Thursday, June 15, 2017

Melancholia Agitata

Melancholia Agitata is what I am suffering through used to be called. I cannot sleep. I am voraciously restless and living in a well of darkness at once. I have been through this before. It ruins my relationships, my work, everything goes kablooey. I never know when it is going to happen. I lost jobs. I lost people. I lost homes.

I will get to talk to Lady Shrink today in the afternoon and that is good.

I do not want to scare anybody. This is not a complaint. It is just a description. I am out of the closet with my crazy. More than anything I want to be understood. It has taken me years to come to terms with my illness. I preferred for a long time to think of myself as bad. You can do something about bad. What can you do with nutz?

A good thing to read if you know somebody like me is Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament by the American psychologist Kay Redfield Jamison. She examines the relationship between bipolar disorder and artistic creativity. 

A study was done which looked at 12 successful Comedians. The parameters were 1. actively working and 2. had earnings of at least $500,000.00 per year. All 12 were Bipolar Bunnies like me. I would give you a link but I am too manic to find the reference right now. 

I am grateful I do not get drunk over this crap and fuck 50 people anymore. Mostly because now that I am older than dirt getting drunk like I used to would kill me for sure. Thank you AA. Lady Shrink told me that 80% of clients presenting with drug addiction are self medicating for a mental disorder.

Peace to everyone especially me. I love you all, my friends. That I write this means I am better than I was.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Resistance Signs of the Month - June 2017

Choose the one you like the best. Can you guess which sign is from Poland? Resist!

There will be some changes made.

I think I am back. Physical pain is gone. Still mourning. I am doing a complete reorganization of my life and my goals. Thank you to all who have been with me on my journey in blogland. It has been years now. Cher Readers, you have made a difference in this introverted maniac's life. 

I apologize to friends who asked me to write them for not writing them. When I said I CANNOT TALK, I meant literally could not communicate in some ways. I have always had a lot to say. I just cannot/could not make intimate conversation. I have never experienced anything like this before. Tears are on my face as I write this. I hope my despair is gone now for good. Peace.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Cher Readers

I cannot talk. I can post like a madwoman on twitter but I just do not know what to say. I am low and going 120 miles an hour on a bad road.

I am dealing with an auto death, suicide of a young person who hung in the Blazement with my kids, recurrence of sciatic pain with consequent medical adventures and the election. My government is aiming to kill me. I am in the midst of agitated depression. Tell me what is happening in your world.

I will be back. I am resting.

Meanwhile, my Black Adopted Sister (her description) asked me to say this because she just cannot go near her computer:

To Donald John Trump: This is the United States of America. We do not jump at your demands and we will not bend over and kiss your behind. There are laws in place to keep you in check. We have had enough. In your famous words, YOU ARE FIRED.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Pull My Finger

This is a World Billionaire's Coup we are enduring. There is a persistent myth that Rich equals Smart. Laughing.

Milo Yiannopoulos is a Billionaire's idea of who/what an Alpha Faggot looks like. Billionaires are using 'psychology' on us. It is news that Koch brothers financing Milo? Maybe to less depraved members of the blogosphere, not to me. "The Liberals are really the intolerant ones" argument is oldschool wingnut. 

I know that Russian poopoo filthy sextape is coming. I believe that sextape is coming. I know that my redeemer liveth. Hallelujah. Putin's prank in front of world. I knew a Trump presidency would be bad, but what a revolting series of events this is.

I was doing fine. I was only dealing with February doldrums. Then I got the new brace that is supposed to help me walk better. Gave me sciatica on the other side of my body. Hurts. Then I got the Traveling Flu that starts in your back then does every organ system in your body. I am finally feeling better. I just saw all the messages and kittens. Thank you, my friends. I am mending.

Art by Buddy McCue.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Sign of the Month - February 2017

February is a tough month for me. No light. The cold, the slippery icy sidewalks and the wind keep me indoors. I get depressed. 

I am so off my feed that the month is almost over and no sign(s). So this month, I am providing just one sign but this sign won the internet. Enjoy. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Message from 1968 - Smothers Brothers

All things are wearisome; Man is not able to tell it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, Nor is the ear filled with hearing. That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one might say, "See this, it is new? " Already it has existed for ages Which were before us. - Ecclesiastes

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Cheeto, you have your words and we have our brains and humor.

Laughter is mightier than the pen and the sword. I am looking at you, Trump.
Let's not punch Nazis, people. That's playing into their hands. Let's mock them instead. Laugh at them. Make fun of them. Nothing makes their little penises shrivel right up like abject humiliation. Nothing gets their quivering little insecurities flaring into an inchoate roar that reveals their inner Psychopathic Asshole Who Scares the Fuck Out of Everybody like being the object of well-earned derisive guffaws. Just think of how Alec Baldwin's SNL portrayals send Lord Cheetomort into paroxysms of unrequited wrath. - David Neiwert
First Clip: British actor Peter Serafinowicz, who is perhaps best known as the voice of Darth Maul or as the zombie in Shaun Of The Dead.

Second Clip: YouTube comedian Vic Berger’s Super Deluxe channel today posted a compilation of Trump’s insane tweets sung in the style of an “early 2000s emo band.”