Thank you for your kind concern and notes. I was so sick. You cheered me up while I was in misery. I am much better. I still need to put 5 pounds back on. A stiff wind would blow me over.
I have been submitting some of my essays to Medium. If you are a writer you join, then you write, then they 'pay' you. So far I have made $1.67. I had to do something when I was so miserable; knew I could push buttons. This is the first thing I have written that is new. Too hurting. Except for comments. I will die with a mean trashmouth sigh of complaint gently escaping my once painted mouth.
So a funny thing happened. I decided to contribute to a publication on Medium called Bouncin' and Behavin'. The Editor Jason Provencio wanted fun material others may censor. Medium tends whitebread.
And because I was sick, I went to bed and thought no more of my reckless remark."I have two categories in which you are bound to find something evil" I boasted.
1. Filth and Dirt and
2. Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll.
Surely have something evil there. I will go through and look."
The Popular Posts function in left column is automatic. Some folks from medium and some civilians got curious about how low I might go. I have been laughing and astonished at what folks have chosen to read. All of a sudden I have hits like I did when Bede was writing his Music articles. Hordes have galloped through this space. And then it gets quiet again.
When I had moments of consciousness, I rose from my bed of pain and my oxycodone haze and came to read blog. Was anyone coming by in spite of my long silence? Oh yes they were. I got to watch a parade of my articles go by, some of which I forgot I had written.
I embarrassed myself some. Tearing Eric Cantor's tits off with my teeth? It is not the perversion that concerns me. I was trying to do political analysis in that opus. And I relapsed to stand up instead. I am really proud of my work.
I have a good poem or two hidden in this mess. Some intelligent and thoughtful Readers have contributed good Articles about Art, Music, Society. I have spent a decade creating this (Diary, Memoir, Howl of Pain and Lustful Thoughts, Ship of Cheerful Fools and SJWs) or whatever it is. I glad I did not miss it. We have been having such fun. Andiamo.