Friday, February 23, 2024

Trumpus Loves Rumpus - Blood with Tea and Crumpets

Trumpus wants public executions? Okay. Charge $1.00 a ticket. Premium price if you want to be up close to the blood and foam. We could pay off the national debt two or three executions in.

Donald Trump Wants to Use the Firing Squad, Mass Executions, and Videos to Turn Executions Into Reality TV - Austin Sarat

What will Tangerine Toddler do when convicted and facing jail? Maybe pretend to be insane for the legal and political space it will give him? He is doing the job now rather well. Or will he run? He has jets.

I would bet money he learned the tactic from Vincent Gigante. It is possible Trump knew him, and Vincent is his kind of mentor. Gigante went to Jesus in 2005. While Gigante lived, he was a mobster’s mobster.

We don’t break our Captains. We kill them. — Vincent Gigante

Quote: For about 30 years, Gigante feigned insanity in an effort to throw law enforcement off his trail. Dubbed “The Oddfather” and “The Enigma in the Bathrobe” by the media, Gigante often wandered the streets of Greenwich Village in his bathrobe and slippers, mumbling incoherently to himself. He was indicted on federal racketeering charges in 1990, but was determined to be mentally unfit to stand trial. In 1997, he was tried and convicted of racketeering and conspiracy, and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

— Picture and quote from Wikipedia — send them money. 

Friends called him Vinny. Vinny was a boxer. Although Vinny’s mugshot is thuggish, he was handsome. He sets my Italian genes off and dancing the tarantella. 

I love the bad boys. Not Trumpus. On a scale of one to ten, Donald is an Eww! Shudder.

Vinny, I wish I had known you. I love the Bad Boys. People found The Chin irresistibly attractive, and a good book about his life and legend is:

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Battle on January 6, 2021 - Quisling in Pennsylvania

Cartoon AMERICAN EXAMINER, 1910 Dave Thomson collection

Scott Perry did not get his hands dirty killing people or bear-spraying police during the battle. He created part of the plan and the ideological framework for the event. I live in Pennsylvania. As we say here colloquially, “His ass is mine.”  Politically speaking of course.

There is a Congressman Scott Perry
Of whom Pennsylvanians must be wary.
What he did on January 6th
Gives the Patriots fits.
Another term sure would be scary.
Up him; down him.
FBI all around him.

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, pen name Mark Twain, was called “the Father of American Literature” by William Faulkner. Twain’s contempt for Congress is legendary.*

Robert Berkeley “Bob” Minor, alternatively known as “Fighting Bob”, was a political cartoonist, a radical journalist, and, beginning in 1920, a leading member of the Communist Party USA.

“The use of the name “quisling” as a term for collaborators or traitors in general probably came about upon Vidkun Quisling’s unsuccessful 1940 coup d’état, when he attempted to seize power and make Norway cease resisting the invading Germans. The term was widely introduced to an English-speaking audience by the British newspaper The Times.” — Wikipedia

* Twain's quotes come from Goodreads.

“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”― Mark Twain

"The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, unless, of course, you are congress."
Mark Twain

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Just Take My Word for It

I tried to save the discussion with the robot. I cannot find it. Sucks to be Ancient.

National Women’s History Museum

“No matter what men think, abortion is a fact of life. Women have always had them; they always have and they always will. Are they going to have good ones or bad ones? Will the good ones be reserved for the rich, while the poor women go to quacks?”

Shirley Chisholm, Unbought And Unbossed

I asked a chat search robot “In how many states can a rapist sue for child visitation?" 

I was a habitue of the old AOL Abortion Debate Board. The answer used to be 11. I am an activist. I can kill you with history and information. I have survived more than one rape. One cannot abort a rape pregnancy in some States without becoming a criminal. 

The robot told me that rape is a serious crime and my question is "rude and unacceptable."

I replied “I am a rape survivor.” The robot then gave me the legal and numerical information. I was so shocked at its initial answer that I not only failed to save it, I do not remember the answer. More than one state. 

I then asked the robot if its first answer was programmed in for legal reasons. No answer. I asked again. Political and legal gaslighting. No answer. 

Artificial Intelligence? What do you think?

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

HUNTER BIDEN HAS A PENIS…and he uses it.


Marjorie Taylor Greene
Showed us
Hunter’s dyck.
Oh, my goodness!
It is so long and thick.
I would jump on Hunter.
If only I could.
Damn thing looks
Like it’s made out of wood.
Pornography in D.C.?
Thank you, Peach Queen.
One of the most fetching penises
I have yet seen.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene shows off X-rated pics of Hunter Biden with women while questioning IRS whistleblower (

  • Related Names:
    Federal Theatre Project (U.S.) , sponsor
  • Date Created/Published: [California : Federal Art Project, 1937]
  • Medium: 1 print (poster) : silkscreen, color.
  • Summary: Poster for Federal Theatre Project presentation of “Help Yourself” at the Hollywood Playhouse, showing a hand holding a stack of money.