Friday, June 18, 2021

"Next time we may have to kill him." - John McGraw, suckerpuncher extraordinaire, on how to handle political protesters.

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters. " - Donald Trump.
Cartoon Art by Bill Day. Bill Day is a two-time winner of the RFK Journalism Award in Cartooning, and his cartoons are syndicated internationally by Cagle Cartoons. He is currently the editorial cartoonist for

I am a cute little old Italian lady. I am a lot cuter than John Suckerpunch McGraw or the Drumpfkopf. No one gives me a second thought, tapping around on my flowery cane.

No reason I cannot walk right up to a Trump supporter wearing a Trump button and smile and stick my tiny little Beltrame stiletto right into its balls or ass or thigh.

Stiletto is so sharp I would be doing someone else by the time it is felt it at all. No one would see it, so tiny and sharp. Designed for quiet assassination. They would not know until they saw the blood. Never mistake voluntarily peaceful for weak in this world.

Italians lived a long time under oppressive religious government and the mafia. We developed certain skills. Once the fascist woundings and killings have begun, all bets are off.
“Therefore the best fortress is to be found in the love of the people, for although you may have fortresses they will not save you if you are hated by the people.” - Machiavelli.
The Fascists chased my Nonno from Italy. Nobody is chasing me away. Want to play that game? Trust me, Italians do it better.
"You must know there are two ways of contesting, the one by the law, the other by force; the first method is proper to men, the second to beasts; but because the first is frequently not sufficient, it is necessary to have recourse to the second." - Machiavelli

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Note to Myself

Trenton Terror

 Ten books everyone should read:

- 'The Dictator's Handbook' By: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith - 'Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning' By: Timothy D. Snyder - 'On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century' By: Timothy D. Snyder - 'Our Time Is Now: Power, Purpose, and the Fight for a Fair America' By: Stacey Abrams - 'Surviving Autocracy' By: Masha Gessen - 'How Democracies Die' By: Daniel Ziblatt and Steven Levitsky - 'Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service' By: Carol D. Leonnig - 'Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right' By: Jane Mayer - '1984' By: George Orwell - 'The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together' By: Heather McGhee

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Sign of the Month - Womb Nazis with Music

Womb Nazis prepared for the day's operations with signs, lunch, extra clothing, cheat sheets, etc. Yes, that is a pun and I committed it.

Photograph came from Every Saturday Morning. You can see more signs at the link.

The folks who carry the signs a woman has to walk past just going in for a pap smear, a prescription for contraception, or an abortion.
George Carlin: Why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

See Something? Say Something!

That is what our Government tells us to do to keep ourselves and fellow Citizens safe and secure. See Something? Say Something!

Rep. Carlos Gimenez from Florida heard a Thing - preplanned - was going down at the Capitol. And he just proceeded to the Capitol to try to invalidate the votes from my State. What is wrong with Republicans? Are they LARPing? Do they not know about videotape? In his hotel room?

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
― George Orwell, 1984



Friday, June 11, 2021

Sweet Honey in the Rose

The Old Design Shop provides the illustration from Flower Children, The Little Cousins of The Field and Garden by Elizabeth Gordon published in 1910. My title is a hat tip to Sweet Honey in Rock. One of their songs below.

June is Rose Month. I am off on a quest only a Mad Gardener and dedicated Foody would attempt. I am going to make this Rose Honey. My quest? Find a good source of unsprayed Pink Roses. I will make and taste this. I must.

This recipe comes from Gourmets for McGovern. I reproduce it verbatim. The Colophon reads "This cookbook has been peacefully and lovingly put together by volunteers for McGovern." I wrote the article at dkos. That article gave birth to this article. 

"According to The Pittsburgh Press Sept. 16, 1972: "Philadelphian Joan Cantor has written a cookbook 'Gourmets for McGovern,' to raise money for the senator's presidential campaign. The 46 page book contains such recipes as 'Mexican Drunken Chicken' and 'peaches poached in apricot sauce' -- all composed by local ladies. The national campaign headquarters has ordered 100,000 copies which it hopes to sell at $2 each." Printed on multi-colored cardstock and illustrated throughout with line drawings presumably done by the same "local ladies," the book includes Cantor's excellent recipe for Banana Cake re-blogged by Cooking with Kos May 31, 2015." - description Abe Books.


from Kathy Weinerman

5 pounds Sugar

1-1/2 pints hot water (sic)

alum (about the size of a cherry)

20 red clover blossoms

12 white clover blossoms

8 pink roses

Melt sugar in the water. Add alum and boil 2 minutes. Remove pot from the flame and immediately add the petals of the blossoms and the roses and let stand 10 minutes. Strain and bottle. Try it, you'll like it!


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Filth and Dirt - The Penis

I am getting entirely too serious of late. I think it is past time we had a little filth and dirt. If you want more filth and dirt, just click on the "Filth and Dirt" link in the LABELS in the left margin.

