Thursday, April 9, 2015

Okay, Scotty. Show us on the doll where the big nasty Koch brothers touched you.

BuckeyeB says "The thumb marks the spot."

You think this Walker guy is juiced? Look at his eyes. Look at his puffy face. He looks higher than the birds to me. And trust me, I know about get high. Cocaine maybe? He looks anesthetized.

Guy looks higher than Steve Cantaloupe Calves King. And that is saying something.

Sydney suggests that if we listen quietly, we can hear the marbles rolling around in Walker's head. I have seriously funny friends.

I take this occasion to present a petition to the White House. Past time to regularly and randomly drug test Congress - House and Senate. And a few Governors as well. What is sauce for the Working Man must be sauce for The Suits.

Please GO HERE to sign the petition.

Arrange to randomly and regularly drug test Congress - both House and Senate.

We can see drug and alcohol impairment of several members of Congress - both House and Senate. This petition is an intervention.
Published Date: Apr 09, 2015