Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Cher Readers - Announcement

Google has backed down from their new Net Censor mode. Yes!


I have been told by google that if I have graphic nudity on my blog, my blog will be marked PRIVATE whether I like it or not.

That means you cannot read or post here unless I put your screen name on a list of regular readers. Evidently you would have an extra step to access the blog. You will get an 'adult content warning.'

If the nudity is for educational purposes, it is kool evidently. Is Mapplethorpe educational or cultural?

EVIDENTLY TOADYS AND PEARL CLUTCHERS CAN REPORT ME. I would like to keep my PUBLIC status. I might have to take down the cock pictures.

I am not sure what to do to preserve my blog as it is. If there are more sophisticated NET consumers than me, and that is not hard, please give me any ideas about how to deal with this. Do I need my own domain to preserve content and ease of access?

Adult content policy on Blogger

Starting March 23, 2015, you won't be able to publicly share images and video that are sexually explicit or show graphic nudity on Blogger.
Note: We’ll still allow nudity if the content offers a substantial public benefit, for example in artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts.

Changes you’ll see to your existing blogs

If your existing blog doesn’t have any sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video on it, you won’t notice any changes.
If your existing blog does have sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video, your blog will be made private after March 23, 2015. No content will be deleted, but private content can only be seen by the owner or admins of the blog and the people who the owner has shared the blog with.

Settings you can update for existing blogs

If your blog was created before March 23, 2015, and contains content that violates our new policy, you have a few options for changing your blog before the new policy starts:
If you’d rather take your blog down altogether, you can export your blog as a .xml file or archive your blog's text and images using Google Takeout.

Effect on new blogs

For any blogs created after March 23, 2015, we may remove the blog or take other action if it includes content that is sexually explicit or shows graphic nudity as explained in our content policy.

Monday, February 23, 2015

I am coming out of my closet. I have a role in this video.

This video is one of the funniest things my friend Beefy has done. Our scene is extemporaneous. We created it on the spot in my back yard and my parlor.

Beefy is a comedy genius and it was an honor to work with him. This is what a genius can do with no money. Imagine what he could do if he had some bucks.

This underground video sold like condoms in Philly. I thought I hated rap. I did not understand it. Some superior poetry in these raps.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sign of the Month - February 2015

Turkish men have donned miniskirts to denounce violence against women at a protest in Istanbul after a 20-year-old student was beaten to death after trying to fight off a man assaulting her. Video at the link above.

I respect men who love and protect women. For more photographs of these amazing men go HERE. 

Tanrı bu adamları korusun. God bless them just standing there in their socks. If my Turkish is poor, cher Readers, please correct me.

See more at: https://twitter.com/hashtag/ozgecanicinminietekgiy

The Men's Mini Skirt Action

Saturday, February 21, 2015

World Food Day Posters 2014

Congratulations to the winners of World Food Day Poster Contest 2014 entitled ‘Family Farming’.

I present my favorite posters  because the children's art is so amazing and energizing. 

Go to the link to see all the posters in the contest and the names of the artists and their ages. You can also find out how to enter your child or your class in next year's contest. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Paying attention this time, Hillary? Big Dog and the Repubs did this. - UPDATE

UPDATE: Hillary needs to do something about economic populism and it seems she knows it.

Hillary Clinton Had A Private Meeting With Elizabeth Warren
"... and if you want to improve, you have to recognize where you are. We live in a white patriarchal society and if you are a woman, a child or a minority, you are fucked." - Bob Earll
"Too many women are forced to abort by poverty, by their menfolk, by their parents ... A choice is only possible if there are genuine alternatives." - Germaine Greer:
You can buy the cartoon below on a Tshirt. Barry Deutsch is the artist.

We’re Arresting Poor Mothers for Our Own Failures

You’ve probably heard the name Shanesha Taylor at this point. She’s the Arizona mother who was arrested for leaving her children in the car while she went to a job interview. 

In the mid-1990s, President Clinton signed welfare reform legislation into law that changed welfare in America profoundly. One of the major changes welfare reform brought about was the work requirement. Now, even women with young children were required to be working, or looking for work, in order to receive benefits. In a radio address after signing the bill, Clinton promised that if poor people went to work, “we will protect the guarantees of health care, nutrition, and child care, all of which are critical to helping families move from welfare to work.” THAT SUPPORT NEVER MATERIALIZED. 
Read more at The Nation. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

So glad I voted for Tom Wolf. Way to go, Governor!

“The State is not God. It has not the right to take away what it cannot restore when it wants to.”
- Anton Chekhov
Governor Tom Wolf expanded Medicaid in our State. I cheered. That makes a big difference in my daughter's life and the lives of many young people just starting out in life.

So, I was congratulating myself for voting for him. 

And then I read the article below and I got even more proud that I had the good sense to vote for this good thoughtful man. The American Civil Liberties Union position on the death penalty can be read HERE. 