Feeling a little oppressed by our patriarchal culture? If you go to the site, you will never see a man or his penis in the same way again.

I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I am not sure if it is an endearing, sad, funny or hot thing. I do warn you that it is an ADULT thing.

Friday, May 28, 2021

LOOSIES - Update - What say you DOJ?

It is the 8th anniversary of the choke hold death of Eric Garner. The DOJ has done nothing. Rand Paul has not forgotten. Nor have I.

I hate it when I get anywhere near to agreeing with Rand Paul. Guy always looks like he has been sleeping off a three day drunk in his car. Bear with me, please.

It is true that cigarette taxes are bad law as Rand Paul asserts. We disagree about why these taxes are bad law.

Cigarette taxes are bad law for ordinary folks - never mind "dangerous" for the police. Fuck the police. 

Eric Garner was a small business owner. A old school capitalist. He sold single cigarettes, called loosies in the 'Hood, for profit.

A pack of cigarettes is so expensive due to taxes. Your basic working person and everyday street person cannot afford a whole pack at one time or has to make one pack last a week. Sometimes you just have to have a cigarette. And there on the corner stood Eric Garner ready, willing and not all that able. Eric Garner was murdered for selling a cigarette. 

Taxes run government. The Suits decided to tax the shit out of cigarettes and thereby tax the shit out of addicts and working folks rather than tax the pusher Corpos and Wall Street. Naturally the nanny Progressives cheered. All that second hand smoke irritated their eyes, no doubt.

The working classes as a whole who smoke are being farmed for money to run government services just like Ferguson was being farmed for tax money to run government. Every man a profit center. 

I think there is plenty of blame to go around for the death of Eric Garner, right and left.

Selling loosies is not a capital offense. It is an interracial occupation in Philly. Whole damn murder was a matter of CLASS not race. This time. On second thought, it is a race and a class and a poverty thing.

"If Eric Garner had been selling naked credit default swaps instead of cigarettes – if in other words he'd set up a bookmaking operation in which passersby could bet on whether people made their home mortgage payments or companies paid off their bonds – the police by virtue of a federal law called the Commodity Futures Modernization Act would have been barred from even approaching him."
Matt Taibbi

I love it when the real world agrees with me. Agreement tells me I am sane. These days I need all the reassurance I can get.

Michigan makes up for its budget shortfall after cutting corporate taxes by taxing people who smoke and drink more! Chad Livengood reports:
Revenue from so-called sin taxes on tobacco, beer, wine and liquor totaled $290.5 million in the 2014 fiscal year, more than twice the $137.6 million net income taxes paid by Michigan businesses after receiving $768.8 million in refunds from tax credits, a Detroit News analysis of tax data shows.
Since Gov. Rick Snyder and lawmakers delivered sweeping tax relief for businesses in 2011, net business income taxes dropped 90 percent, depleting the state's main operating fund of $1.33 billion, according to state revenue data.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


I despise the expression "the culture wars." The WAR this time is being waged on Gays and Women (oh so sexyfied Sexies who ought to just get with the program that sex is destiny).

The concept applied to women seems to mean the struggle for my pudenda. Beware! The Religious Right is powerful and rushing to stake out the wombs of American women for further operations or the prevention of same. Congress is now "pro life." Trumpolini is going to punish us. REDpublicans will save the Union by making women the slaves. Good luck.

The "WAR" rhetoric is meaningless and offensive. Here is why:

I do not do WAR. I am firm. Firm and that is all. There will be safe medical abortion and contraception for women. We will see to it.

NOW nurses were coming to house parties and teaching covens of women to do vacuum aspiration of  "late menses" and how to make the equipment to do menstrual extraction before Roe v. Wade.

We women were not waiting for any one's approval; the government was late. We would just do it again. Do you know how many of us are midwives, doctors and nurses now?

RU-486 which is quite safe will be smuggled from places where it is legal. Oooh, lookEEE!  Another "controlled dangerous substance." How much success has Big Gummint been having with the War on Drugs? And isn't there a common drug for ulcers that is a safe abortifacient?

Clergy organized to refer women to safe abortions when it was illegal. Women formed underground abortion cooperatives like JANE. We would do it again. It is easier to resist now. We learned a lot the last time we organized against rapists and for reproductive justice.

Get your noses out of women's private lives, all of you. Sexuality is private. It is not subject to governmental,  religious,  or public review.  If you want to join women in the sacred task of  raising a new generation, do so.  Ask us what we want. Do not be doing stuff to us. We have enough problems.

There was abortion available when it was illegal. My Mom knew somebody. There was a doctor in PA that did abortions as a matter of conscience. Women abort. That is what one in every four of us do. The problem was that lots of women died of sepsis and hemorrhage when abortion was illegal. 

