Uncle Sam - Vintage Food Posters and Food Art

I found this glorious WEBSITE for Foodys and those who appreciate graphic arts, history and political posters. I tell you, there are treasures there. Just hit the Preview buttons and enjoy.
"Food. We love it, fear it, and obsess about it.
We demand that our Government ensure that it is safe, cheap, and abundant. In response, Government has been a factor in the production, regulation, research, innovation, and economics of our food supply. It has also attempted, with varying success, to change the eating habits of Americans.

From the farm to the dinner table, explore the records of the National Archives that trace the Government’s effect on what Americans eat."

Friday, October 11, 2013

Occupy Oakland 2nd Anniversary Poster

The struggle continues. Now do not let that word "struggle" intimidate you. If you fear and loathe Congress, there is a painless way to strike a blow for truth, justice and the American Way. 

You do not have to camp out with Occupy and sleep on the ground to get your message out. I am a Holiday Inn kind of girl myself. You can do your part and never have take off your pink marabou slippers or put down your martini.


Saturday, October 5, 2013

World Food Day Posters 2013 - Vote for Your Favorite Young Artist

You can see more World Food Day Posters on their Facebook Page. And you can vote for your favorite young artist. The winners of the 2012 poster competion can be found HERE.

The posters below are my choices. The contest is closed for 2013. Maybe you have a young artist at home who would like to enter their work in the contest next year? Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Political Sign of the Month - October 2013

I love this sign. Perfect for this Halloween. More funny protest signs HERE:

  • I think I can say, and say with pride, that we have legislatures that bring higher prices than any in the world.
    • Mark Twain, reported in Caroline Thomas Harnsberger, Mark Twain at Your Fingertips‎ (1948), p. 364.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Political Sign of the Month - September 2013 - Bombs Away!

No contest that this first sign is the message sign of the month. Think Syria.

If you have been listening to the Republican Party, we are too poor to police the world. Unless, like the Iraq War, Republicans and Hawks plan to take the cost of war and bombs out of social programs that feed and house the indigent, sick, old and young. You know, like was just done with the sequester. 

What will the next Middle East War strip us of? Social Security? Medicare? The last one took Meals on Wheels, Head Start, scientific research, and more. Nothing like war to make you poor.

But this sign was bigtime competition:

And this sign cannot be left out. See more signs from the Rally for Sanity HERE:

Monday, August 5, 2013

Political Sign of the Month - August - You choose from a surfeit of riches.

These signs come from the USA and around the world.

From Egberto Willies

"In Mozambique, women face a similar challenge. The current penal code, a remnant of colonial rule, prohibits the provision of abortion services regardless of circumstances. In the 1980s the Mozambican Ministry of Health passed a decree stating abortions could be performed in central-level hospitals to save the mother’s life, but did not revise the old penal code to reflect this. These conflicting regulations, similar to those in Ireland, mean women and their providers are often unclear about when abortion services are permitted, and where they can be received. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Political Sign of the Month - May - Tea Party

May seems like a most political month of the year given all the Cinco de Mayo celebrations. I had a hard time deciding which sign to choose for this month because so many seemed appropriate.  

Then I saw  this article about the modern Tea Party resurgence and my  decision seemed inevitable and unavoidable. Have fun with THIS LINK. I sure did.
IRS Targeting Scandal Fuels Tea Party Resurgence
Is the tea party getting its groove back? Shouts of vindication from around the country suggest the movement's leaders certainly think so.
Note:  Definition of teabagging from The Urban Dictonary:


1) Repeated insertion of ones testicles in another's mouth.
2) Continiously crouching on a dead body in a video game.\

1: Dude, I don't think teabagging is a good prank, man.
2: dude stop teabagging, it's bad sportsmanship
by Verdigris June 25, 2016

Friday, April 12, 2013

Political Sign of the Month - April 2013

Advertising is the greatest artform of the 20th century. - Marshall McLuhan. 
I had a difficult time selecting the best Political Sign for April. I found the fabulous Political Loudmouth political sign website. You can go there and select your favorite. This one is my favorite because it is fiery. I am thinking it needs to be a Tshirt. 

The word sign has a number of meanings. The Oxford Dictionary says that a sign is
An object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.
Given that definition, I am going to propose that this House is really a Sign. I am not April Fooling. "The medium is the massage/message." -  Marshall McLuhan. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Political Sign of the Month - March 2013

Bless this Woman just standing there in her blue hat. Bless all the women and the photographer too. A special shout out to the guys way in the left and right corners of the photograph. Way to go, Dudes. God love prochoice men just standing there in their socks. I know S/He does.

Protesters opposed to legislation requiring women seeking an abortion to undergo an ultrasound demonstrated outside the Idaho Capitol in Boise on March 21, 2012. (AP Photo/Jessie L. Bonner)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Caption and Photo Fun and You Can Do It Yourself

Thank you kbman for the template. Get it for your endeavors at the link or below these posters:

Here is the template and you can go to the link below to add your own captions. You can use any photo of your choice. Have fun! Do not forget to donate $5.00 to the website if you can.:

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A message from Occupy Wall Street at Oakland and a brief word from Abbie Hoffmann

Poster by R. Black

You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists.  - Abbie Hoffman

Tikkun (July-August 1989); also quoted in The Best Liberal Quotes Ever : Why the Left is Right (2004) by William P. Martin, p. 51.

More Occupy Art can be found here: