Saturday, April 4, 2015

Tom Wolf wants to liberate LGBTQ folks in PA. We can help.

lgbt-pa-flagI love my new Governor. I am so glad I cast my vote for Tom Wolf. First, he starts to work on the death penalty and now he is working on civil rights for sexual minorities.

I feel like singing Dayenu and I am not Jewish. If Tom Wolf only rid us of the death penalty and created peace for LGBT, it would be enough.

As we sit around our feast day tables, we give thanks and we remember that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, TransGender and Queer folks are our Family, Friends and Colleagues and we love them.

Everything else Wolf might do is lagniappe. Way to go, Governor. What an excellent gift to all of us in Pennsylvania for Passover and Easter.

Now claim the gift, fellow Pennsylvanians, and sign the Governor's petition HERE.
PA-Gov: Wolf Denounces Indiana Bill, Calls for New Legislation
Governor Wolf is pushing for Pennsylvania to become a more inclusive place.In the wake of the controversy over Indiana’s anti-LGBT legislation, Wolf is asking the legislature to adopt a non-discrimination law in PA.
“I simply don’t understand what the Governor of Indiana was thinking when he signed a bill that allows discrimination against people based on who they love,” Wolf wrote in an email to his campaign subscribers. “It’s not only wrong on a human level, but also ill-advised for attracting businesses and creating jobs in today’s global economy.”
“But we have some work to do here in Pennsylvania as well,” the Governor continued. “Unfortunately, Pennsylvania is the only state in the Northeast that doesn’t prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity and expression — and that needs to end.”

Listen to the Philadelphia Biblical University Institute of Jewish Studies class of 2000 music team beautifully perform the popular Passover song Dayenu. Happy Pesach! Happy Easter! 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

OMG GOP WTF? - Klingon Shit Happens - UPDATE

UPDATE: Rev. Klingenschmidt rides again!

I knew before he was elected that KlingonShit was going to be popcorn worthy. I love it when subsequent events prove my wisdom. KlingonShit has been removed from a committee by the Republican party. You voted for him Colorado. I iz laffing.
Last week, a pregnant woman in Colorado was attacked by a stranger who stabbed her in the stomach and cut her baby out of her womb, and Republican state legislator Gordon Klingenschmitt is attributing the attack to God's curse upon America for the sin of legal abortion. - Right Wing Watch
It's Colorado rocky mountain high.
I've seen it raining fire in the sky.
Friends around the campfire
And everybodys high.
Rocky mountain high ...
- John Denver
The Republican Party candidate for State Representative from El Paso County Colorado is Rev. Gordon James Klingenschmitt.  Rev. Klingenschmitt is an Evangelical Christian who has a daily religious program carried to a number of outlets by Direct TV.

Are Colorado Republicans insane? This is the guy who preaches that the FCC is allowing demonic spirits to "molest and visually rape your children." And preaches that Obamacare causes cancer. And homosexuality is a sin and a "foul cancer." 

I do not think insanity or Republicans are the reason this guy won his primary. "What is the reason?" I ask myself and I answer thus:

I think stoners are doing a takedown for shitz and giggles. Confess. How many stoners registered Republican just so you could vote for this guy? How many trekkies think I should apologize for the Klingon joke?

My evidence for a charge of stoner and trekkie hijinks? "Gordon does not speak on behalf of the Republican Party. To suggest otherwise is inaccurate and dishonest," said Ryan Call, chairman of the Colorado Republican Party. The Navy did not want this guy either so they canned him.

Stoners and Trekkies look sharp. Caveat emptor! This twatwaffle is serious as a heart attack. And like the Tundra Twat, he sounds sane enough at first look to get elected. All this sanctimony is giving me serious agita.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Marijuana - The Devil's Flower

I thank The Execrable Bede and Mr. Sunshine for this moment of Moral Edification and Attitude Adjustment.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Rain and Gardens

Spring is here. I am ordering Herb Seeds and plotting Flowers. I am planting Milkweed for the Monarch Butterflies this year. I am getting that Happy Green Feeling in spite of the cold outside.

I have learned you can make that boggy place in your yard a thing of beauty and help clean and conserve water by planting a Rain Garden. 

Once planted, such a garden is maintained with little to no effort. And that is good news. Gardening can be hard work.

The woman in the photograph is teaching a class in Rain Gardens and you can see the perfect sort of location. Find out all the particulars at the link.
"To select a location for a rain garden, begin by observing your yard during a good rainfall. Notice where water is flowing. Rain gardens should ideally be located between the source of runoff (roofs and driveways) and the runoff destination (drains, streams, low spots, etc.)."

The photograph on the right is a rain garden in Philadelphia, designed by Edgar David.
"Rainwater that flows from the house roof to the stone cistern is used to irrigate an intimate collection of woodland plants."
You can read more about this interesting garden HERE. 

The Philadelphia Water Department has some excellent information about making Rain Gardens. The PWD also has a rain barrel program for those of us who do not have a boggy spot and still want to utilize and help manage rain water runoff. And now it is time for a Spring song by The Velvet Fog.