We now report health statistics in a way undreamed of in 1962. We will know how many women bleed to death. Or die from sepsis. Or forced to carry a dead fetus to 'term.' We will know how many kids take substances like quinine or other substances to self abort like my Sister did.

The assassination of Dr. Tiller was a wake up call to the FBI, I hope. I think everybody gets it that the "pro life" are perverts and terrorists now. It was bound to happen. Just like Gandhi said.

I say "Let's you and him fight." SCOTUS has incentivized stalkers. All bets are off.

Let the pundits and MS Media maunder on gravely about "the culture WAR" and create mischief in the pursuit of fame, scholarship and toilet paper sales. Let evil legislatures practice medicine and family planning. Me, I will get the gang together. Rent the apartment. Buy the pasta. Find a new Mike. Molon Labe just like the Lady from Texas below said. 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Ted Cruz is officially running for President. I iz laffing.

I just have to say it. 

Ted Ooze is gay as a box of Robert Jeffress. Cruz Control is gay as a pair of crotchless chaps. This is not a bad thing really. Some of my best friends...etc.

I ask myself:
Could the Cruiser Cruz really be the "homo demon" sent to demolish the Black Woman and the Republican Party by Obama? 

I mean, my gaydar has to be as good as Pastor Doctor James David Manning's gaydar any day. I am here and I am Queer. What does he know about "homo demons" really?

NYC pastor: ‘Pervert’ Obama is ‘releasing white homo demons to scoop up all Black American men’

I would go on but, I am starting to feel guilty for noticing the fabulousness and then commenting on it. I know I am politically incorrect. I do not care. Ted Cruz is so gay that when he farts, crepe paper streams out of his anus.

by Taylor Marsh
Oh Teddy Cruiser Cruz, Homo White Demon of the Universe, you are so cute in such a perverse oily pukey way. Your Tea Party dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

UPDATE: More Pastor Manning below. When you really think about it, Pastor Doctor James Manning is so gay.

"It is a character issue."

I look forward to the year and the day I can stop typing this:

Good Cops cover for Bad Cops. Therefore there are no Good Cops. 

Friday, April 30, 2021

I think this is a poem. Is this a title?

I wrote this poem by accident on a social media thread. Maybe I am leaking? Ack!

I think this is a poem. Is this a title?
by Mary De Angelis

There is no problem.
You are the problem.
If there is a problem,
It is the same old problem.
Since it is the same old problem, 
There is no problem.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Three Sisters - Corn, Squash and Beans

I have been a lazy but thinking gardener ever since I first read Ruth Stout's How to Have a Green Thumb without an Aching Back. Say the words "natural weed control" and I become interested. Add some Native American history to the mix and you have more of my attention and interest. The Three Sisters planting method is featured on the reverse of the US Sacajawea Native American dollar coin. The Three Sisters are Corn, Squash and Beans.

I went hunting in Google Land. It is amazing where a good graphic can lead you. I like things simple. Keep it simple, Sweetie is my motto.

I learned that this garden is simple to do. Except for the getting dirty and doing the digging part.

I cannot think of an activity that would be more fun for parents and children. My children loved digging in dirt and picking the flowers.

Making a Three Sisters Garden is an excellent teaching tool for science classes. There is an entire class lesson plan at the link.
Cultivating these companions in your school garden, a small patch near the building, a barrel, or even indoors, can inspire studies of Native American customs, nutrition, and folklore. As students dig in, investigations of plant growth and relationships will also flourish. - Creating a Three Sisters Garden
I learned a Three Sisters Garden is beautiful and became determined to put this planting into my own small backyard.

The Penis and the Gun or This is for Fighting and This is for Fun

There are a number of websites that are tracking accidental gun wounding and gun death. You can read a new gun death or wounding story every day in America. I was in a constant state of upset. Toddlers dying and/or shooting their Mother or their little brother. Just unbearable. And then I switched. 

The whole American gun debacle is so ugly, ridiculous, and constant that all I can do now is laugh. Do you think maybe God has a sense of humor? A truly black sense of humor? I mean, what would you find funny if you were God? I think "BANG - right in the penis!"

Gun enthusiasts shoot themselves in the dick regularly. Oh the schadenfreude - it is delicious. "His girlfriend's little pink pistol" got him right in his little pink pistol.

I asked myself, "Self, could something funnier than some guy shooting himself in the dick exist?" How low can God go? Oh me of little faith. How about shooting your Mother in church? Lord, have mercy. Have mercy, God, on a suffering people. God say "Be calm. Breathe. Free will."

