Monday, January 8, 2018

Do not pray for me. God might think I hang out with you.

I read this opinion piece from Charisma News and immediately developed an attitude. In the context of sexuality, the "watchman on the wall" stuff makes me think about Peepers. Peepers are creepy down to the ground.

Voyeurism is the sexual interest in or practice of spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as undressing, sexual activity, or other actions usually considered to be of a private nature. - wikipedia
A photographic essay Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance; and the Camera since 1870 has been created and edited by Sandra S. Phillips, Simon Baker, Richard B. Woodward. It is a fascinating look at voyeurism and photography and the inherent pleasure and ubiquity of peeking. We all enjoy it and some of us are addicted to peeking. But I digress.

Gay-Affirming Nabisco Is Shoving More Than Oreos Down Our Throats
"Many are calling for a boycott of Nabisco. I’m not a fan of boycotts, but I am a fan of healthy eating—and I’m not a thin little 7-year-old anymore. I stopped eating Oreos, Nilla Wafers and Nutter Butters long ago to avoid packing on unwanted pounds. That said, Nabisco is still trying to shove something down my throat for which I have no taste. Although I defend their right to do so, I grieve over the latest example of how immorality is the new normal. Our only godly response is to continue speaking the truth in love and to pray for those whose hand may be caught in the cookie jar of sexual immorality when Jesus returns." - Jennifer LeClaire, news editor of Charisma.
Read more of LeClaire's opus at the link. Her essay is meant to be a response to an ad by Nabisco below. Subject: Wholesome Family Life

Maybe it is just me but is it not sexually suggestive to use the phrase "shove something down my throat for which I have no taste?" And we are going to teach godly sex by referring to the "cookie jar of sexual immorality?" Say what? I hear the word "cookie" and I begin to salivate. Is that really the reaction this woman is trying to create?

I mean, a Christian looks at a family and the first thing you think of is gay sex? Huh? And gay folks are supposed to be "objectively disordered?" Something stinks to the highest heaven in the state of Christianity. Disclamer: I self identify as Christian.

I was starting to get all bent out of shape over this and someone posted this photograph of a cookie jar --------->

Sometimes my Significant Other looks just like this Pup. I gained perspective immediately. That is the power of image and sight. Now, if you are reading this, Honey Baby, I think you adorable when you are wagging your tail, so to speak.

If this is The Cookie Jar of Sexual Immorality, I want one. And I am going to fill it with Sinfully Good Chocolate Brownies and HoneyMaid Crackers.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Fragment Furioso

Once you have been sexually assaulted - me at age 7 in the stacks at the dry cleaner - it is like you wear a virtual sign WEIRDOS WELCOME. The Monsters find you. You cannot see them. Monsters can see your sign. They come in disguise - physician, friendly neighbor etc. Even my Mother. Remarkable I live. And I can laugh. And I do.

"Do not tell your Mother." I knew early never to tell my Mother a damn thing. It is 1:02 ante meridian. I am likely to type any damn thing. Note: Maybe this is a serious poem? Nah.
Hymn to Hillz.

Oh Hillz, so puissant.
Bitch Goddess.
She is cleverer than all the rest.
She is fearless and corrupt.

Monday, January 1, 2018

My New Year's Resolution

I am on my third glass of champagne. Happy New Year Cher Readers!

Join me in my New Year's Revolution. 



Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Happy New Year! 2017

The FEDGOV passed a bill that will kill me. White Christians put this administration in power. Merry Christmas rings hollow on White Christian lips. And I think of myself as a Christian.

Kind of put a damper on my holiday. Don Addis helps me laugh about it all. Mr. Addis died in 2009. Rest in peace and laughter.

I pray daily for Peace. Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year, cher Readers. Here comes the Sun...

Madhubani/Mithila Painting is practiced in the Mithila region of India and Nepal. Painting is done with fingers, twigs, brushes, nib-pens, and matchsticks, using natural dyes and pigments, and is characterised by eye-catching geometrical patterns.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


I have lost the ability to comment and six years of comments. I know they are there somewhere. If anyone can help, I need it. Email: I am working on fixing it.


Disqus did it by running two versions of my blog. Now they are sold and will not help me. I humbly apologize to you, Cher Readers. So many comments from so many fine people over the years are gone. Some made by folks no longer commenting with us. I am going to resolve this somehow. Meanwhile...I have to find a solution. I love my readers.

Somebody else has the same problem. Thank you, Julie. I blamed myself too soon.
@MaryEGaughan 4 hours ago
We've been using Disqus on our Drupal site, for over two years. Now the comments have disappeared. It is still installed on the site, up and running in Disqus and permissions are set correctly. The only recent change is that we've gone from http to https, which is not supposed to affect the integration. Any suggestions as to what the problem might be would be appreciated.