Friday, April 1, 2016

"Ever notice how sometimes you come across somebody you shouldn't have fucked with?"

The men of the Republican party believe that women and women alone are to be held responsible for the fact that humans have sex. Republicans lost women voters by 10 points nationally and are headed for a 20 point loss.

My Mother had an abortion because of financial hardship when it was illegal. She and my Dad decided three of us was all they could handle. We were 14, 12 and 10. My Mom could have died. I know a past President of NJ NOW whose Mother died of illegal abortion when she was 9 years old.

Mom was 37, working full time and doing IBEW work. Dad was intermittently crippled with a congenital form of arthritis. Another pregnancy would have been a serious social, financial and physical disruption for her and for our family. Most women who get an abortion already have children.

It is despicable to compel folks to give birth to children they cannot afford, and/or do not want, or are defective BY LAW. It is Nazi stuff.

Woman forced to give birth to stillborn in Texas

If you are one of the "prolife" activists, I have questions for you.

My body and its contents belongs to (pick one):

1. You.
2. the State.
3. Me and my family.

My children belong with and to:

1. You.
2. the State.
3. Me and my family.

I look forward to your answers. I will tell you something right now. You Republican ghouls will not turn me and my daughters into baby farmed corpses like poor Mrs. Munoz. We vote.

ILLEGAL ABORTION and CHILDBIRTH (sepsis and hemorrhage) are the leading causes of maternal death worldwide. Fertility is serious business for women. Abortion/contraception is a human right.

We know contraception prevents abortion. Why do folks like Huckabee want to interfere with women getting contraception? How many peaches will you get if you wound the Tree? And why is this fat jowly guy calling me a slut with a Sugar Daddy? That is the Christian Republican idea of good politics evidently. Jesus loves Huckabee but I think he is an anus.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Forcing Birth in Indiana

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on Thursday signed a bill that bars women from seeking an abortion because the child will be born with a disability - like these in the video below perhaps.

Legislatures and Mike Pence must not practice obstetrics/gynecology or mandate unnecessary suffering for women and their families.

Birth defects can cause problems in overall health, how the body develops or how the body works. Learn about birth defects and other health conditions, what they are and how they happen. Common birth defects include heart defects, cleft lip and cleft palate and spina bifida. Read more from the March of Dimes. 

If the State acts in loco parentis and takes choice of whether to bear a child with Downs Syndrome, a more common birth defect, from its biological parents, then the State must pay all expenses associated with such forced birth.

Enjoy, Indiana, the tremendous tax burden you have just assumed with this bill. I know the State will love and provide for these babies generously. Sure they will. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sharron Angle is a Hoot - UPDATE

UPDATE:  Sharron Angle, the GOP’s disastrous 2010 nominee, is back for another Senate campaign in Nevada. READ more... 

October 19, 2010

Sharron Angle (I call her Spangle because she sparkles so) is one of the most entertaining candidates running for public office. Every day she presents us with some new atrocity.  I am laughing myself silly. And buying lots of popcorn.

Spangle calls press conferences and then runs from the press.

Spangle is campaigning to do away with Social Security as we know it, just as the biggest population wave the USA ever experienced, the Baby Boomers, are getting ready to apply for the retirement funds they spent their entire lives paying into. Bad timing at the least.

Spangle thinks my sex life is her business and rapists should be able to choose the Mother of their babies the old fashioned Biblical way: If you rape her, she must marry you and/or bear your child.  As Big Ed would put it, it is Psycho Talk. Spangle smiles while she compares incest pregnancy to ... "lemons?" Huh?

I note lots of Folks asking if Spangle is stupid or crazy for taking these stances and smiling away while people gasp. Spangle seems not to hear the gasps or notice the dropped jaws.

Spangle is neither stupid nor crazy necessarily. I am a recovered addict. I can spot an addict easily. Spangle is making my High Alarm clang bigtime. Spangle looks and acts like a lady in my Quaker Meeting who is misusing (with the help of her physician daughter) Xanax. Same ever present big fat meaningless smile, same vacant wide eyed countenance, same lack of appropriate affect. Smiling and smiling.

 If it is yellow like a duck, quacks like a duck ... well, you know. Prescription drug misuse is common in America. It happens to the nicest people even, witness the lady from my Meeting. Nicest lady you could meet and she runs the First Day School. Smiling.

I could be wrong; I often am. Bigtime wrong. But in this case, I don't think so. We need to randomly and regularly drug test public employees, especially Congress. What is sauce for the working American must be sauce for our employees.

This is why Horsey is a Pulitzer Prize Winning Editorial Cartoonist.

    David Horsey
    Editorial cartoonist

    David Horsey is a Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist in the United States. His cartoons appeared in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer until December 2011 and in the Los Angeles Times currently and are syndicated to newspapers nationwide. - Wikipedia