First come the dick shootings and then come the Mama fraggings in that order. I had to stop there were so many. Incoming!
Yakima Herald, Washington - WENATCHEE — Authorities say Martin Eugene Hoyer was on the second day of a methamphetamine binge when he decided to kick in a neighbor’s door to rescue her from hallucinatory “Mexicans.” When he did so, the handgun in his waistband discharged, sending a bullet through his lower abdomen and into his scrotum, police said.
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – Police in Portland say a man suspected of shooting a neighbor shot himself in the groin while trying to leave the scene of the crime.
LEHIGH ACRES, FL - A 23-year-old man was taken to the hospital with multiple burn wounds after he accidentally shot himself in the genitals with a flare gun, according to the Lee County Sheriff's Office.
Man accidentally shoots himself in groin at Alaska State Fair by Tegan Hanlon
A man in Macon Georgia shot himself in the penis on Thursday, according to WMAZ Channel 13.
CHANDLER, Ariz. – Police are preaching firearms safety after a Chandler man accidentally shot himself in the penis with his girlfriend's little pink pistol.
Police in the town of Rio Claro received a call around 8:00 a.m. on Sunday from witnesses who had heard a shot coming from a parked car. The responding officers found a driver slumped at the wheel bleeding from his... private parts.\
Argus Leader Donald Anthony Watson was admitted to the Avera McKennan emergency room about 1:30 a.m. Sept. 6 for a gunshot wound to his penis, according to an arrest affidavit. When questioned by police, the 43-year-old said he was shot by “a black guy (who) tried to rob” him while he was taking out the trash at his apartment.

 Last but not least, the mama woundings. I had to stop. I am a Mama. 

Sheriff's deputy unintentionally shoots mother during wedding ceremony
Cory Golightly is a sheriff's deputy in the McCracken County Sheriff's Department in Kentucky. He was off-duty, attending a wedding with his mother at the Bardwell Baptist Church in Carlisle County when he dropped his gun.
According to witnesses, Golightly was adjusting his jacket and the gun and holster fell out. The gun discharged when it hit the floor. The bullet hit his Mother. Golightly's mother was taken to the hospital and is said to be in stable condition. The pianist at the wedding said Golightly was very composed throughout the incident. "He said, 'Mom, breathe and be calm. Be calm," he said. Golightly has been placed on paid leave while the incident is investigated. His name is Corry Golightly. 
Mississippi woman was severely injured on Tuesday after her son accidentally shot her in the face. WDAM reported that Richard Lawrence told officers he was sitting in his truck showing his mother his new .38 caliber pistol when the gun mistakenly discharged, shooting the woman in the face.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Seems right to publish this unfinished article by Bede : Return of the Big Guns

When the Skatalites reformed in the mid-1980s, they released an incredible album, Return of the Big Guns, which -- for the first time -- gave those of us who never saw them when they were in the process of helping create modern Jamaican music, a chance to hear in high-fidelity what they must've sounded like from the bandstand:

Monday, April 12, 2021

Paradise for Book Lover's

This illustration comes from a wonderful book entitled Apples of New York. It can be found, along with other books for your reading pleasure, at the E-Book Lending Library. You can read all their titles for FREE. Stock seems to revolve. I am fond of antique illustrations and typography. So, while the booklist is not enormous, the illustrations and typography of the original editions are rewarding and beautiful. 

I found The Varieties of Religious Experience by Wm. James in a 1917 edition. And a vintage Complete Works of Mark Twain. They have all the genres from romantic potboilers to science fiction. 

Ho's Need Abortions

Oh how I love Third Wave Feminists like the woman in the video below. 

Reminds me of Margot St. James. Speak Truth to Power. Nobody did it better than Margo. Rest in Peace.
"I’ve always felt that if we couldn’t get the prohibition on sex work repealed we would never hang onto abortion rights. It’s the same piece of property. Our property. 
When prostitution is a crime, the message conveyed is that women who are sexual are “bad,” and therefore legitimate victims of sexual assault. Sex becomes a weapon to be used by men." - MARGO ST. JAMES, San Francisco Examiner, Apr. 29, 1979
Margaret Jean "Margo" St. James (September 12, 1937 – January 11, 2021) was an American prostitute and sex-positive feminist. In San Francisco, she founded COYOTE (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics), an organization advocating decriminalization of prostitution, and co-founded the St. James Infirmary Clinic, a medical and social service organization serving sex workers in the Tenderloin. - wikipedia

Left to Right Ti-Grace Atkinson, Flo Kennedy, Margot St. James

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Sunday with Screamin' Jay Hawkins

Man speaks to my condition. Constipation Blues is about pain. I cannot stand Boss Tweet's face and voice. What he says and does makes me sick in heart and mind. And Boss Tweet has not gone away yet. Not yet. 

Hawkins is a Blues singer with an operatic range. Some folks say this is rock and roll. Nah. Some folks say it is early Shock Rock. I agree. Man is so hard to catalog. He Screamin' Jay.

I am building this post. If you love Screamin' Jay and you got something to say, say it loud. We need to know who is backing Hawkins up here.

Do I have to point out what brilliant satire his work is? Nah.