Courthouse News Service
Execution Moratorium Imposed in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania's newly elected governor imposed a moratorium on the state's death penalty Friday, declaring it "anything but infallible."
Governor Tom Wolf's decision surprised many in the state capital of Harrisburg, as capital punishment had not been an issue in his 2014 gubernatorial campaign to unseat the incumbent Tom Corbett. In fact, his campaign website, which is still active, focuses mainly on the state's economy, job creation and education.
Wolf said as currently wielded, the state's capital sentencing system is "riddled with flaws, making it error prone, expensive and anything but infallible." He said the moratorium will remain in effect at least until he receives a report from a legislative commission that has been created to study the administration of the death penalty in the state since 2011.
Read more HERE...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

STFU Star Parker. Just STFU right now. - Asshats on Parade

"I will kill your Sisters." My Stepfather on my 13th birthday. Little did I know they were told the same thing.
- 21 Men Holding Signs Quoting Their Rapists. 
After rape, men commonly insert foreign objects into the vagina: sticks, sand, rocks, knives, burning wood or charcoal, or molten plastic made by melting shopping bags. Killing the rape victim by firing a handgun or rifle inserted in the vagina is a common practice; some victims have survived.
Mass Rape in the Congo by Ann Jones

Star Parker asserts that a spoken sentence about the history of religious terrorism is the same as rape of a person with a penis or a broken bottle or a gun.

A sentence uttered, however much it may discomfort one, is not a violent crime. Only rape is rape.

Is it important to say here that I am a Christian? Maybe. This woman claims to speak for Christians. I hope I make it clear she does not speak for me.

I am getting really tired of Authoritarians of the religious and secular persuasion who trivialize rape. And then set out to stick things up my vagina for Jesus, family values, my fetus and the American Way. Tired down to the ground.

I am a rape survivor. Only rape is rape.

I am weary of extremists - whatever their ethnic, political, sexual or religious persuasion. Helpless anger is the feeling I get. I do not like feeling this way. I am writing about my issues. I tweeted this woman a link to this article. It is not enough.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Ties that Bind Us

Thirty years ago women focused on equality in U.S. church and society. Today that expectation remains largely unfulfilled around the world.
The institutional Roman Catholic Church is widely seen as the epitome of male privilege run amok, covering up some of its leaders’ criminal sexual behavior and illegal financial dealings by focusing on the perceived shortcomings of women.
I fear this current discussion of women, and even the seemingly helpful efforts to eradicate sex trafficking that are being discussed in Rome this week may be more smokescreens than picture windows. I long to be proven wrong. - Mary E. Hunt
Venere Restaurata - Man Ray
The quote above is the closing paragraph in Mary E. Hunt's article Vatican Council on Women Would Be Funny Were It Not So Insulting. The article is a thoughtful analysis worth reading. I think I can support her scepticism graphically.

The Pontifical Council for Culture in Rome, presided over by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi and made up of cardinals and bishops who are all men, discussed “Women’s Cultures: Equality and Difference” from February 4-7, 2015. The council chose Man Ray’s Venus Restored 1936 as the cover illustration for its study document in preparation for the meeting. 

Mary Hunt is a respectable lady and I am not sure she would feel comfortable being quoted in Plum Land. Hat tip from me but no apology. I am underscoring her sense of the absurdity of it all. Not one woman was allowed to speak at that council. 

Tell me, Cher Reader, would you illustrate the cover of a conference on say Men's Cultures: Equality and Difference with this image? And then not allow men to speak about their reactions to such? You think that might cause a wee problem?

At least this image has arms and some fooking clothes on. How tone deaf is the Roman Catholic hierarchy? Catholic women are the church. Why do these celibate men disrespect and marginalize us? What revolting narcissism. 

Bound Man (Hombre atado)

Mexico, 1930
Woodcut on colored tissue paper
The Bernard and Edith Lewin Collection of Mexican Art

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Vaginal Probe Keychain - Magic Google Finger

My friend rg9rts coined the phrase 'vaginal probe keychain.' I never heard of such. I asked what it was. Rg9rts allowed as how it was made up. So creative. We were discussing the War on Women.

I thought it was a euphonious phrase, so I googled it. I did that once before with interesting results. This is the result of my google, The best attributions I can find are below or on the images.:


During the height of last year’s outcry over the GOP’s “War on Women,” transvaginal probes became one of the most recognizable symbols of the Republican Party’s overreaching anti-abortion policies. Particularly when Virginia pushed forward with a controversial measure to require all women seeking abortions to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound, women’s health advocates decried the practice as “state-sponsored rape.” Read more at Think Progress.
I do not mean to diss those who enjoy electro sex. It is a shame that the dirty filthy GOP taints all that is good and creative. You can get the bumper sticker below for $1.00 American.

Monday, January 26, 2015

I have viciously funny friends.

Re: Snowmageddon in Philadelphia - 
Coming Soon! 8-13 inches!

Nick Vanocur

On the bright side, it will be harder for police to shoot people in a blizzard.

White people.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Barry Goldwater warned us about these Mofos.

"Secular theocracy" is a bad thing says Mike Huckabee. I guess Huckabee was asleep in English class and missed the lesson on oxymorons.

Secular theocracy is a Frank Luntzian phrase - makes you sound smart to others - unless the others are smart. I want my POTUS to be smarter than me Huckabee. Epic fail.
“In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814
Huckabee is the guy who told me I have a bad character for wanting birth control covered by my medical insurance. HuckaJesus said good women with self control do not need "Uncle Sugar." In other words, he called me a slut and a prostitute because I do not have the same political and religious opinion he has. Religious authoritarians have very high standards - for others. I would rip his face off for a nickel. 

The Republican Conservative Barry Goldwater said this about folks like the Hucksterbee. Where are the sane Republicans? Come back, come back. Maybe they are all dead?
"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.
The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom.... I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are?... I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of conservatism."
- Barry Goldwater, (1909–1998), five-term US Senator, Republican Party nominee for President in 1964*, Maj. Gen., US Air Force Reserves, author of The Conscience of a Conservative.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Baby in a Blender

I think that Abortion Zealots are disordered. And I make that perfectly clear HERE.

I like to keep up with what is going on in the body politic. So I read and post to discussions on the Net. I found this GEM of a comment on a Rolling Stone article about abortion:
Zealot:  Using machines to go into the body and terminate a function the body was already doing isn't really "respecting the body". And thats not even mentioning how DISrespectful it is to the baby in the blender.
This comment is FetusPorn. Baby in a blender? Woman as blender and abortion as whirling blender blades? Shudder. Here is another sadistic comment showed up recently in an abortion discussion. I am collecting them.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ....Pay for your own uterus scraping 
 Zealots say these things because they care. The issue is how they care. Should these sadistic trolls be free to harass women on American street corners at will? I mean, who else do you think is outside those clinics.
Both studies revealed similar patterns of relations between trolling and the Dark Tetrad of personality: trolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both enjoyment ratings and identity scores. Of all personality measures, sadism showed the most robust associations with trolling and, importantly, the relationship was specific to trolling behavior. Enjoyment of other online activities, such as chatting and debating, was unrelated to sadism. Thus cyber-trolling appears to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism.  - Trolls Just Want to Have Fun
Look at the rest of the language: "machines go into the body." This person is a sexual freak. It has a rich full fantasy life. Now, the questions I ask myself when I encounter one of these freaks on a message board are:

How far does its madness go? Is its madness confined to keeping the KY and Kleenex there by the computer, so it can whackoff neatly when it types "machines go into the body?" Is it a fan of anime porn only? Or is it an arsonist, assassin, bomber and/or a child molester?

The most poignant delusion this Zealot Freak exhibits is its delusion that It will be seen as caring and moral.

You know what really frosts my cookies? In the Insane Morality Play that is internet "civility censorship," my comments you have just read got sent to "moderation." The Freaks comments sailed right on through. Oh Rolling Stone. How the mighty have fallen. So it goes.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Black Gold and Arkansas - UPDATE Aerial View

Renewed Keystone XL legislation made me want to revisit this event. I wrote this April 1 2013. A lot has happened since then.

A woman named Jane Cleeb and a lot of Nebraska farmers have been kicking ass and taking names. I hope the recent approval of the pipeline by the House of Representatives and the Nebraska Supreme Court do not discourage them.

A ruptured oil pipeline destroys a very nice neighborhood. This tar sands stuff does not dissolve and it stinks bad. The oil is corrosive and full of chemicals so it dissolves the pipes. These folks did not know about the pipeline when they bought their houses.

Imagine this crap in the waterways and the Ogallala Aquifer. There is still a coating of oil and chemicals on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico from the BP spill.

You are looking at your future if they build this pipeline. At the time of this writing, Exxon submitted a Bill to the AK legislature that says Exxon does not have to pay you if they destroy your home and neighborhood by spill. How long are we going to allow Corporations to privatize all the profits and socialize the pollution and mistakes?



The links above will take you to slide shows of the Mayflower Spill. As I looked at all the photographs of the cleanup, the still small voice asked me "Where are they putting the cleanup trash?" I did not like what I heard my self answer "Remember Love Canal?"

This guy has it right.

Cabu was assassinated at Charlie Hebdo - Sign of the Month - January 2015

Cabu was born in 1938 and had been doing political cartooning for more than 40 years. Some of his work is below. The cartoons do not require translation. We can see his lifelong dedication to peace on Earth and his hatred of violence. Rest in peace and honor. 

True. This! —
Beneath the rule of men entirely great
The pen is mightier than the sword.
The arch-enchanters wand! — itself is nothing! —
But taking sorcery from the master-hand
To paralyse the Cæsars, and to strike
The loud earth breathless! —
Take away the sword —
States can be saved without it!
- Edward Bulwer Lytton

Sunday, January 11, 2015

SUCK-A-BEE! He is running for President. Lucky us.

Okay. I am awake. I have my coffee and some doggerel in progress. Anybody who wants to help with my song, just chime in and write a verse.
Or fix a line in my lyrics. This poem writing shit is not easy even if it is only doggerel.
He's oozing all over me.
Fat right winger on a spree,
Peddling God for the GOP.
Calling me 'slut' for a fee,
To takeThe Pill from me,
Peddling shame and eternity.
Left FUX Snooze TV,
To run for the Presidency
An act of cupidity.
Just ignore the crucifix in the parlor.
Suckabuck sells Jesus for the dollar. 
I am not taken in by Mike Huckabee's good ole country boy persona. Why do I despise him you may well ask. Barry Goldwater says it best:
On religious issues there can be little or no compromise. There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly.
The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both.
I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C" and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me?
And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism."
Speech in the US Senate (16 September 1981)
This poster came from BartCop. You want to go there if you enjoy first rate political barbecue.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Je suis Charlie

“The moment you say that any idea system is sacred, whether it’s a religious belief system or a secular ideology, the moment you declare a set of ideas to be immune from criticism, satire, derision, or contempt, freedom of thought becomes impossible."
― Salman Rushdie
[Defend the right to be offended (open Democracy, 7 February 2005)]” 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Texas Toast at Nick's Place

There once was a man named Perry
Of whom we better be wary.
What he did to our rights
Sure heightened our frights.
A presidency sure would be scary.

- Nick Vanocur

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Legal Scholar Wants to 'Rescue' your Fetus.

Stay far away from people who claim they want to do things for you. Like this guy. Download a copy of his entire paper at the link.

Poster by Favianna Rodriguez.:
Does the Right to Elective Abortion Include the Right to Ensure the Death of the Fetus? - Stephen G. Gilles Quinnipiac University School of Law January 2, 2015

Is the right to an elective abortion limited to terminating the woman’s pregnancy, or does it also include the right to ensure the death of the fetus? Important as this question is in principle, in today’s world the conduct that would squarely raise it cannot occur in practice. The right to elective abortion applies only to fetuses that are not viable, which by definition means that they have been determined to have no realistic chance of surviving outside the uterus. Even if abortion providers used fetus-sparing methods rather than the fetus-killing methods they currently prefer, pre-viable fetuses would die within minutes. In the not-so-distant future, however, new artificial-womb technologies may make this question an urgent one by enabling pre-viable aborted fetuses to survive to full term if a fetus-sparing abortion method is used. Moreover, whether a woman has the right to ensure the death of her fetus may already have important implications for state laws that regulate the destruction or indefinite non-gestation of cryopreserved embryos.

The subject, therefore, is well worth exploring, both as a matter of constitutional principle and for its present and possible future legal ramifications. To do so, this Article analyzes hypothetical state legislation enacted in the wake of two technological breakthroughs that may occur in the coming decades: (1) improved surgical techniques that enable fetuses to be removed alive from their mothers’ wombs at any stage of gestation; and (2) artificial wombs in which these fetuses can be gestated to term. The Article assumes that these dual technologies (which I refer to as “AW”) will be safe for women, not prohibitively expensive, and reasonably effective: many pre-viable fetuses would survive fetus-sparing abortions and successfully be gestated to full term in an artificial womb. The Article then supposes that a state enacts legislation prohibiting fetus-killing abortion methods and providing AW at state expense to any woman who chooses to terminate her pregnancy. 
We do not know how gestation of a fetus outside a human being's body will effect the mental health and emotions of said fetus. The effects could be profound on both Woman and Fetus/Child. Only a psychopath thinks human emotion is a thing to be ignored.

All of this 'prolife' theory is designed to take women's power and potency from them and to put women back into the box we were in before suffrage in 1920. Women have had human rights in the US for 100 years - the lifetime of one woman.

My ova, my fetuses, my womb and my body and its contents belong to/with me and my family. I am not owned by the State or other people. This is Nazi stuff. The quote below from Ernst Rudin known as one of the founders of 'racial hygiene.'
Whoever is not physically or mentally fit must not pass on his defects to his children. The state must take care that only the fit produce children. Conversely, it must be regarded as reprehensible to withhold healthy children from the State.
My question is: what is the State going to do with these 'rescued' children? What are they going to do with the 'unhealthy' children? Never forget Tuam. It was Catholics and the State that did Tuam. Maybe death is superior than sale or donation to the State.

Children at Auschwitz