Friday, September 13, 2019

SALMAGUNDI - September 2019 - When dicks fly.

salmagundi noun
sal·​ma·​gun·​di | \ ˌsal-mə-ˈgən-dē \
1: a salad plate of chopped meats, anchovies, eggs, and vegetables arranged in rows for contrast and dressed with a salad dressing
2: a heterogeneous mixture : POTPOURRI

Trump administration delays expansion of clean water rule
By MICHAEL BIESECKER January 31, 2018

Trump says 'air and water are the cleanest they've ever been' in US
BY ARIS FOLLEY - 06/18/19 09:47 PM EDT

I will believe Donald Trump when Dicks fly. The last time we ignored water pollution, the Cuyahoga River caught on fire. The one great thing Nixon did was create the EPA.

If climate change is real, the two things you and your loved ones must consider is finding a reliable source of clean food and water for your survival. Sharks are now commercializing and privatizing water rights. I know climate change is real. I have a volunteer avocado tree that has survived two Winters. I live in Philly.
Zone 7 for the Gardeners out there.

I think Ben Shapiro is channeling Walter Winchell. Winchell did it better.

Sarah Palin is in the news again. Feh. I wrote this when SP likened torture to Xian baptism. I was at peak rage.
And fuck you, John McCain. Fuck you for inflicting this bimbo on America. This cheap slut was meant to be VP of the United States of America? Can she even spell America?
Old fool McCain voted with his dick for this Koch-sucking-meth-addicted-secessionist Bimbo Queen of the Universe. And fuck any advertiser who quits me because I said this. I cannot find language filthy enough to express my revulsion. And I am a trashmouth with talent.
I have a hatred for the disinformation warriors - Marketing specialists. They have weaponized speech to a degree undreamed of by Goebbels. And Goebbels was good at his job. I am more worried about this than I am about nuclear war/plants and I am plenty worried about that. Comedians are the Prophets of our time.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Ode to Stormy Daniels and Sign of the Month - UPDATE

As Congress prepares to return from recess, House Dems explore three roads to impeachment, one of which includes Stormy Daniels. Dems are preparing a new probe of Trump’s illegal hush money payments, exploring whether or not they are impeachable.

Pu^^y Grabs Back 
by M. de Angelis

I love you, Stormy.
Oh yes, I do-ooh.
I love you, Stormy. 
Because you sue-ooh. 
I believe you, I do. 
Oh Stormy, I love you.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Kim Davis Moans and Pules. I Enjoy Her Tears.

I am republishing this rant due to recent developments in the case:
A federal appeals court ruled on Friday that the Kentucky county clerk who gained notoriety for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in 2015 can be sued, Reuters reported.

The 3-0 decision by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati upheld a previous ruling by U.S. District Judge David Bunning in Kentucky that Kim Davis can be sued in her individual capacity for the denial of licenses to same-sex couples after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in 2015. The decision will toss the lawsuits from two couples pursuing a lawsuit against Davis back into his court.
The Bible and Jesus tell Christians to obey the civil law. Kim Davis is an Epic Fail as a Christian, if being a Christian means doing what Jesus told you to do. Further, Jesus told us not to afflict people with the 'letter of the law.' I read the Bible.

Kim Davis is also an insult to the concept of nonviolent (religious) civil disobedience; this concept many people were jailed, maimed or incarcerated for honoring and employing. Nonviolent conscientious religious civil disobedience takes courage to employ. Gandhi tells us what nonviolent religious civil disobedience is:
"I have also called it love-force or soul-force. . . I discovered in the earliest stages that pursuit of truth did not admit of violence being inflicted on one’s opponent but that he must be weaned from error by patience and compassion. For what appears to be truth to the one may appear to be error to the other. And patience means self-suffering. So the doctrine came to mean vindication of truth, not by infliction of suffering on the opponent, but on oneself." - Mohandas Gandhi.
What Kim Davis practices is not nonviolent civil disobedience. It is assault and humiliation under color of law. As she sowed, so she now reaps. It is biblical.  Cry me a river. Cake Patrol Christianity is stupid and rude.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The American Press Are No @#$%^&* Good

Watch Pete Hoekstra, Trump's ambassador to the Netherlands, get poleaxed by Dutch reporters. How did they get him?. They insisted he actually answer a question and answer truthfully. I almost feel sorry for him.

This example makes our media monsters look like incompetent idiots. We are 48th in freedom of the press worldwide . So much winning. Our reporters back off when they do not get an answer, or get a lie for an answer, because they might 'lose access.' I am looking at you Chuck Todd.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

I am Queer. I am out of the closet. Call me Nancy.

Poster by Favianna Rodriguez.

I like Queer because Friends (Quakers) have from the beginning been called 'a queer people.' I fit right in. 

I like Queer because, if I do some damn disgusting hilarious filthy dirty but not illegal act in public, folks go 'Oh she is queer. What do you expect'?

It was Minnie Jane Hamm who taught me being a Friend was a good thing. Big Hug.

Quakes have silent Meeting. We just sit there like bumps, no liturgy, no music, no Pastor, no excuse and we wait to hear what the Spirit wants us to say. Nobody says much. For about three years, I sat next to Minnie Jane and she never said a thing. Then one First Day, she stood up - you stand to speak - no hiding in the pew - and she said:

"Is it not wonderful that we are all so Queer" 

and Minnie Jane sat down, silent again for years. Her Sister Nancy H. was my Sponsor. She saved lives. Ergo call me Nancy. She would appreciate the pun.