Thursday, June 30, 2022

Song of the Frightened Staff #1


Bouncing Bonespurs
Is having a shyte fit.
Get Melantonia
To give him some tit tit.

We feeling desperate
Cuz DC is a cesspit.
And Donnie Bonespurs
Is such a lackwit.

We can leave town
While He has his Hoe down.
Let’s use the Prius
So no one will see us.

We going to dump DC.
Enjoy sweet liberty.
Ibiza is good
For you and me.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Sexual Obsession and Anti-choice Zealots - UPDATE Two Womb Sniffers for Price of One

UPDATE: Here is what another Operation Rescue abortion protestor and sex offender looks like.
I seem to be starting a collection. SexPig of the Month. These are the thugs that our SCOTUS has energized and set free to pursue their historic agenda - sexual assault and intimidation. 

Howard Scott Heldreth has been arrested numerous times protesting in front of abortion clinics throughout the nation. His history behind bars includes two cases of rape and kidnapping at the University of Ohio in 1992. Since then he has continued to show his support for women by joining the anti-abortion crusade with Operation Save America because he still believes he knows what's best for women.


It has been my opinion for some time that Anti Abortion Zealots, many of them religious, suffer from a paraphilia and exhibit behaviors associated with voyeurism, exhibitionism, and sexual sadism.

Curtis Anton Beseda is a hero of the Anti Choice Forced Birth movement. As of this writing, Beseda is wanted for and running from a charge of child molestation. You can find an account of the crimes that sent Beseda to prison in the past HERE

Snohomish County Washington authorities believe that the man who groped an 11-year-old girl at a local grocery store last month is the same man who fire-bombed abortion clinics in Everett and Bellingham in the 1980′s.

Curtis Anton Beseda was sentenced to 20 years in prison in the 1980s for arsons at abortion clinics which made him a martyr for the anti-chice movement. In fact, Beseda was honored at a national banquet in 1995. When Beseda sent a letter from prison, it was read at the banquet. The letter urged support for Shelly Shannon, an Oregon woman who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for shooting an abortion doctor in Kansas in 1993, as well as setting fire to six abortion clinics.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Yo Doctor, wachoo gonna do? Wachoo gonna do when they come for you?


In an opinion essay published in The Washington Post under the headline “Why I violated Texas’s extreme abortion ban,” the doctor, Alan Braid, who has been performing abortions for more than 40 years, said that he performed one on Sept. 6 for a woman who, although still in her first trimester, was beyond the state’s new limit.

“I acted because I had a duty of care to this patient, as I do for all patients, and because she has a fundamental right to receive this care,” Dr. Braid wrote. “I fully understood that there could be legal consequences — but I wanted to make sure that Texas didn’t get away with its bid to prevent this blatantly unconstitutional law from being tested.”I was 30 when women got reliable medical contraception and legal safe abortion. My 16 year old Sister poisoned herself with quinine to self abort. My Mother had more than one illegal abortion. She 'knew somebody.' I 'chose life' trying to be a good Catholic. I was 18. One of the most unfortunate decisions I ever made. The Prez of NJ NOW lost her Mother to illegal abortion when she was 9. Women are going to be maimed and they are going to die in Texas and other welfare queen redpublican States. 

The difference between now and then = MSMedia will report every death, every hemorrhage, every Teen self aborts with a pencil, every woman forced to carry a dead baby to 'term.' And then abortion will be legal again. Who is going to pay for all the dead and maimed Women? Nobody paid the last time when the medical establishment fucked us and destroyed midwifery. What is the medical establishment going to do now? Roll over and let us die? Again. 

It was an all male Conservative majority SCOTUS that enacted Roe v Wade. It is the centrist Conservative position on the issue. We will now per Texas inhabit the Alt-Left and Alt-Right positions on abortion simultaneously. All regulation is gone. It is Gosnell City in Texas. Philly knows what I mean. I Stand with Texas Women and the Lady in the picture below. Read the whole Tshirt.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Captcha Comics

I have found another great cartoonist. Correction: bluebeard cattown found a cartoonist and turned me on to him/her.

I can only post one or two comics because all work is copyrighted and posting more is not fair use.

Go to the website for more and see for yourself. These are the ones that I find hilarious.

I think Vollaton looks a bit like our fascist Leader.