Thursday, September 22, 2022

Dirty Blues Sunday #1

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche

I had no idea this genre of the Blues existed. I have always loved the Blues. I saw BB King in person from a box near the stage in Madison Square Garden. 

Now, that I know about Dirty Blues, I am going to share some of it with you.

Thomas A. Dorsey
Dirty Blues is about taboo subjects and was played only on jukeboxes. Too dirty for the airwaves. Sex and marijuana?

The Sun is finally shining. I am feeling good. I have to do something until the Bodega opens and I can get some coffee. No one had time to stop at the Reading Terminal Market.

This is Rosetta Howard from Chicago. Singing with Harlem Hamfats. Her songs are still on sale here. In the 1950s she sang with Thomas A. Dorsey at the Pilgrim Baptist Church in Chicago. Both Rosetta Howard and Harlem Hamfats transition between Swing and Blues. Jukebox music. Dancing Music.

78: Decca Sepia Series No.15. Rosetta Howard vocal, accomp. by the Harlem Hamfats

Despite their name, the "Harlem" Hamfats were a Chicago band in the 1930's whose members came from various places; for example, the McCoy brothers hailed from Mississippi, Herb Morand, John Lindsay and Odell Rand were from New Orleans and Horace Malcolm and Freddy Flynn came from Chicago. This is The Weed Smoker's Dream.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Being Neither White Nor Black

CROSS by Langston Hughes
My old man's a white old man
And my old mother's black.
If ever I cursed my white old man
I take my curses back.
If ever I cursed my black old mother
And wished she were in hell,
I'm sorry for that evil wish
And now I wish her well
My old man died in a fine big house.
My ma died in a shack.
I wonder where I'm going to die,
Being neither white nor black? 


Thursday, September 8, 2022

Sign of the Month - July 2015 - Socialist Snow

Go Bernie!  It's your birthday. Go Bernie!

Burlington Snow written for Bernie Sanders by Allen Ginsberg
Socialist snow on the streets
Socialist talk in the Maverick bookstore
Socialist kids sucking socialist lollipops
Socialist poetry in socialist mouths
—aren’t the birds frozen socialists?
Aren’t the snowclouds blocking the airfield
Social Democratic Appeasement?
Isn’t the socialist sky owned by
the socialist sun?
Earth itself socialist, forests, rivers, lakes
furry mountains, socialist salt
in oceans?
Isn’t this poem socialist? It doesn’t
belong to me anymore.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Undocumented Labor News on Labor Day

During World War II, Mexico joined the Allies to fight against Nazi Germany. The cartoon artist is Lalo Alcaraz.

Contrast and compare with now when the U.S.A. is “led” by its very own homegrown fascist.

Back in the good old days, the U.S. Office of Inter-American Affairs produced and released the propaganda flick Mexican Moods praising our new Amigos south of the border, the place where cheeto boy wants to build his wall.

Meanwhile, success for the Taco Master brings on the woes and triumphs of Capitalism and Small Businesses everywhere.

Last but not least, a box of strawberries is going to cost the earth now. Read more about migrant farm workers here. Mexicans have better things to do now at home. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Melania is a Doll

I mostly ignored former First Lady Melania Trump. I see no reason to be interested in her much less criticize her. I have seen her nude pictures and I do not mind. There are a few of my nude pictures somewhere in netland. I think maybe Melania has a hard row to hoe. Yes, that is a pun and I committed it. 

I am researching White House holiday decorations over the years. The photograph is her twitter-posted Xmas card selfie. My still small voice said "She is a Japanese Comfort Doll."

I used my magic google finger and searched Japanese comfort doll. Whoa Josephine! I do not know what to think about any of this. I will just show you some photographs. The perfect woman is always willing. Silence optional.
Zheng Jiajia, a 31-year-old artificial intelligence expert in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, created a robot which could eventually become his “lifelong partner,” South China Morning Post reported, citing Qianjiang Evening News. Read more...

This man loves his doll so much he got two more of them. Them? 
“Whatever problems I have, Mayu is always there waiting for me. I love her to bits and want to be with her forever. I can’t imagine going back to a human being. I want to be buried with her and take her to heaven.” Read more about doll love...