Friday, June 15, 2012

Pride. It is a Beautiful Thing.

Thank you Kameron Slade. I am so sorry that you were kept from delivering your Excellent Speech.

If I were this young man's Momma, I would be bursting with pride. And then I would be on that school like The Banshee. I would wail so loud the ACLU can hear me.

Thank you President Obama for standing up for the LGBTQ members of my Family and for Public Education. The Obama campaign has posted Pride 2012's cover image to their Tumbler page. You can read the magazine online in its entirety.

Update 1:
 Kameron Slade got to deliver his Awesome Speech after all.  He delivered it with Pride in front of the New York City Council.  God bless the InterNet. See the video at the link below. Go Kameron Slade and Kameron's Mom. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Continuing Adventures of Bionic Me

I have been missing, I know. It seems that I have Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. That means the last two fingers of my right hand are numb, electric shocky and not functioning. Try typing without two of your fingers. Yuck. In addition, my computer is broken. Thank God for Frankford Library and their public computers.

The good news is that my hand can be fixed and will be next Tuesday. It will, however, be even harder than it is now to type, slice good hard crusted bread and whack off. Poor me.

I will not be deterred. I have quite a few really rude things to say and I am looking forward to saying them over the next few weeks. And, old as I am, I know I can find somebody to help with the whacking off part. And eventually my computer will be repaired or replaced.

So it is all good. See you soon.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Random Thought - or - Maybe I will not finish my entry about my Ass. Well, I will, but I want to get this in.

The nuclear family is a modern invention. As social innovation, it sucks the Big Badoody. Naturally, it was the gift of wealth and the corporations after the close of WW II. The concept that the nuclear family is the ideal has done a great deal of damage to America and American children.

The best way to raise children is in an extended family: grandparents, parents, children, aunts, uncles and cousins all living together cooperatively.

IMO the idea that we should live in nuclear families is a chief cause of our epidemic of child abuse. You do not know America is suffering from child abuse of epic proportions? You have not been reading my blog. Sometimes I am funny. Sometimes I suffer and yell about it. It is my blog.

Lots of yelling below:

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Ass is Gone

There was a young maid from Madras
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think
It was grey, had long ears, and ate grass!
Those of you who have been reading my blog know that I had both my knees replaced on August 10. I am getting about now. For 8 weeks I was confined to a bed with knees the size of large cantaloupes, lots of pain, and no appetite. Do you have any idea what 8 weeks of bed confinement does to your muscles, and your Ass in particular?

I have always loved the Limerick above. And I love my Ass. Miss Angie told me "That is the biggest ass I have ever seen on a white woman."

I made a lot of money shaking my Ass. And I miss it. The Ass, not the money.

Note: This photograph is not my ass. It is Lisa Lyon's ass photographed in 1980 by Mapplethorpe.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Start Spreading the News - New York! New York!

The police must obey the law while enforcing the law. - Earl Warren

There are not enough jails, not enough police, not enough courts to enforce a law not supported by the people. - Hubert H. Humphrey

I'm not against the police; I'm just afraid of them.- Alfred Hitchcock

Thursday, November 10, 2011

SexPig City - with Update 1

Once you have spent time in SexPig City as I have, the real world never looks quite the same again. You develop a kind of sexpig radar. I raved away about Tony Baloney and the video of Baloney macing women for shitz and giggles here.

And I was starting to feel that maybe I overreacted a wee bit. Then I saw this video and I read this excellent diary by Horace Boothroyd III, a citizen journalist and an OWS hero. In the diary's comments, Horace and others comment on how often those beaten by the police are women. A comment was made that cops are cowards. Some cops may indeed be cowards. But I think an equally primal need is being satisfied.

Cowardice has nothing to do with it. The Man has a woody and he is getting it off. Same as Tony Baloney.

And I think a euphonious name for this paraphilia (sexual perversion or fetish) needs to be coined. A thing may exist but be invisible until named. I dub this perversion peculiar to The Man "woodywhacking." As in: "Man, I woodywhacked that peace sign woman so good I came in my dark blue pants."

Update 1.

NO! I am not psychic. Just well acquainted with SexPigs. Now The Man is stripping women naked for shytz and giggles.

There were three people dressed in tents. Two were men and one was a woman. It was the woman they chose to disrobe. They woodywhacked her so good.  So how long is immunity from sexual assault going to be a perk of the job?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sign Up and Push Back

Crooks and Liars has an excellent article and video about resisting Forced Birther terrorists. A very smart man has shown us the way and it is nonviolent and effective. And  YOU CAN HELP.

Sign up to volunteer and push back! It is easy. It is nonviolent. Your fellow women will Thank You. 

Rachel Maddow talked to Todd Stave who created Voice of Choice to push back at the vicious harassment he received for just being a landlord to an abortion provider.

Anti-abortion protesters target clinic’s landlord outside child’s Md. school.

A brief excerpt from the article:
This was an extremely refreshing change of pace from the usual stories we hear about abortion providers being harassed, bullied and threatened by these so-called "pro-life" groups who are always terribly concerned about inserting themselves into women's reproductive health and the rights of the unborn, but not so terribly concerned about what happens to any child after they're born. After that, you're on your own and you'd better be ready to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.
You can read more about his group here --

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A message from Occupy Wall Street at Oakland and a brief word from Abbie Hoffmann

Poster by R. Black

You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists.  - Abbie Hoffman

Tikkun (July-August 1989); also quoted in The Best Liberal Quotes Ever : Why the Left is Right (2004) by William P. Martin, p. 51.

More Occupy Art can be found here: