Saturday, May 25, 2019

Gourmets for Mc Govern Banana Cake

Library book sales are the bomb. Yes, I am even political about food. Food is very political.

I found a small hand bound cookbook entitled Gourmets for Mc Govern. It is full of charming illustrations. The only colophon reads "This cookbook has been peacefully and lovingly put together by volunteers for Mc Govern." The recipes do have attribution.

This is the perfect Banana Cake recipe because it tells you exactly how much banana to use. I hate when a recipe says "two bananas." Bananas come in all shapes and sizes. You can mess with quantity in ordinary cooking. Baking needs more precision than that. I give you the recipe verbatim.
Ms. Joan Cantor's Banana Cake
Cream together:
1 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Shortening
2 Eggs
4 tablespoons Sour Cream
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
Beat well.
1 cup Banana pulp
1 and 1/2 cups Flour
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Vanilla
Bake at 350 degrees for 1/2 to 3/4 of an hour. Cake will shrink away from the sides of the pan when done.

Fatty Trumpkin

Fatty Trumpkin runs for Prez.
Everybody laughs at
Everything he sez.

The editorial cartoonist is from The Daily Call.
Mark Taylor
RoundRiver Institute LLC
Genoa, WI

Meet Joshua Monroe, the Man Who Makes Nude Trump Statues
- Read more by Amelia Warshaw 

The Verge has published 11 photos of NYC’s naked Trump statue by Joseph Bareham. As much Trump as you can handle. I liked this one the best.

Bareham is a first rate photographer. See more work at the link.I will not make a joke about the photographer's name...I will not make a joke...I will not etc....

The Progressives chime in and remind me once again how much I despise Progressives, the zealots of the Left.
Body-Shaming Donald Trump Isn't
An Appropriate Or Effective Way To Criticize Him
On Thursday, naked statues of Republican nominee Donald Trump — commissioned by art collective Indecline — appeared in multiple U.S. cities, some of which were captioned "The Emperor Has No Balls." But while many people, including the New York City Parks Department, seem to have found humor in these statues, body-shaming Donald Trump in this way is completely inappropriate. He's a bigoted person who has said a number of awful things, but he is not awful or bigoted because of his body.
My dear Lady, I would like to stake him out on an Ant Hill in Texas covered with molasses. Ridicule is my compromise for the sake of order. Dude would not hesitate a moment to evaluate my charms. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

SALMAGUNDI - May 22, 2019

salmagundi noun
sal·​ma·​gun·​di | \ ˌsal-mə-ˈgən-dē \

1: a salad plate of chopped meats, anchovies, eggs, and vegetables arranged in rows for contrast and dressed with a salad dressing

2: a heterogeneous mixture : POTPOURRI

Ben Carson is daily so high he is looking down on the eagles. Congress must be randomly and regularly drug tested. What is sauce for the working man must be sauce for Congress. We need to start with Ben Carson, Steve King, and Kyrsten Sinema.

Tom Cotton is showing us his ass again. Cotton has said he can be opposed to abortion because we live in a democracy.

My dupa is not a democracy. No thank you. I will have lots of hot sex. I will use birth control. If I become pregnant, I will gestate or abort as I see fit. Not as Tom Cotton sees fit.

Anthropologically speaking, Humankind has three strategies  for dealing with unwanted reproduction (births): contraception, abortion and infanticide. All three are practiced in every culture worldwide historically and currently.

Those who restrict contraception and abortion make infanticide, child and maternal mortality inevitable. We have many in vitro examples of this but the one that troubles me the most at the moment is this example

There is nothing moral about controlling women's reproductive choices by law or by shaming. Illegal abortion and sepsis/hemorrhage in childbirth are the three leading causes of maternal death worldwide. The USA has the highest maternal mortality rate of the developed countries. Women have blood in the fertility game. Abortion and contraception are human rights. Cotton does not occupy the moral high ground.

Monday, April 29, 2019

2020 Election or OMG DNC WTF? with Update #2 or I fucked up.

This article was a mess. I apologize to anyone who saw the first version. I have a booboo and pain pills make you wonky. I made no sense. Some will say I make no sense below. Do not hate on me. 

Graphic by Buddy McCue.
Where I stand:

No Bernie. No Biden. No 20th century 'moldy old men.' They do not get it. Hat tip to Moms Mabley. You can see her doing the Moldy Old Man routine in a video below. Bad video of a great Comedian. Rest in peace and laughter.

I want Warren/Abrams

If the Rs run DJT and Ds run Biden, I will vote for Biden because I am not suicidal. Uncle Joe is a good guy. Donald Trump is a senile thug.

If the Ds run Biden and the Rs nominate Weld, I will vote for Weld and not Biden. I watched the Thomas hearings real time. I am a radical feminist. Not the quiet earnest kind. When I saw that happening on my TV, I wanted to tear up the pea patch. Sorry Joe, you gots to go.

Weld is a good man. Uncle Joe is a good man. Weld is a Conservative of the honorable kind. Uncle Joe is a Liberal 0f the honorable kind who set the women's movement back 30 years.

I voted for Bernie. I got Hillary. I voted for Hillary. I got Trump. I am an old Hippy. Something is wrong in this picture. Burn Baby Burn.

Voting Republican for the first time in my adult life is the only civilized way I can burn it all down. I am not compromising or accommodating with the DNC. I want a pony. They better not give me a dog. I want Elizabeth Warren.

Update: goddamnitalltohell. I just listened to one of Biden's speeches and I love him. Life is hard and then you die. I am not changing my mind. No Bernie. No Biden.