Thursday, January 26, 2017

Netherlands Yanks Trump's Chain. Laughing My Ass Off.

You laughing at our pain, you crumby Stroopwafels eaters. However, you have given Trumpus what we in America call 'the bird." And done it in the most charming way. So you are more than forgiven. You are a welcome addition to The Resistance.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Thursday, January 12, 2017

FEMENS - Grab patriarchy by the balls!

I love FEMEN. What courage

Google Adsense quit me because they consider my writing about FEMEN pornography. Ultimately the kiss-off set me free. I became more so.

FEMEN makes the most cogent statement of all. Enjoy. These women get the Balls of Steel Award.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


If you have come here for solace, boogie now. I got no Happy New Year. 

I have been grieving. I am past bargaining and into depression. Acceptance? Ask me after I have had some coffee.

I had champagne and triple cream brie on New Year's Eve. Pancakes with maple syrup and sausages New Year's Day. I am fucking old, so it takes awhile for my liver and brain and heart to get back to normal after all this fucking excitement. And there is no fucking Sun and I am wearing a blanket while I type.

Those who have been reading Real Philadelphia need to know that Ms. Norma and the kidniks are back to honeypots again. I am going to have to finish that fucking story. Walter brought me his extra cookies and a smile.

I am living large, I guess. For now. And watching the Water Protectors. Their fate - our fate. And the first glorious lines of an otherwise dreadful poem keep ringing in my mind:
The Destruction of Sennacherib
The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold,
And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold; 
Soon my Seasonal Affective Disorder will pass. I will be back to my usual trashmouth self. So it goes. Quoting Vonnegut there.

Do I have to be so political all the time even on holidays? Yes. Yes I do.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Well Dressed Marcher - The Pussy Hat Project.

Okay, we have time to make what the well dressed person will wear to the March on Washington or your local March - a PUSSY hat.

There are patterns for KNIT CROCHET SEW. Most are fast and easy because we do not have much time.


Use #pussyhat to post your hat, or the one your GrandMa or boyfriend made for you. 

Pussyhat Project was co-founded by Krista Suh and Jayna Zweiman.