Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What the Teacher Saw: Baltimore Cops Created the Riot. Pass it on.

"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery."– Malcolm X
The only questions I have are:

Did they do what the Teacher describes below because they are stupid, paranoid and cowardly?

Or did they do this to make noise loud enugh to obscure and cover up their torture and murder of Freddie Gray?

I say "they" because the cops are a gang of thugs. The many act as one. The good cops cover for the bad cops. Therefore there are no good cops.
Meghann Victoria Harris

A clear narration of what my students and I just saw (and please SHARE this so people know the story): we drove into Mondawmin, knowing it was going to be a mess. I was trying to get them home before anything insane happened. The students were JUST getting out of Douglas, but before that could even happen, the police were forcing busses to stop and unload all their passengers. Then, Douglas students, in huge herds, were trying to leave on various busses but couldn't catch any because they were all shut down. No kids were yet around except about 20, who looked like they were waiting for police to do something. The cops, on the other hand, were in full riot gear marching toward any small social clique of students who looked as if they were just milling about. It looked as if there were hundreds of cops. So, me, personally, if I were a Douglas student that just got trapped in the middle of a minefield BY cops without any way to get home and completely in harm's way, I'd be ready to pop off, too.
I hope everyone's kids are getting home to them safely tonight.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Democrat Dom Costa wants to make yelling at the police a crime. Dumbass.

Wherein I sing Dom Costa a SONG.

PA Lawmaker Wants to Make it a Crime to Taunt Police Officers Because Feelings May Get Hurt

"Also taking part in today’s meathead intellectualism de jour, was former Pittsburgh Police Officer and current House member Dom Costa, who proposed that taunting cops should be a crime because feelings may be hurt and egos may be bruised. At the press conference, Costa said:
This nonsense that is going today on where police officers are being taunted by people and being provoked, lets face it we’re all human beings, and eventually that emotion will break. And that’s what they’re trying to do. So, what I’ve talked to some of my colleagues and the senator [Senator Rafferty] is that we have a bill about taunting a police dog. It’s illegal. There should be out that you can’t taunt a police officer because you’re going to get those emotions up. I myself and Representative Vereb are looking at that bill to put it forward in the House, and I am sure the Senate will follow. Or at least support that bill. - Rep. Dom Costa"
Read more about it at Raging Chicken Press - a first class Pennsylvania politics blog. 
Oink oink at you from Philly, Dom Baby. 

You know, where the cops were investigated by the FBI for not pursuing rapists.

Where the cops grab your tit while invading your home on a bogus drug bust and tell you "Too bad Lady, nobody is going to believe you." 

Where the police assaulted Rev. Clarice Harris for asking for a badge number while they were beating someone.

The Pennsylvania State Police are no better. Some of their handiwork ------------>.

Dom Costa is an Oinker. Come onna my house, Costa. Soooo Eeeee Pig Pig Pig.

Now come and get this Old Lady. Arrest me. I hope you put aside the money it is going to cost the State of PA when the ACLU comes for your ass. I am a cute Old Lady. We will make you famous.

Dumbass. I could care less you are a Democrat. I am a nonpartisan scoffer. You are a dumbass. Dumb is you, Dom.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Warm and Tender Love

The great Percy Sledge has died. Rest in Love and Music. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Donald Trump Redux at Nick's Place

There once was a blowhard named Trump
Who had a skull as thick as his rump.
But that thing on his head
That we weren't sure was dead
May've been the brains of the bunch.

by Nick Vanocur

Caricature of The Donald from FreakingNews.com. You want to go there for superb photoshop Art. 

Okay, Scotty. Show us on the doll where the big nasty Koch brothers touched you.

BuckeyeB says "The thumb marks the spot."

You think this Walker guy is juiced? Look at his eyes. Look at his puffy face. He looks higher than the birds to me. And trust me, I know about get high. Cocaine maybe? He looks anesthetized.

Guy looks higher than Steve Cantaloupe Calves King. And that is saying something.

Sydney suggests that if we listen quietly, we can hear the marbles rolling around in Walker's head. I have seriously funny friends.

I take this occasion to present a petition to the White House. Past time to regularly and randomly drug test Congress - House and Senate. And a few Governors as well. What is sauce for the Working Man must be sauce for The Suits.

Please GO HERE to sign the petition.

Arrange to randomly and regularly drug test Congress - both House and Senate.

We can see drug and alcohol impairment of several members of Congress - both House and Senate. This petition is an intervention.
Published Date: Apr 09, 2015